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Guerilla Underground Thread


Boreal Curing
I don't know how suburban the atmosphere around where you live but I know - well, I assume, you guys have some fantastic weather up there in summer, right? If this is the case, I wouldn't be embarrassed to suggest a doggone solar panel & car battery for a small electrified fence around your grow.

I mean, you'd have to seriously kill the grass around a perimeter about a foot across, but you'll have sunlight most likely, and - if you're a rural guy, you can probably craft yourself some conductive ranch rope for keeping animals, into a fence of some sort. Heck maybe just chicken wire man, put it about a foot or two tall, drive those non conductive green tomato stakes in the ground, do some serious securing so the fence can't slide down, and bang.

When it's really mice, I think what you're supposed to do, is fold the fence, outward: and have it extend out in an L, from the grow, so mice are forced to go under it.

You find some kind of prop for it that will keep it from grounding, and even if the animals can't get through the prop - say you use the plastic edging stuff ya know?

When the fence is in an L like that, they don't get through nearly so well.

When I saw t get done, the people used the actually more expensive, small 2 centimeter etc square, 'hardware cloth' or maybe small rabbit cage type wire, this wasn't a cheap operation, but then it was just around some kinda legal plant. A couple of feet across.

I think if you want to make one, you have to figure out how you can really securely affix the wire to the green plastic tomato spikes, my guess would be a small drill bit, and push a piece of wire through, and tie on to that, so your vertical and your horizontal are both fairly secure.

The animals will definitely try to stomp on it and throw shit on it but maybe that's a call for an outside ring, of the actual rope they use for horses to keep em off wooden fences.

Anyway... that's my story, and I'm sticking to it. Unless of course, all this is found to be comPLETELY, untrue. In which case if found out, should be cause for me to amend my post with 'I figured' and sorta segue in from there.

Peaces, except occasionally to

Chicken wire cage with bamboo works well. I've have something try to pry it off to get under them, and then they started to dig around the cage. Worked out well because it helped keep water where I wanted it. But mice? I'm going to put out mouse/rat bait. I can get it by the bucket from family (they're farmers). Fly bait in small delicious meatballs put out early should work for bigger diggers. Deer tend to ignore plants taller than 2 feet. But seedlings seem to be irresistible to them.

Fly bait kills raccoons almost instantly. They die within feet of the feed/drink.


I would think that a piece of chicken wire two feet, folded into an L in the middle, then nylon tied, to a couple of those plastic tomato sticks, running along on the ground with your fence - it would be hard for smaller critters to do much against that, because there's not a lot of space to go under, if the horizontal side, is just a tomato stick's thickness off the ground, AND there's a row of tomato stake laying on the ground, in about two or three centimeters from the edge, then another one, back toward where the horizontal part of the L extends out from the fence.

You do have to come check these, obviously, because grass and stuff will fall on them and short them, but I'll bet you could get the absolute CHEAPEST chicken wire they SELL, and if the holes are fairly small, keep practically everything out.

You have to go online, ya know, and buy a cheap inverter, about fifteen bucks or so, and you just plug your electric fence - also from Ebay or Amazon - in to it, and since your fence is all around held up by plastic tomato stake - you're kind of on.

My parents had a commercial fish breeding operation then started a retail front to it selling nearly every conceivable notion a person could want to own regarding animals, livestock, pets, plants... so I've seen a few rigs go by, and I do know people successfully ward off coons rabbits and deer, all at once with electric fences, one using rope, to stop deer from getting near, on the outside, a single strand about a meter high, and another, that's electrified, shaped like an L, pointing out, inside from that a small distance so animals aren't tempted to stand back and jump.

The cool thing about the rope is you can string it around a reasonably large area and it'll handle horses, AND cows, if you multi strand it. Obviously if you've got two fences there connected by a piece of wire in the middle of each run - what's gonna mess with that.

The sun does dissolve nylon ties, ya know, but there's two solutions to that, one of em's just spray painting each nylon tie, in place, some kinda black or dark green, to keep most of the ultraviolet off and - you're good to go. Cheapest spray paint they sell, and every foot or so on the horizontal part, a little spritz of deep forest green paint, that you repeat for several coats if you're that alert to every little potential loss of functionality.

Nylon tying the horizontal L of the fence to tomato stakes lying on the ground might not give you total resistance to the wire getting mashed down but you can throw down chunks of tomato stake, making it a bit more checkerboard, so every coon touching it doesn't press it to the ground and short it out.


Elite Growers Club
Can't you spray some type of repellent or scent to keep those coons away??? I'm sure you've tried everything and already have your cages working ok.


ICMag Donor
Critters keep messing with my soil after i applied happy frog which contains bone meal. I used liquid fence brand deer and rabbit repellent and it worked well, but once I started running out the critters started in on the digging. Animals can be smart! Thanks for the tips guys!

Here's a shot from the garden this evening. The chipmunk or whatever keeps digging out this hole and has a couple little scratched up places in the soil. Luckily its not too severe, but it needs to stop! I'm trying to grow some medicine, come on!



Champion House Indica pheno male opened up and started dropping first pollen today!



Other House Indica male



ICMag Donor
Been putting out repellent every day. Its more important than fertilizer I think! I'll never try growing without it again.

Back in 2016, there was some kind of critter, probably a raccoon, that was climbing the plants and ripping off buds throwing them everywhere. It was a mess! It was like Taz from looney toons came through. Kind of funny, but he should have waited until they were ripe. Had to harvest early Sept 25. Smoke is actually pretty good after the cure! Thats the jar I'm on now! :smoke:


Boreal Curing
2 foot chicken wire cage with a 4 foot bamboo garden stake woven through and pushed into the ground a foot works great. They're sturdy and you can make lots in short order so it's doable when you have 500 in the ground. The only thing it doesn't address is Mighty Mouse.


Elite Growers Club
Yea I use that deer and rabbit repellent....it's so horrible smelling . I'm almost getting sick thinking about that smell. But it's been working. There's deer and animals everywhere around here. I don't wanna jinx things but I've done ok using that deer repellent, moth balls, human urine.


Liquid fence works for me as well. We have deer and coyote here as well as a few wild turkeys. So far the only problems I've had were mealy bugs and slugs. But the smell on that repellent is insane! I always spray as I'm leaving the area so I don't have to smell it for long


Active member
I've never used the repellant ya'll are using but it sounds insane. I'll have to grab some and test it out. Trying to think far ahead for next year. Putting up a fence is not really an option. Maybe some chicken wire/bamboo cages but that's it. Good to hear that repellant works so well


Boreal Curing
The best repellant is a dog. Just the scent keeps everything away. No cages and the dog marks his territory on them adding nitrogen. Lol


Elite Growers Club
Liquid fence works for me as well. We have deer and coyote here as well as a few wild turkeys. So far the only problems I've had were mealy bugs and slugs. But the smell on that repellent is insane! I always spray as I'm leaving the area so I don't have to smell it for long

Lol yea I made the mistake of spraying that shit after I sprayed my neem .....I was gonna set around and get my water/powerade out and have a drink but I sprayed that shit and flys came in and start swarming like a dead animal is there. I've also got that shit on my hands out messing with guerrilla plants. The dog got down mist of it and got spray/misted lol....kinda paying her back for eating leaves. The last time I got a spray bottle out she got outta the way fast. But that stuff is fucking crazy....if I go to my guerrilla patch today:tomorrow I'm gonna have to take some and spray around just for precaution. I figured I'd had a lot worse problem with varmints this yr but besides a few deer eating some small plants in low lite areas that wasn't gonna to do shit anyway I've got pretty lucky


ICMag Donor
The Liquid Fence brand granular is nice! Its easy to apply and doesn't smell as strong. Not sure if it lasts longer. It probably does! It was repelling critters for several weeks and as soon as I quit using it they started digging. I spread soap, deodorant, and pet hair the last couple days and I didn't see any new digging spots this evening!

Going to wait 1 more day before pulling the pollinator males. Female maturity is variable from one plant with pretty much just preflowers to a couple that have marble sized top flowers. I can't let the bigger flowers get pollinated late or else we'll be producing too much seed. I think they're nearing threshold to have all pollinator males pulled. Pretty early this year! I guess the crop is happy with the fully tilled garden bed, and they were fertilized with a phosphorous fertilizer late July! I'll have to do that again! I think its just the genetics are early flowering indicas. :smoke:

A friend of mine who wants to put hemp into his crop rotation in the next few years would like to see them again at this stage to get aquainted with the crop!

Beautiful sunset this evening! Got a good shot of it but I need to get to bed! There's always tomorrow. :smoke:


Active member
I wonder if you could hang some cotton filled bottles with holes in them soaked in that liquid fence? Maybe some cotton wicks like you use for deer urine in hinting season. It may not work as well as spraying it in a full circle around your plants though. Just an idea


Elite Growers Club
I wonder if you could hang some cotton filled bottles with holes in them soaked in that liquid fence? Maybe some cotton wicks like you use for deer urine in hinting season. It may not work as well as spraying it in a full circle around your plants though. Just an idea

Sounds like a good idea,....don't see any reason it shouldn't work. Soak that down pretty good and hang it up . It's worth a try I'd say.:tiphat:
That’s actually a good ideal! Also you can take a gallon milk jug spray paint it brown or green or whatever cut some V shapes around the top of the jug to where the V flap sticks up.. it will be like vents and with the V flap sticking up a little it will let smell out but also won’t let rain in..
Set it in the middle of your grow stack some rocks around it or even zip tie it to a small tree


Elite Growers Club
Yes something semi permanent like that you could spray inside it a lil every time you come back to keep it affective hopefully. That's a good idea to keep the wick or whatever from getting wash off from rain....the jug would kinda keep it from the rain. I'm really impressed with how good the deer rabbit repellent from Walmart works. I've sprayed it a few times and I know it's rained almost immediately after I've sprayed it a few times. Really every time I've sprayed it I'd say it's rained within 12-24 hrs and it's still kept animals away. This one guerilla patch is ate up with deer signs and thickets I'm amazed how good it's worked. I'll get the brand of it, but I bought it from Walmart. Probably the best $25 I spent on that gallon


Elite Growers Club
I brought this up in my anything outdoor thread but....what do you guys PH your nute mix at??? I've been around 6-6.2. But seems like some yrs back guys was only doing outdoor ph 6.5-6.8 range. Reason I ask is I've seen a lot of guys down into the 5.7 range or around. When I did my big indoor grows the lowest I'd ever went in flower was 6.0.,,..but most outdoor guys back then was around 6.5 and higher. I know many may not ph your nute mix. But the guys that are...where are you on ph numbers in nute mix