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Gunnar's DK Outdoor Grow 08

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esbe said:
mission corn field job well done! i dreamt of you bro! happy you do the rd seeds, needs a lil selection i think.

tnx for the thoughts Esbe.
i must admit i had a little bad feeling when leaving home with all those plants under a carpet in my backseat since i saw a police car a little earlier when driving home from my girlfriend, and also near the first spot where i saw a police car parked with lights on a smaller road, probably checking out some domestic fight as theres normally not much police in my area, although they patrol here sometimes at night looking for burglers and drunk drivers.
theres not many cars on the road that time of night and so if you meet a police car theres a big chance they wanna check you out for drunk driving.

once i got to the first corn field there was no ther cars in the area.
i took me box with plants, my small light ( which i didnt use anyway) and my plant fork and hurried into the corn.
once i started removing corn and replanting i got caught with exitement and time flew by.
a little after 3 Am it was slowly getting day again and i still need to plant the last spot.
still in euforia i decided to do it even though i was slowly starting to loose the cover of darkness, but once there the corn was so high i was hidden once on my kness working, so i only had to make sure not to be seen entering and exiting the corn.
there was a farm house nearby with somewhat visibility to the corn but after having moved myself a little the view from the house was blocked by a tree and i was able to to the last part and go home and get some needed sleep ( ofcourse not until my euforia after the "mission" was going down after having made a small text update.

i wasnt counting precise but i think i planted 60 of out a total of 200+ plants so theres still some to go, but i have a friend to help me next time.
he has no problem sacrificing some sleep.
especialy when i tell him i probably have some weed to spare for the inconvinience :)

i know i said "open pollination" but with some kind of control on the main goals:
Potency and Earliness

the most simple way for me to do that since ill only visit them at night at this time and only daytime once the corn gets tall enough, would be to select 1-3 males for earliness and kill the rest.
Those 2 will ofcourse pollinate all the females but ill select those females with most visible trichs or very vigorous growth.
only seeds from those selected females will be used in further breeding.

i would prefer to call that " controlled open pollination".

I thank all of you for the nice words and advice.
i hope most of the spots make it and gives many good seeds and some trim for hash making also.
i have high hopes for the corn spots as the plants, once in there, are well hidden, and cops dont use helicopters for cannabis hunt in the fall in this part of the country.
corn here are breed for cattle feed and they mature it properly before harvesting it normally from start to medium October.
most often its medium October but last year it was start October due to a forced harvest due to bad weather giving muddy fields and once they had a few days without rain they rushed the harvesting.

RD and DP should finish with ripe seeds with no problems.
not being sure of Leb27 and ERxDP they have been moved to the more unsecure forrests plots.
RD x ERxDP cross is no problem for corn as im only relying on the ERxDP males.
removing the RD males the RD females will mature with the seeds, so no big disaster if the ERxDP females dont mature in the corn as i still have a forrest spot planned with pure ERxDP, and the RD females with the ERxDP pollen will mature for sure.
Afghans in forrest for sure

im more worried about the forrest spots as wood workers and deers are great canna enemies, eventhough ive tryied to bring the danger down by using fenced in parts of the forrests.
they often fence in areas with young trees to protect them from dears.
my hope is that the woord workers let the small tress take care of themselfs and dont check on them too often.


hehe doing it big as always gunnar :wave: like this tread a lot, i hope u keep it going, and im looking forward to see how all your stuff goes!

Best wishes, and good luck!


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tnx for all the nice comments and heads up.
i cant guarantee for regular updates as i get much on my hands in periods, but i can guarantee that pix will be there sooner or later.

ill update with pix from my own garden soon as plants has grown some since last pix was taken.
They are all getting taller and bushier.
But they all had to endure some heavy "torture" with airy soil with added compost and lotsa fertilizers and it seems like the pain they must have endured is starting to pay off
most of them where outdoors covered with plastic domes around may the first, but even the plastic domes couldnt keep frost out completely, so they they where stunned by frost at first, but now the ladies have to work there lazy asses of and gain the lost growth and it seems like they finally are beginning to understand that :)

found great variation in the Oldfarmer
Nepal and others, but pix is better for showing so stay tuned.

the "Children of the Corn" guerrilla grow will have to wait a little with updates as im waiting for the corn to get taller for daylight pix.

'Stay safe and green

going out to night for another mission as it takes some time to get them in these fields, but i hope that the loss of sleep will be compensated at harvest time.
hoping to get the last corn plants out to night so i only still needs the later forest strains and ill be able to do those in the weekend at latest.
just started my own small company as a craftsman so normal working hours are long enough already.


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taken a few days ago


first Danish Passion, then Hazed EdrPurT and hiding behind is 3 Afghans


first 2 Leb27 x HK and then 2 Big Bud


2 medium sized Royal Danes, then 1 smaller one and by the fence its a Lebanon27




Oldfarmer Nepal
had 12 sprouting
removed 2 males and cut 2 males small as i need them later for cloning.


Leb27/Bubblegum x ErdPurT
These are the biggest ones from the newest plantet
its 175 cm on the pic
to day its 185 cm.
beautiful x-mas shape


these are the ones that went AF in the indoor grow room and then moved outside
infront to the right its Deep Chunk x Erocket/Danish Passion.
the others are Erocket Danish Passion
funny things about these plants is that i harvested one that was ready and the others needed a week or more before harvest, then suddenly they all went back to growth again.
Cheated me out of an early harvest but they will yield a lot more now once they stopped growing and is ready for harvest again.


these are also from the indoor grow room, moved because they went AF.
to the left its Lebanon 27.
they were ready for harvest when moved outside at first, but they where too poor looking so i left them and they have now fully went back to growth
the others are royal danes and a singel Hazed ErdPurT that i harvested tops from but lower buds werent finished.
theyr lower branches are now also fully back to growth


again its Erocket/danish passion and Deep chunk x Erocket/danish passion and to the far rights its an Leb27xBubblegum x ErdPurt


Oldfarmer Nepal




need a say more?


a peak inside my grow room ( update is coming soon)

pix from today


all the lovely ladies under the cherry tree


beauties under the cherry
the tallest of the lot
the Leb27/BG x Edrpurt
185 cm and still reaching for the sky!


i actually didnt hide between all this "illegal plants" by my self.
my daddy forced me into this ;)

stay tuned for more updates
and in the meantime;
Stay safe and stay green


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heres an update from today
they are growing so fast and beautifully that i couldn't resist bringing the camera on my inspection.


these below are Oldfarmer Nepal
i plan to use them for an exotic cross with either Nepalese Highland or Nepalese Jam from ACE, or maybe a cross onto both of them.


1. Bushy pheno


2 Early pheno


3 BIG pheno


the rest of them are all looking like the big pheno, just smaller

there where 4 males out of 12 seeds
2 i give to my rabbit, who loves to eat cannabis, and i selected 2 males for clones and cut them a lot down.
one bushy pheno and one early pheno



Leb24xBubblegum x Erdpurt
she is just passing the 2 m mark now.
15 cm growth since last update 2 days ago!


Deep Chunk x ErocketxDanish Passion
it was 6 apr weeks into flower and coated with when i moved it outside but then it decided to go back to growth again.


Erocket x Danish passion.
same story as above



First row its Danish passion visible, behind theres one Hazed erdpurt and 3 afghans
Middle row its HKxLeb27. notice one is missing. i promised my dad in law a nice plant for his greenhouse so i gave him a "nice" one that will fill most of it ;)
Left is Royal danes and behind one Lebanon27
they better shape up and start growing some more or they will be in shadow from the hkxleb27 on one side and the Oldfarmer nepalese on the other.


the Leb27xBubblegum x Erdpurt again with oldfarmer nepal bushy pheno


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Guerrilla update
Children of the corn and forest

this night i drove to my guerrilla spots and feed them slow releasing pellet fertilizer and nutrient water

the soil in the forrest plot is not enrichet with my own soil.
forest soil is solid and full with roots.
didnt have time to dig large holes and use my own soil so im relying on added nutrients only.

all the plants have been in small pots and got transplanted out in a period of 1-2 weeks ago.
soil in cornfields is much better.
no need to use own soil there as it would be adviced to do in forest spots.
Corn field soil just need a little extra nutrients even though its already fertilized to some degree by the farmer.

my plan was also to visit and fertilize Field of Thyphoons and Field of danes and rockets, but i had same problems finding the Thyphoon spot in the corn and it was getting daylight so i was visible from a nearby farmhouse, sp these spots have to wait with the others.

First i visited
Field of Danes
Royal Danes in 2 spots in same field
50 plants i total i think





then i visited my forest spot with apr 50 afghans in different small spots in the same fenced in deer free area
Field of Afghans




heres Field of Lebanese ( lebanon 27 aka leb27) 14 plants or so
i ran out of pellet fertilizer in the Afghan forest spot, so these where only given fertilized water.


a tip on guerrilla spots in corn
be very careful to find a spot that marks the direction into the spot and count the rows, otherwise the can be damn tricky and time consuming to find again :)

next update will be with the missing fields from to night and the remaining ones
until then:
Stay safe and green


ser godt ud gunnar. Er det godt at plante ind på marken sammen med det andet ? Tænkte mere på, bondemanden kunne jo komme forbi og spraye skidtet og se der er noget galt, eller høste før dine er væk, eller... ja noget :D Har jo ikke selv lige haft guerrilla grows før :)


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Jeg kan kun varmt anbefale majsmarker som Guerrilla grow.
jorden er i modsætning til feks skove, dejlig luftig og let at arbejde med, og så er den forgødet.

majsen skjuler canna perfekt og sprøjning af marker sker kun i starten, dernæst kvæler majsen selv ukrudt.

jeg kom sent ud i majsen i år i forhold til planlagt, men aht til pesticider kan man udplante allerede fra midt juni hvis man bare lige skraber det øverste jordlag væk omkring planten, da dette indeholder pesticresterne fra den tidlige sprøjtning.

bare man satser på tidlige sorter der er færdige før 1. oktober så kan jeg faktisk ikke finde på mere egnede GG steder end i en majsmark.

næste år vil jeg dog satse på kun en eller 2 sorter, så kan jeg udnytte markerne mere effektivt da jeg ikke skal have så stor karantæne afstand pga muligheden for bestøvning fra fremmede sorter.

jeg har vel ca 200+ ude i år på 7 forskellige majssteder og en sted i en skov.

næste år bliver det et 500+ grow med max 2 forskellige sorter fordelt på 2-3 marker for at gøre det lidt lettere.

jeg laver frø på alle stederne i år, så regner med at have frø til langt frem i tiden.

det ene sted har jeg både Royal danes og Erocket/DP og det blir nok dem jeg satser på til næste år.
skulle både blive et tidligt og potent kryds, så det bliver nok dem jeg satser på til sensimella, men kunne også godt forestille mig et sativa kryds også til brug 2010.
en dansk tilpasset fortrinsvis sativa tilsat en exotisk sativa

den danske kunne feks være DP, thyphoon, oldfarmer nepal eller lignende,
måske også en mere indica domineret som feks Royal dane, Early dane osv blandet med feks blueberry, ww, white russian, fat russian eller lignende.

vi får se, meget kan jo ændres inden da.


Det lyder sku godt gunnar, så vil jeg da se om jeg kan finde nogle fortrinelige steder til GG næste år, og så få samlet lidt frø sammen, ikke det store der skal gøres, men så er man jo i gang der også ;) Takker for infoen


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Unbelievable growth the last few days!
i watered the plants with a nutrient solution just before the heatwave and now nothing can stop them.

more are closing in and passing the 2 meter mark now

tallest is the Leb27/Bubblegum x EdrPurT
last update it was 197 cm, now its 207 cm
a big bud is also close to 2 meters now.



the oldfarmer Nepal BIG pheno is now 202 cm and keeps making fun of my fence lacking ability to keep her and her sisters private

Outdoor SOG
newest added in black buckets is Fat Russians by Crazy X seeds ( white Russian x Chronic)
i just cant stop the growing ones i start :)

i have lots more pix but no time to post them but they will be added later.

small guerrilla update ( no pix sorry)
most of the spots have been feed nutrient water and slow releasing pellets but theres a few of them i didn't make before the heatwave.
a damn shame they cant take optimal advantage of the backing sun, but they will be feed very soon and enjoy the rest of the sun.
all those plots ive visited are looking fine.
even the small Early Dane plot with 5 females and a horny male

stay safe, green and tuned ;)



Jeg er simpelthen vild med dette billede.
Guerillabilledet 2008:




Awesome tread this year gunnar!! i read your post on guerilla growing in corn fields a few weeks ago, and have trown a couple of seeds in the cornfield close to me.. to my suprise they are acktually growing!! I think i might be looking into a some early strains next year, and try this method out some more! Anyway, this is an awesome tread, i hope we get to follow your corn-grows!

Anyway good luck, and stay safe!!!



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Takker for de mange roser og opmuntringer.
Det varmer selv på en kølig sommernat i en majsmark med en bøtte gødningsvand under armen.

tnx a lot Paddi
coming from you must mean im not totally crap at growing weed and taking pix :)

glad you liked it cause theres more like it.

yet another canna labor day

started after work with trimming indoor harvest having a friend help me.

heres 3 1/2 hours of work, some laughs and beers.



a nice bag of weed :)

later tonight i set out on a mission to find and feed my last spot.
the one i wasnt able to find the last time i tried.

Field of Thyphoons.







hvis der til den tid stadigt er nogen der mangler tidlige majsegnede gener så send mig en pb eller skriv til mig på Seedshare, så finder vi sikkert ud af noget ;)
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Dejlig have, der GG. Naboen i huset med det flade tag kan da snart se hvad du har på den anden side af plankeværket... :D


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Det ser jo bare herligt ud:) Men lidt held kan jeg høste en bunke Royal Dane frø i år så jeg selv kan lave nogle gode spots næste år.
Fik du de planter lidt for sent ud i majsen? De kan ikke rigtig følge med i højden.


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blackone said:
Det ser jo bare herligt ud:) Men lidt held kan jeg høste en bunke Royal Dane frø i år så jeg selv kan lave nogle gode spots næste år.
Fik du de planter lidt for sent ud i majsen? De kan ikke rigtig følge med i højden.

Ja. de kom først ud i en periode for 2-3 uger siden.
Det optimale er i midt Juni, hvor man så lige skal skrabe det øverste jord af med pesticidrester og give dem en god gang gødning.
mine planter er ellers spiret i start Maj, men fik frost og gik derefter i vækst strejke, og dernæst har de stået siden i nogle små potter ( 8x8 cm).

blir de forspiret frostfrit fra midt maj til midt juni i 1-2 liters potter, er jeg ikke i tvivl om at der vil kunne høstes rigtige monstre i majsen senere.

selvom jeg pga travlhed ikke fik givet mine optimale vilkår i år, regner jeg alligevel med at høste ca 100 hunner med frø.

Da det er et frø grow regner jeg med at lave rystehash på dem alle efter at deres frø er frasorterede.
da jeg samtidigt også er en travl herre regner jeg med at lave et forsøg med en cementblander og et rystenet.
Hvordan det forsøg kommer til at gå vil vise sig efter høst.
cementblanderen kører med ca 30 rpm istedet for de optimale 6-8 rpm, men håber da på et brugbart resultat alligevel.

er sku for nærrig ( og for travl) til at betale en formue for en Okief der alligevel kun kan bearbejde 150, eller 300 gr pot ad gangen.
havde tænkt på et Gør det selv projekt med en mikroovns motor og hjemmelavet tromle, men tvivler på jeg får tid før hen på vinteren.
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