So starting to do my research on minisplits for next spring to install. I’m running 5-600watt hps currently MAY go to 3-1000s instead. Non cooled. Sealed room and c02. Grow area itself is 12x12, but entire room is 12x24. Everything for most part is INSIDE room. Last summer I ran a 12k window shaker and a 14k portable (each vented out of room into the garage the room is in heating the ambient temp pushing against room). I’ll be adding some more insulAtion for the room in the ceiling area and hopefully staying away from using my window unit unless things get bad. What size minisplit should I be looking at? Keep seeing people say they function MUCH better than windows or portables so I was thinking I could possibly get away with a. 12,000 BTU 1-Ton 21 SEER AHRI and Energy Star Certified... it covers up to 600 sq for DOUBLE what my room is. But with calculations idk if it’s be enough. Anyone with experience using these? Any advice would be grateful.