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Guerilla Underground Thread


Seed Whore
A fresh bill in your wallet bends easily. One that's been wet tends to firm up.

Bears? no idea. They sell animal replant but I don't know if that works with bears.

Bears normally only mess with stuff the 1st couple of times you intrude into their forests.

It's their way of saying go away because you don't pay forest taxes. :biggrin:

Last year, I had one chew a bag of cow manure. Sick phucker. :biggrin:

This year, one stole a tiny tote box filled with soil and seeds making a mess. :moon:

I make a small fire now each time I go out like I did last year for about an hour each time.
I find the smell of a even the tiniest fire will scare off most animals for about a week at least.
It's also a good way to get away from the bugs for a while when you take breaks in watering
your plants. Just make sure you put it out good if you make one.


Well-known member
Bears normally only mess with stuff the 1st couple of times you intrude into their forests.

It's their way of saying go away because you don't pay forest taxes. :biggrin:

Last year, I had one chew a bag of cow manure. Sick phucker. :biggrin:

This year, one stole a tiny tote box filled with soil and seeds making a mess. :moon:

I make a small fire now each time I go out like I did last year for about an hour each time.
I find the smell of a even the tiniest fire will scare off most animals for about a week at least.
It's also a good way to get away from the bugs for a while when you take breaks in watering
your plants. Just make sure you put it out good if you make one.

I figure it has to be a bear because nothing else would mangle the fucking cages this way. Something was pissed and determined to fuck shit up! The tooth hole looked rather small though... maybe a cub?

Starting a fire is out of the question for me. Too many helicopters.

Think the bears will leave the third wave alone?

Also, what do you think of the dollar bill find? Think a transplant is warranted?


Active member
Bears like to get high too... it's most definitely a bear.

Just messing around bro. But seriously the dollar bills are made of a certain paper that they won't fall apart or even disfigure if you wash them or something. So it might have fallen from you and been the same after a rain or two. Some.people leave money around to find new grow spots. If it's gone the next time they come around, someone grabbed it... here's my two cents but I have waaayyyyy less experience than mountainbudz or pipeline or Kindbudz... If your plants and cages were freaking mangled, whether it be bear or anything else, and there is a possibility to move your girls then I would definitely move them. (If there are any left) I don't see that being a site I would return to. As for the dollar bill thing. You could leave your own dollars around the plot but approaching from all sides and see if anyone picks them up... maybe visit less frequently and pin the dollar down so the wind won't take it. If they all disappear I would say you have a snooper. Just my opinions


Well-known member
The dollar bill was at a different spot than the cages that were mangled.

I'm not gonna escape bears; they're everywhere around here! I'm just thinking they have to have lost interest by now...


Well-known member
It's also late in the season already. To find a new plot and dig new holes is going to take up more precious veg time than I've already lost.

It's getting to be about the time where starting new photoperiod plants is questionable.


Boreal Curing
It's also late in the season already. To find a new plot and dig new holes is going to take up more precious veg time than I've already lost.

It's getting to be about the time where starting new photoperiod plants is questionable.

Germ now and you'll get a month of veg time. They'll be smaller, so just plant more. :)


Active member
Don't even bother digging holes. Dump more top dress further from the plant. When roots reach there, she can take the nutrient potency.


Boreal Curing
Don't even bother digging holes. Dump more top dress further from the plant. When roots reach there, she can take the nutrient potency.

Makes sense. I have more that will be ready to go out in a couple weeks. I'll sacrifice 4 to it and see what happens.


Well-known member
Germ now and you'll get a month of veg time. They'll be smaller, so just plant more. :)

I don't have that many seeds left... or space but I'll do what I can.

Don't even bother digging holes. Dump more top dress further from the plant. When roots reach there, she can take the nutrient potency.

So just drop the topdress on the grass, vegetation already around? The one plot I'm in has nice, loamy soil but the ph isn't as high as I'd like. Do you put pulverized lime on top too? Or should I just go with my insect frass/kelp topdress?

There's an area where I'm confident this will work, but another plot I have is simply too much clay.


Well-known member
Also, even without digging holes I've still gotta cut out wire fencing for each plant. They WILL get destroyed otherwise, unfortunately.


Boreal Curing
I'd pull the sod off at least. As for chicken wire fence? It's a must in my area. Maybe even 1/4 inch chicken wire or hardware cloth to keep rodents out. I would have saved myself lots of plants this year.


Well-known member
Have to use wire mesh here also,otherwise urban rabbits and deer would wipe out your crops :tiphat:

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Active member
Tent stakes, you can buy them for $0.50 a piece and 40 per pack. 3 will hole a cage down. $1.50 a cage isn't a bad investment. Chicken wire is fine for a lot of plants and not as expensively invested in plants. Otherwise it's 3' or 4' green welded fence. The 3' fence fits in my duffle bag. The 4' sticks out a foot so not as covert. Those are 50' long and 6.25' sections make 8 fine and dandy cages. They cost about $50 but last a long time. The chicken fence is much cheaper but a lot shorter. Plus chicken fence shines metal.


Boreal Curing
Do you just met the plants grow up through the wire cages or remove them after awhile?
Just look up two posts. They stay there for the whole grow, then put away for the next season I assume.

Tent stakes, you can buy them for $0.50 a piece and 40 per pack. 3 will hole a cage down. $1.50 a cage isn't a bad investment. Chicken wire is fine for a lot of plants and not as expensively invested in plants. Otherwise it's 3' or 4' green welded fence. The 3' fence fits in my duffle bag. The 4' sticks out a foot so not as covert. Those are 50' long and 6.25' sections make 8 fine and dandy cages. They cost about $50 but last a long time. The chicken fence is much cheaper but a lot shorter. Plus chicken fence shines metal.
2' chicken wire is plenty good. The 4' bamboo is woven in the wire and keeps the cage in shape and pushed into the ground to stake it in place. No need for tent stakes.


Seed Whore
Milk, eggs, blood meal, cayenne pepper, garlic cloves mixed up together and poured in solo cups buried
at ground level around your patch to ferment will help with those pesky herbivores. Don't spray your
plants with it. I sprayed the trees around my patch though. Mix it up and store inside a good bottle
for a week and then I dare you to smell it outside only.

It smells like shit from Hell. :biggrin:

Last year, I had 2 patches. I did it on one and not the other. The one who got fermented mixture
filled solo cups had no deer damage at all. The other patch which I didn't treat got ruined by deer
chewing up every single plant.

This guy in this video lightly sprayed his plants. I didn't do that because I didn't want my plants to smell like shit.


There are more recipes online using milk and eggs, etc. to scare deer.


Elite Growers Club
The dollar bill was at a different spot than the cages that were mangled.

I'm not gonna escape bears; they're everywhere around here! I'm just thinking they have to have lost interest by now...

We deal with bears from time to time. My plot were my brother in law lives has quit a few bears. It seems they more so fuck with the caging and stuff not really eating them bad as deer. I kinda feel a bear would pass on a cannabis plant. But if they see caging and shit they'll do everything in there power to tear them down. But you can't leave them uncaged because the deer will eat them like a goat would a hillside lol. Those bears are prolly gonna eat them too but not like deer, the bears wanna play with your cages more than anything I think anyway. We only have smaller bears around here in my neck of the Appalachia area.....but a small bear is pretty good size and it's a bear !!! I've been trying to pee around my planting area as much as I can, but I'd try and do anything to keep these animals out of your grow. I'm having more insect problems so far because it rains and washs my spray off every nite


Active member
Bears have a sensative nose. I'd guess bear mace sprayed around the plants would be unpleasemt in their nose. Not on the plants but around them. Guess that would also work to throw a dog of the trail as well. Anything that confuses their sense of smell.


Active member
Bears have a sensative nose. I'd guess bear mace sprayed around the plants would be unpleasemt in their nose. Not on the plants but around them. Guess that would also work to throw a dog of the trail as well. Anything that confuses their sense of smell.

I’ve tried different things for bears getting our chickens. One thing recommended that sounded like it might help was to fill balloons with ammonia and tie them off and wipe bacon grease on them, and hang them by the coop.

I put up about 6-8 balloons around the coop, a few were broken, but not by a bear I don’t believe. Had a camera there to catch the moment just in case.

In the end it took a better fence along with an electrical fence four inches in front of the first fence.

Another thing to try might be dog hair. Might not be as good as a dog, but worth a try. None of my neighbors with dogs have a problem with bears. Mines been on borrowed time for a while, so not much of a threat.

As far as chicken wire goes, it comes in 3’ and 4’ height. I paint mine black where it’s an issue for stealth