Seed Whore
A fresh bill in your wallet bends easily. One that's been wet tends to firm up.
Bears? no idea. They sell animal replant but I don't know if that works with bears.
Bears normally only mess with stuff the 1st couple of times you intrude into their forests.
It's their way of saying go away because you don't pay forest taxes.
Last year, I had one chew a bag of cow manure. Sick phucker.
This year, one stole a tiny tote box filled with soil and seeds making a mess.
I make a small fire now each time I go out like I did last year for about an hour each time.
I find the smell of a even the tiniest fire will scare off most animals for about a week at least.
It's also a good way to get away from the bugs for a while when you take breaks in watering
your plants. Just make sure you put it out good if you make one.