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guard dogs- am I OK with just one ya think?


May your race always be in your favor
I have a Great Dane, they are the German mastiff. At 145 lbs she is intimidating and impressive. The mastiff means she is always alert and watches everything around her. Danes actually make a great apartment dog, mine spends alot of time laying on the sofa watching out the front windows.n They really don't need a ton of exercise but she does have to run everyday. When we take our daily walk all the people we meet cross the street before we get there, don't know why?Had a guy ask me one day what kind of Weimaraner she was. Said the Blue Great Dane kind.


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i gots me 2 dawg's... :D

my boy snoop is 3 years old and his new girl friend 4 months same breed line mastiff cross pit's...

naughty pets for when the robbers come kreepen they will be gettin eaten... :pimp3:


2 is always better than 1. check out Belguim belgian malinois or pitbull

over here we have German shepherds.. almost identical dog to the search i done on belgian malinois... good guard dog my cousin has one and my girls aunt has a long hair one he looks like a lion lol...


love machine
ICMag Donor
Dags are always good, i got 8 of 'em myself

4 pits and 3 german shepherd

just added an older chiguagua in the pack and shes keeping em all in check lol



Dog Trainer Dad knew waaaay back had female Chihuahua (chee' WOW wa)with only one tooth. He carried her in his coat in case something went down a hole. I witnessed her back down 2 racoons five times her size while she gummed their food. That one bottom tooth sticken up n out. RRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRR


Well-known member
I think you'd have more problems with neighbors complaining about your barking guard dogs.... guard dogs don't belong in apartments, they'll just draw attention to your grow. What r u thinking man!


Active member
i prefer 2. one big dog and one little. the little dogs seem to hear more and get the bigger dog riled up in times of need.


I've never needed a guard dog before, but now I think I do. I am moving to an unknown area, and my little ankle-biters just won't do.

I'm in the process of adopting a german shep/rotty mix. It's just a little one bedroom apartment, but it's in a rough part of town, and I will be growing there. So protection is of utmost importance.

You should re-think getting another dog if you motives are purely for protection, especially if it's from a shelter and untrained as a guard dog, an untrained guard dog is never a good idea....you need to be able to call your dog off on command.

I'm surprised any shelter would re-home a dog to a person seeking a guard dog they generally dont do that.

As far as your friends suggesting you need 3 dogs, they are idiots plain and simple.
I have 3 dogs and it costs a small fortune to keep them, between vets bills and good clean food suitable for human consumption it adds up to a lot of cash...my vet bills last year came to around 1500 euro and that was just for check ups and minor illnesses, cuts n bumps.

If protection is your only concern then it will work out cheaper to get a good steel door, window grills, cameras and a tazer/pepper spray.

Cops over there shoot pups and any idiot with half a brain will poison your guard dog before they try to rob you if they know you have a large dog or just wait until your bringing the pup for it's exercise.

Please reconsider adopting and seek alternative measures.


Active member
in an apartment, don't overthink it. I've done commercial in multiple apartments at the same time in order to be able to overcome any fire dept/landlord checks as part of the business model.

the key is making sure nobody can challenge the door. which means reenforcing. if you can post pics of the type of door or even the door itself, i'll try to show you what options there are for purchase without raising any eyebrows of nieghbors.

is the apartment ground level or anywhere that you expect the outer windows/balcony door can be taken?

since a loud fucking bark is gonna be your deterrent, is barking an issue in your building?


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
i just saw the title of the thread aint read a response but get 1 and a gun if they get by my dog they shot him and if theres 3 dogs aint gonna change shit 3 dead dogs shouldnt grow in an apt either but one dog is all ya need 1 -7-19 dont matter im fucked up right now so sorry for the response but 3 aggresive dogs in apt they gonna kill each other while ur plants walk out the door,, like was said i went up and read some u can get steele L channel and reinfore ya frame from inside and have it tied to floor but if ya that skept of growin there where ya think ya need 3 dogs ya should prob fine a safer place


In an apartment you want a mastiff. They'll hold shit down but aren't super high energy and will be happy laying around all day. With a shepherd/rottie you're doing the dog a disservice not giving it a yard and keeping it in a 1 bedroom apt. Those dogs need lots of exercise.

Pits are awesome but not guard dogs, I think they attract negative attention from close minded/judgemental people as well. Not the best thing for a grower imho. Too many negative/stupid stereotypes of pitbulls and pitbull owners out there... sucks because they are great dogs. I just wouldn't want to give the granny across the street another reason to look at me sideways... depends where you are I guess. In the hood it's not gonna make a big difference...
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Active member
VADO QUOTE In an apartment you want a mastiff. They'll hold shit down but aren't super high energy and will be happy laying around all day. With a shepherd/rottie you're doing the dog a disservice not giving it a yard and keeping it in a 1 bedroom apt. Those dogs need lots of exercise.

very true

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