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Guerrilla Style:Italian's Holland's hope;NLX,Biddy Early,bagseed (nothing amazing)

grazie mille man!
purtroppo con la mia fotocamera questo e' tutto quello ke posso fare!
mi sono dimenticato di ringraziare gli altri italiani x i commenti! grazie raga!

i'd like to see others comments!!!!


ICMag Donor
Wow those are swelling up quick, TIS. Love the great purple colors. Why don't you like the early biddy as much?
hey pipeline!

thank you man!

Maybe is just a pheno but my biddy totally suck!

i must to show you the entire plant and you can understand easily!

the slowest germ rate i've seen... old beans for sure! i don't think to harvest more than 5-10 grams from her! unhealthy, inconsistent buds, all yellow leafs... i'm totally disappointed... just my experience!

yeah they are too much early!!! good!!!

i'm the happiest man on the planet!
i've just smoked the first bong of my weed!
tomorrow i'll chop most of the colas simply cause they are so potent now! and it's only a down bud, trimmed 2 days ago for mold!

my friends have no more plantes!! she's very depressed now... 5 big big females, planted in february, completely full of buds got ripped from some neighbours, come si dice wam rubate? sorry for my english again... i'm trying to learn better, but, isn't that easy in italy! most of the people can't speak english!


Joint Date: Today.
oh man.. that same thing happened to my sister's boyfriend.. a good friend of mine.. who has been growing monster plants in the backyard for years now..

they snapped the branches and they actually did steal anything smokable of his 2 WWs from female seeds.. about 7 ft tall.. fuckin faat
and a few White Satin (mandala) babies.. all at 1 1/2 half week before harvest.
luckly he has 2 or 3 back-up plants left in the cornfields..

oh man .. growing in italy its becioming every day more shitty.. only the strong will survive.

rubato è stollen.. ma come hai scritto và benissimo :)



ps: its raining everyday!! hhheeeeellllppppp!
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vedi man... le stesse cose!

domani vado assolutamente a tagliare giu' un po' di roba... sono gia' potenti! non voglio ne ke ammuffiscano ne ke vengano rubate!

ti giuro wam oggi stavo collassando.. troppo potente! nn me lo sarei mai aspettato da uno strain da outdoor x eccellenza come la holland's hope!
secondo me c'era ancora il fertilizzante nelle cime, nn so se hai capito... uan botta anormale! proprio kimika!
si piove tutti i giorni praticamente... nn le hai + visitate le tue? siamo curiosi!


Joint Date: Today.
non le ho ancora visitate, damn it rains all the times wheni decide to go check them.. plus i gotta take a train to get there. and its better to do it in the week end...

hehe appunto perchè HH è un outdoor d'eccellenza avresti dovuto aspettartela la botta :D .. spero solo che non sia tutto fert veramente :yoinks:


HI, :wave:

VERY NICE YOUR JOB,,,conglatulascion!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo:

exscume my question,,,You use fertyliz in grown out?why don't use fert biologic,?instead to use fert chimical?

if you use the last year the fert biologic ,you don't have in future problem by CHEMICOL in your erb!!!

even if,I prefer don't fert grown out,,,,!!!!!my opinion,,,,

by by!
grazie raga!!!!!!! sono troppo felice!
yeah I use some canna vega for veg and terra flores and ripen for flower!
mi sono ritrovato con delle piantine a giugno e le ho interrate velocemente e in malo modo in un bosco... pensavo non fossero troppo potenti e piene e ci ho dato dentro di fert kimici... l'anno prossimo preparo bene il terreno e usero' solo bio!!

Today i've chopped most of the colas! they are drying now!
insane smell!
Nlx have an amazing smell like a cream of nuts..... very creamy...
the bagseed have a fruit chemical smell
HH is skunky and hashy.....

A report on the tatse and high when they're cured!

thank you!!!
ciao ciao!


Joint Date: Today.
TheItalianSeeds said:
the bagseed has a fruit chemical smell

nooo io la conosco quella.. la naturella.. ohh io non la spporto la canapa locale italiana quella con quell odore chimico pungente... cmq ormai è li e te la devi fumare:D

oh guys i have a problem with that local bagseed, if its the same one im thinkin of, the smell and the taste is fuckin CHEMICAL ACID.. i dunno.. some crazy stuff.. you wouldnt believe how pungent it is...i cant stand it.

bellissima cima man.. da vicino si vede proprio un bel pò di resina! veramente pregevole. sicuramente si differenzierà subito da tutta l'erba locale in giro :yes:

great budshots bro

keep it up

si e' completamente devastante..... la hh e la NLX soprattutto! couchlock... very heavy! bagseed is more sativish a great head high, stimulanting. I'll smoke soon some Biddy early buds... curious!
the bagseed buds are fucking light! leafy and not compact at all! but i enjoy the high, more natural than others!

I'll post some pics of the dryng colas.... i think no more than 70/80 gr.... good for my own use... 1-2 grams a day! but I'll buy some nuggets soon, and give some cure at mine before smoke!

Good luck every1!

Hits from da bong!