3.7 oz dry weight for 4 plants grown in a box.
That's way short of gr/watt but I think it's the best I can do in this box without a hydro set-up. I'll keep trying.
3.7 oz dry weight for 4 plants grown in a box.
That's way short of gr/watt but I think it's the best I can do in this box without a hydro set-up. I'll keep trying.
Grams per watt is not the best measure for a personal micro grow. It's a number used in commercial growing to predict proffit. In micro we can quickly get to the point where more light doesn't equal more yield. Only so much plant matter can fit in such small spaces. 3.7 oz is a nice haul for 3 sq. Ft.
I like these smart pots. You know when you've fed enough because you can see the run off. Then they wick the balance themselves.
They air pot needs a hemp wick to do the same thing. I'll rig it up like that next time. I wish I could get more run off in this space. Thinking about rigging up a tray of some kind.
this grow is really looking good.
check out those thick stalks!
This is the most robust growth I've ever seen in this box, and I owe it all to coco, proper nutes, and this board! Specifically the 250W club and the coco forum.
Don't know why the pics are coming out sideways. I guess I just can't hold the camera that way?