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Gry could use your thoughts, prayers, meditations, or what ever you have to offer


moose eater

All out of rep again, Gry.

He didn't say it with a Count Chocula voice, did he? ;^>)

But seriously, that's excellent news.

I know this sounds weird, and likely patronizing as a result of your own intellect, but get as absolutely healthy as you can before any knives come out.

Can I borrow your genie when you're done? ;^>)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
What an emotional roller-coaster today has been - first I find out that the USA is dropping their case against me - that has been out there since August 2013 - Then I find out that Stoner4Life, my good buddy past on - now I see Gry is getting a chance to live on - and stay with us all -

Up - down - round-and-round - what a circus life is - Good luck Gry - I really hope that it all works out for the best - and you are around for MUCH LONGER - here on the boards of ICMAG -


Well-known member

I hope you didn't hit your head when it knocked you down. :tiphat:


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Active member
What an emotional roller-coaster today has been - first I find out that the USA is dropping their case against me - that has been out there since August 2013 - Then I find out that Stoner4Life, my good buddy past on - now I see Gry is getting a chance to live on - and stay with us all -

Up - down - round-and-round - what a circus life is - Good luck Gry - I really hope that it all works out for the best - and you are around for MUCH LONGER - here on the boards of ICMAG -

Damn S4L. Godspeed lad. Gry, keep up the good fight and will keep looking for that Louis for you <3


Well-known member
Things are starting to move rapidly.
Had two appointments last week, three the week prior.
7 more between now and the 24th of next month.
The appointments involve various testing etc.
I await an appointment with a specialist that hopefully
will be able to educate me as to timelines.


Well-known member
"progress", yes, at one time you couldn't get an appointment, but now it seems you have as many as you can handle!

Good luck Gry:huggg:!


Well-known member
Glad to hear things are moving along Gry. Sometimes to me, the process seems to be mind boggling, especially when you are seriously ill. There should be a much easier way.

I have many stories…actually some of them are pretty funny.

As always…be positive.


I dont know you........but iver lost two of the most important people in my life to pulmonary diseases...........
This has made my voice to the great spirit heard i believe. I suggest 825hz at night while you rest ................great way to reset our bodies while we sleep. You are now in my daily mantras of hope ,health, and wellness. If anything pops up that can be helped by a fellow member please dont hesitate to say something! Sending NOTHING BUT STRENGTH and SUPPORT!


Well-known member
Doing every natural based approach that I can, and more than willing to add to it.
Also going a conventional medical route in which surgery may be an end result.
9 appointments between now and the 24th.
Awaiting an appointment with a specialist who can give me some rough guidance as to timelines and forward projections on combined conditions.
Call from the health dept last week, informing me I also have 'Valley fever." Couldn't help but chuckle.
Spend 3 hours a day at a cat rescue place with a hefty flight of stairs.
Push myself carrying litter trying to build up what I can in the way of stamina.
Feel like I am improving in some respects, but it feels like I have a binder around
my chest. It hurts and there are times when the lack of oxygen gets spooky.
Paradox being what it is, life delivers magic and beauty that I overlooked.
This community makes me feel cared for and blessed.

White Beard

Active member
Probably don’t need this, but *do* make sure you’re getting enough protein, we start to waste away from lack of it as we age, and that definitely affects our strength