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GuerrillaRed's First Grow (Skunkberry in Soil)

About to transplant hours into soil in an hour or two. The plants are just screaming in growth right now, it's amazing. I've sent this afternoon rounding up everything I need for soil. It took about five stops but here's what my soil is going to consist of

25% FFOF
25% FF Happy Frog Soil Conditioner
30% Coco Coir
20% Perlite
And a sprinkling of Dolomite Lime.

I tried to find Happy Frog potting soil all day but everywhere I went was soil out. I was surprised to find that Ace Hardware carries the entire Fox Farm line for cheap. Also I'm pissed off that Miracle Gro Perlite is a scourage on the gardening consciousness as I had to go to four or five stores today trying to find non-Miracle Gro perlite (Fred Meyers baby)

Anyway I'll be back in awhile with pics
Just transplanted into small soil containers and give the plants a bit of water. A lot of them were drooping and hanging at weird angles but they look infinitely happier and healthier now. The transplanting process was quite delicate, I was really worried about hurting the root sticking out of each rapid rooter but it's been a little while and they seem to be fine. In the future I was place germinated seeds in rapid rooters already in soil so as to avoid this unnecessary step. But it's a learning process and I've learned a lot and my plants still seem happy.

I'll post pics in a little bit.



78 Degrees
45% humidity


I really like that soil mix your going to use. Plenty airy and light due to the coco/perlite, and probably enough nutes to go through a short veg without having to add any nutes due to the nutes already present in the FF.

What are you going to go with for liquid nutes in flower?
Thanks man, I did a lot of research here before deciding to go with that mix. It seemed to be the best all around in my opinion. A nice balance of everything I was concerned with. Happy Frog for the early stages, FFOF for the later stages, Perlite and Coco Coir air for the roots and to balance me invariably fucking up with water due to my n00bness.

Probably just some General Hydroponics Micro. I'm trying to keep it simple and I remember reading in the past from my hydro attempts that Micro is balanced enough for the flowering part.

To be honest though I haven't researched it yet and I always like to put some research into any aspect that has a large potential to effect my grow.

Also since people are reading here. In that last picture you'll notice a rubbermaid tub with hydroton and two hoses running into the bottom of it. What that is, is a bubble bucket typically used for mushroom growing which is said to help with raising humidity. I have been concerned very much with the low humidity that my plants are getting which is on average 39% to 41%. I under stand plants in the early stages like this need much humidity in the early stages to promote growth. The bubble bucket only seems to raise the humidity by a few points to up around 45%. I'm thinking about taking the plants and putting them in the actual bubble bucket but I'm worried that it could do the same thing as water a plant in a container with no run off holes. I could maybe put it on a rack above the hydroton, but I don't want to make any mistakes until I know for sure. I'm also using one of those accurite temp/humidity meters you get at home depot, so maybe it's not a accurate? I'm wondering if I should be concerned with about the humidity and what your thoughts on this may be.


Low humidity has NEVER been a problem for me and it gets bone dry here in the winter. High humidity, OTOH, is an invitation for budrot, pm and fungus gnats.

The actual amount of MG fertilizer that MG perlite contains is laughable. I got stuck using some and I just punched tiny holes in the bottom of the bag and rinsed it.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Get your light a little closer bro :joint:

You don't want those babies stretching out too far yet.

I used floros for the early stage of my gro and I had them maybe 3-4 inches away from the light, tops.

Nodes were nice and tight.


Day Eight Veg

I readjusted the lights like you recommended iGro and you were completely right. The plants seem to explode in terms of maturity growth in a matter of hours. It was amazing last night as I smoked a couple of bowls every once in awhile and when I come back in I would notice obvious growth and more resilient take no prisoners attitude from the plants. I think they were stretching earlier and I was mistaking that for progress. Oh well though, the plants look happy as hell.

I need to remember to water them tomorrow. Right now I'm misting three times a day and watering until I get run about 10% run off every other day with PH balanced water and a couple drops of Superthrive. I figure with the Coco Coir in the soil mix and my n00bness, this is the best system for ensuring I don't fuck something up. The plants seem happy so I'm going to wait for them to tell me I want some water. I'm pretty sure it'll be in the morning.

With the new placement of lights I've had some real temp issues which has been annoying. I've switched a 20/4 light schedule a couple days ahead of time than what I was planning to avoid the warmest parts of the day. I was planning to veg for two weeks under 24/0 and then switching to 20/4. No worries though. I placed a small fan next to my plants pointing up at the light which also seems to be helping. My temp range is now around 79-85. I freak the fuck out every time it goes over 85. Today while adjusting lights and fans, I felt like I was the Captain in Das Boot staring at my temp gauge knowing certain doom was coming. But it's all good now.

With everything considered it's been surprisingly easy so far. Like they say an ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure. I really think it was wise to invest the time in researching temps, humidity issues, soils, and lighting schedules.

For some reason can't upload pics on ICMag so... yeah

82 degrees
44% humidity
Day 11 (I think)


I'm going to get some more lights soon for my plants. They look healthy and happy but I'm starting to get somewhat paranoid that they're growing a little slow. It's all good though I'm not complaining as they look ridiculously happy right now and don't seem to be having any problems. It's been ridiculous chill the last two weeks having these plants growing in my room. It's been cool looking over at them every once in awhile and watching them slowly grow up. I like this hobby a lot. I also have amended my watering routine. I water every other day until I get run off and then on the off-days I like to spray with a spray bottle to keep the surface moist. I just want my plants to have the best environment and life that I can give them and I constantly worry about whether they're getting too much water or not enough. I also have to say that my soil mix has been a big fucking success as this has been rather effortless so far.

81 degrees
55% humidity
I added 3 more 6500k fluoros today and managed to configure the fans in such away that the average temp is around 75 degrees. I'm really concerned that my plants get the best conditions possible and I hope they're cool with the fucking around that's gone around the last few days. My room is so bright now that it looks like there's a UFO landing in my closet.

I'm beginning to get concerned about my plants. They seem to be in a sort of shock, like they're minds are going crazy. Their growth rate has slowed down expotentially and when I look at other grow journals and pics of their plants at the age mine are, they look a little more mature. I'm nervous because this could be the sign of a potential problem. I'm going to spend an hour or so researching this but just for amusement I'm going to list off some theories I think this happening. There's also seems to be some bruising around the upper middle of the stem (I never touch my plants) so I'm a little worried about that as well. The plants seem to be developing new leafs below their main levels and there seems to be a lot going on there but it looks rather mushed together. I know I know pics are better than words and I'll post some pics within a hour or two.

1. This shock my plants are in seemed to start around when I switched the lighting schedule from 24/0 to 20/4. I think my plants might be tripping about being the temp swing when they're sleeping. The temps get down to low 70s high 60s when lights are out. I've read that the plants dig that but maybe they don't or I misunderstood.

2. With my soil mix perhaps my plants need more food in their water as my soil mix doesn't provide enough. My soil mix was only about 50% actual good soil for them and the rest was for watering issues. Maybe I should add some Flora Micro to their waterings?

3. I recently started vaping out around them. Maybe they're concerned for their own plight as I'm smoking their family in front of them?

4. I usually have Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell on in my room. Art Bell is a conspiracy radio show about UFOs and Ghosts. They say talking or playing music to your plants makes them happy. Maybe my plants are freaking out like they're tied down in A Clockwork Orange as they're forced to listen to conspiracy radio all day?

Anyway I got some reading to do. Pics soon.


My room is so bright now that it looks like there's a UFO landing in my closet.
:D Now we're talkin'. You're going to have to seal off your light leaks before you flower, though.
1. This shock my plants are in seemed to start around when I switched the lighting schedule from 24/0 to 20/4. I think my plants might be tripping about being the temp swing when they're sleeping. The temps get down to low 70s high 60s when lights are out. I've read that the plants dig that but maybe they don't or I misunderstood.
Nah, those temps are ok. Is there any way that you can get that tube light above the plants? If those pics are any indication, it still looks pretty dim. Do you have a fan blowing on/near them? That's important. It's also normal for growth to slow a little as plants come out of the seedling stage and go into veg.
With my soil mix perhaps my plants need more food in their water as my soil mix doesn't provide enough. My soil mix was only about 50% actual good soil for them and the rest was for watering issues. Maybe I should add some Flora Micro to their waterings?
Bad idea. They don't need food yet.
peace BTW, relax and stop over-analyzing everything.
Day 14

Got a new digi-cam. No more cell phone pics





This plant

I named Neda... This is my favorite plant and seems to be maturing and growing faster than the other. However today while watering my plants, I accidently dropped Neda. However the plant just looked at me like "What motherfucker? What?" and aside from being a little bent and losing some soil, the plant is one hearty bad ass. I've been concerned about her, but she seemed to be just fine. I won't fuck up like that again.

76 degrees
48% humidity


Active member
hahahaha they look nice but your seriously over analyzing things, do my plants not like conspiracy radio? are they pissed im vaping? lol, unless your vaping enough that would leave a residue on something *clog the stomata* it isnt hurting them


Strange brownish almost bruise looking marks and white specks on the plant I dropped yesterday. I'm not seeing the same strange markings on any of the other plants which makes me think this is a result of my dropping the plant yesterday :( Plant is still growing and maturing at an amazing rate though so I'm going to get too worried.