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Growing/smoking with children in the house

This thread makes me sad.

It's an absolutely fucking crime against humanity to snatch kids from their loving/caring parents for growing plants indoors. It makes me ill just thinking about it. I realize there are unfit people out there exposing their children to a lot of fucked up shit, but seeing kids taken from good families as a result of the war on drugs is absolutely disgusting and makes me want to cry. If that's not enough to make parents go full on a-wall/chris dorner then I don't know what is.

Unfortunately - those are real fears and I'm not sure you can do much about them short of remote the grow. I'm in the process of remoting my thing and the costs are large, double mortgage/bills, etc. It can be made to work, but it's ultimately money down the drain. Those are funds now associated with only growing as opposed to living there, etc.

I don't even have kids, but did it for the protection of my live-in GF. She definitely wants the kids thing soon so I figured now was the time to try and regain a sense of normalcy. Let family visit us, rest the mind, and see if I can make it all work.. beforehand.

Do some research in your state. Is it something they are actively doing to good people? I read about cases of meth houses, trash parents, etc getting their kids taken from them, and in most instances it was probably the right call.

I know of a couple that was busted a while back. Full on swat raid.. 8000w in a barn. Both husband and wife (albeit not technically married) were arrested and charged. LEO asked and asked if there was somebody to come get the kid. Child services never got involved.. and because nobody was around to watch the kid while they were arrested/booked, the LEO softened up and let the mom stay back and get booked at a later/more planned date. (I think). They actually seemed to have a hint of remorse as the husband/grower was cuffed sitting in the rain and the child was running around (not fully aware of what was going down). Playing and just being a kid. I think they started to feel like shit for what they were doing..once they realized this was just a normal couple trying to live... I really hope they did. I hope more and more realize the war on drugs is a giant failure and extremely destructive to good people's lives.

It's still a risk obviously. but if it's out of sight..under lock, and there is no evidence of neglect it seems like around here they normally just turn the other cheek if it's evident your not a crack whore / meth addict whom obviously is unfit to care for the children. Pad lock from the outside. Hopefully in a court of law you could prove/show that nobody but yourself could possibly have access to that space.

Hope ya get it figured out. It's ridiculous that we have to live with this on our minds.. over flowers.

We actually sat down and talked with an attorney about a year ago. Obviously his suggestion was to "stop breaking the law." but when I told him that wasn't going to happen, and that I was just there to be completely open about the situation to get the best advice and defense I could possibly get if/when the need arises, we had a bit more of a discussion. Keeping everything completely inaccessible is paramount to avoiding neglect charges which is why I have locks upon locks. Keys and combinations required to get in. A small safe was purchased to keep pipes and a few jars upstairs where everything is kept until its time to use it. He explained that the environment is pretty important because in the event of any raid, everything will be caught on camera and its important to show that you provided a respectable, safe, and clean living area for your child. And I do provide that.
I was lucky- I found a mate who likes weed but has no interest in growing himself, so I do the grow, and we split the cost and harvest.
As for smoking, I do it all either in me shed, or in the garden

Wish I had a friend like that. My problem is I'm in a relatively new area for me and don't really know many people. And none that I trust. As far as smoking though, most likely I'll end up in the backyard or in the garage.

I'm actually trying to convert the guest bedroom into an office with a sleeper sofa. I could pretty easily rig up an old 4 or 6" fan/filter sucking the smoke out the window and it'd be a decent chill/smoke room. I use my 4" vortex in my bedroom when I smoke late at night. Works charms.

I grow at home....I have a 5yr old and he knows dad smokes his medicine..he knows it is weed.. We don't talk about it outside of the home with the exception of his grandparents who also know. He doesn't consider it a big deal....Daddy needs it for his neck..

I don't smoke around him, tho he has came outside before while I'm having a hoot, and knows to stay far way.

I do run a tight ship at home tho, no smells coming from the house, or on our clothes etc. Him and my wife go to a hotel for a couple days when I'm trimming because the smell is almost impossible to control at that point 100%......end of story...

We think a lot along the same lines. I don't have much issue with harvesting smells. Odor was my #1 concern early on and I've pretty much got that shit down tight. 2x 12" recirculating filters and 2x6" exhaust filters.

My wife smokes with me, so we generally just put some cartoons on and let my son watch that while we smoke. He'll stay in our bedroom and I'll set up a fan/filter in the den and blaze it. And this is only because its mid-winter and freakin' cold. Occasionally he'll wander into the room, and he'll be promptly removed and a baby-gate will be set up to keep him away.

But I too, tell him I have to take my medicine as a current explanation why he can't hang out 24/7. Wondering how long this will be able to hold up.... stole the idea from a friend of mine who told me that's how he explained it to his 6-year-old.

Again though, he's only about 2 years old, so its pretty easy to keep things hidden. Mostly this thread is to help me plan for the future.

If people keep hiding the "truth" then how are the future generations suppose to "right" the "wrongs?"

Even in an illegal State I was always honest. Every situation is different though, and you have to do what is best for your for your family.

I would suggest moving to a legal State. Amazing how much better you feel when you do. :)

If my wife wasn't in college paying in-state tuition we'd already be gone.

Not really looking to "hide the truth" from my son, and there will be a day that comes when it comes time for him to know, and I'm not talking about as 15 year old. It'll come in the next several years before he starts school.

It's just really difficult. Schools enforce the governments way of thinking. It's going to be touchy to get him to understand that the government isn't always right. But that does't mean that I'm always right either. Most importantly for me, is that my son learn to think for himself.
tough situation all around...definitely a very divisive topic even among those of us who all share the same love for the plant

I actually tried to delete this thread after making it. I knew it might be a little touchy, but I'm glad nobody has actually went out and tried to make me feel like a piece of shit for doing what I do.

I made this thread to give myself something to think about. To see other perspectives that I may not have considered.

I've been torn. And even if I do move it out, the risks don't necessarily decrease, they just change. But it gets my son away from any potential dangerous situation.

Fortunately, I believe I may be able to do this quicker than expected....I've found several local houses for sale for under $20,000.....some as cheap as $8,000. Obviously they need a lot of work, but I just need a house to gut. I feel like I could possibly, reasonably, do that this year.
i had to have a talk with my youngest about 15 years ago. he WOULD NOT use the @#$% bathroom! i literally had to tell him "food turns into poop after you eat. you either have to stop eating and starve to death, or learn to sit down and shit!" :biggrin: little fucker was ready to explode...

Mine just won't eat. He should be eating chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese by now. Best I can do is a peanut butter sandwich, bananas, nutrigrain bars.... that's about it. He prefers baby food and yogurt and NOTHING i've tried has changed anything.

I had kids, grandkids, family, parties, my motherinlaw lived with us and broke her hip and the cops and the ambulance came. I wasn't very concerned. My grow room was well hidden. No one ever knew. It never smelled. It wasn't very big though. I ran twin 250's.

As far as kids, I would hide it and never let them know you smoke. Ever. There's plenty of time for your kids knowing shit later. As far as I am concerned if I had small kids and they knew I grew I would shut it down. If you can't keep your shit tight from a child then you are too loose to run in a tough state.

I'm behind you 100%. I'm already fully aware I'll either be moving it out or downsizing before too long. It's really easy to hide things from a 2 year old. Once they get 5-6, things get harder and they start asking more questions. Mine can't even talk yet.

If you don't mind wierd but interesting and productive kids, homeschooling as always an idea.

Considered it. My concerns are that in America today, your ability to succeed is almost directly connected to your ability to pass the standardized tests. My wife is going to school to be an elementary education teacher, so its really a possibility, but at the same time I'd be concerned for his social development.

How many posters in this thread grow in a house with their children and under state or country laws that would take your children away if the cops raided your house and arrested you?

Isn't every other concern irrelevant when it comes to growing?

Can they take my kid for crimes I actually commit? No. Can they trump up some charges and make it happen? Happens every single day in America.

Kid are taken from parents for asking for second medical opinions, for letting their kids walk a few blocks to the park or ride their bike to school. We live in a nanny state where apparently the majority of the country thinks that state-run foster care is better for a child than walking alone to the park.....
There are cases where kids have been taken away for nothing and then literally murdered by the state-approved foster house.

That, combined with the zeal of which the government has pursued the war on drugs, puts everyone at risk for that.

Giving up my rights as a human, only leads to a more oppressive life for my son. It's why America is what it is today. People wanting to rely on big government for their security.


East Coast Grower
My son is still young, almost 4 but have been considering these things lately. He's about to the age to know I'm smoking 'something' but generally prob the smell more than anything. I don't really smoke around him but he's seen me do it here and there.
First step I took was getting a vape pen, unfortunately kinda sucks (kandypen) but thought it was a good idea to be stealthy. I grow outdoors, but also have nowhere indoors to do it atm.
I think the only thing I would be worried about is them telling other people... plus, I think theres a good chance it will be legal within the next 1-3 years..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Transporting it. Nothing leads back to my house. Not my mail. Not any form of paperwork. Not my friends. Not even my name on the lease.

Actually this is a false notion, if something happened where you got caught transporting it there is paper that leads back to your home. They're called a license and registration. I'm guessing that transporting could include driving? If so the most likely thing that would lead to a bust is you getting pulled over and if that happens the first thing the cops will want to see is your license and registration which by law should have the address of your primary residence.

If you did get and use a separate address, that would be a way to take care of that issue though. So what if they know where you live if there is nothing there to find.


Active member
its just another way for the government to fuck with creative people.. think about it.. the one thing the government hates is a FREE THINKER.. and weed.. allows parents to think different about shit.. so their kids grow up differently.. and those kids.. MIGHT CHANGE how the government works.. and that doesnt sit well with them..

the main thing is .. wen you say to yourself.. maybe the government LIED about that too.. just like they lied about weed.. YOU BECOME THE TARGET.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Considered it. My concerns are that in America today, your ability to succeed is almost directly connected to your ability to pass the standardized tests. My wife is going to school to be an elementary education teacher, so its really a possibility, but at the same time I'd be concerned for his social development.

Home schooling is something more and more families are turning to and if you're serious about it the child can often benefit from a better then "state provided" education. The impact on socialization has been a concern in the past but as more and more families turn to this option some interesting changes have begun to take place. Namely these people are supporting each other which has led to things like planned social events, field trips and even outdoor physical education with other kids of their same age.


Both my kids were homeschooled. They both turned out great and successful. Every homeschooled kid I ever met was unique and well fitted for life.

I really don't understand why it is at all difficult to keep your growing and smoking a secret from your kids. My grow room is well hidden, behind a refrigerator in the garage. The fridge makes enough noise to hide any grow/fan hum. I usually did my grow chores early in the morning when everyone slept. Build a hidden room. Sleep well.

As far as smoking. This one really puzzles me why anyone has to know you smoke or see you smoke. Even now I just fill a hit and blow it out the bathroom window. Bing bang boom, 20 seconds. Maybe you guys just prefer the ritual of smoking, getting out your piece, or rolling a joint, but if you are trying to maintain stealth that shit has to go. When I worked construction I could turn my back, fill my one hitter and spark it, blow it out slowly, all in about 20 seconds with my hoodie up. No one could tell. There is just no reason you have to expose yourself. Most people want to bring there kids in because they feel that they don't want to lie to them or they should have the right to be free in front of their kids. That's just stupid. Never let your kids know anything about this. Ever. Never let them see you smoke or fuck with herb, or talk about it. Like I said if you can't hide shit from a small child then what happens when the pros start snooping around your shit?

My son is into his 20's now and knows everything I ever did. He understands why I had to hide. Yours will too.


Active member
I actually tried to delete this thread after making it. I knew it might be a little touchy, but I'm glad nobody has actually went out and tried to make me feel like a piece of shit for doing what I do.

I made this thread to give myself something to think about. To see other perspectives that I may not have considered.

I've been torn. And even if I do move it out, the risks don't necessarily decrease, they just change. But it gets my son away from any potential dangerous situation.

Fortunately, I believe I may be able to do this quicker than expected....I've found several local houses for sale for under $20,000.....some as cheap as $8,000. Obviously they need a lot of work, but I just need a house to gut. I feel like I could possibly, reasonably, do that this year.

Don't see why anybody would give you shit for wanting to do right by your family. Obviously a lot of extreme opinions one way or the other (mostly one way on this forum) but I think for the most part we're all adults who can have a logical discussion about an uncomfortable topic without slinging mud at each other.
This is precisely why the first rule is we don't talk about grow club, ...not counting here of course :)

Such a lonely life a grower leads! It's also why I relocated. My last spot, I slipped up and a few people ended up knowing what I did and where I lived. I moved again as soon as my lease expired to where I'm at now and have yet to invite anyone over in the 8mo that I've lived here.

Actually this is a false notion, if something happened where you got caught transporting it there is paper that leads back to your home. They're called a license and registration. I'm guessing that transporting could include driving? If so the most likely thing that would lead to a bust is you getting pulled over and if that happens the first thing the cops will want to see is your license and registration which by law should have the address of your primary residence.

If you did get and use a separate address, that would be a way to take care of that issue though. So what if they know where you live if there is nothing there to find.

Fortunately, my address on my license/registration belongs to what I consider my permanent address - my mothers house. In a different city and different county. Been that way for 12 years or so. Very convenient, actually... there's been a warrant or two for missed court dates or something, and they always show up to my moms house, which she promptly informs me for a nice heads-up.

its just another way for the government to fuck with creative people.. think about it.. the one thing the government hates is a FREE THINKER.. and weed.. allows parents to think different about shit.. so their kids grow up differently.. and those kids.. MIGHT CHANGE how the government works.. and that doesnt sit well with them..

the main thing is .. wen you say to yourself.. maybe the government LIED about that too.. just like they lied about weed.. YOU BECOME THE TARGET.

I truly believe I make myself a target as well. I actively speak out against corrupt police and demand accountability in government. I'm sure as far as government is concerned, I'm probably a more "radical" thinker. The monopoly of government protection leaves no room for improvement. There's no competition, thus no need/desire to improve on the services....

Now compare our police force with the private security you'll find in a casino in Vegas. I've NEVER seen an issue in vegas. Sure the occasional disorderly drunk whom is promptly removed before any situation escalates. There's NEVER any real crime in a casino. No murders, no thefts, and there's money EVERYWHERE. Why is that? That's because the security can't act like cops, else they'll drive away the customers. That would result in accountability... the firing of the security due to loss of money. They treat everyone with utmost respect rather than like criminals.

The privatization of police would go a long way to improving this country. Over 1000 Americans were killed by police last year. Compare this to other police forces worldwide. Compare that number to the number of americans terrorists have murdered... who's the real terrorist here?


Active member
LOL yup... She and the boy get a 2 day vacation, with maid service, and I get to trim like a mofo.

My wife is sensitive to the terps, and this is the only way it will work...

Since we live rural, and cook most of our food from scratch and generally live a simple life, this is a treat...

My son gets to go swimming etc. during the winter months etc. so I don't see this as a downside....

If I wasn't chopping, he wouldn't get to spend a couple days having fun in the city with his mom...I will sometimes join them if I finish early....


Much clearer....not that it matters as i'm just some dude on da web.

You can send mine off also and i'll help trim...:biggrin:

Better yet.....send me off with all the kids to the pool and my other half can help trim.....no damn funny bizznezz dough :biggrin:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Such a lonely life a grower leads! It's also why I relocated. My last spot, I slipped up and a few people ended up knowing what I did and where I lived. I moved again as soon as my lease expired to where I'm at now and have yet to invite anyone over in the 8mo that I've lived here.

Nah you don't have to be lonely, just careful. If you have your grow securely locked away and properly, smell, light, etc. proof. You should be able to have company and keep them from knowing about your grow. I mean if you can't hide it from company then what hope do you have of hiding it from someone living there?

Fortunately, my address on my license/registration belongs to what I consider my permanent address - my mothers house. In a different city and different county. Been that way for 12 years or so. Very convenient, actually... there's been a warrant or two for missed court dates or something, and they always show up to my moms house, which she promptly informs me for a nice heads-up.

Ah well that's a unique situation. :biggrin:


Active member
Both my kids were homeschooled. They both turned out great and successful. Every homeschooled kid I ever met was unique and well fitted for life.

I really don't understand why it is at all difficult to keep your growing and smoking a secret from your kids. My grow room is well hidden, behind a refrigerator in the garage. The fridge makes enough noise to hide any grow/fan hum. I usually did my grow chores early in the morning when everyone slept. Build a hidden room. Sleep well.

As far as smoking. This one really puzzles me why anyone has to know you smoke or see you smoke. Even now I just fill a hit and blow it out the bathroom window. Bing bang boom, 20 seconds. Maybe you guys just prefer the ritual of smoking, getting out your piece, or rolling a joint, but if you are trying to maintain stealth that shit has to go. When I worked construction I could turn my back, fill my one hitter and spark it, blow it out slowly, all in about 20 seconds with my hoodie up. No one could tell. There is just no reason you have to expose yourself. Most people want to bring there kids in because they feel that they don't want to lie to them or they should have the right to be free in front of their kids. That's just stupid. Never let your kids know anything about this. Ever. Never let them see you smoke or fuck with herb, or talk about it. Like I said if you can't hide shit from a small child then what happens when the pros start snooping around your shit?

My son is into his 20's now and knows everything I ever did. He understands why I had to hide. Yours will too.

iuno what your smoking but.. anything I even touch or open the bag. or jar.. or 5 gallon bucket.. makes my clothes stink right away.. nevermind taking a hit off a pipe or a 1 hitter lol..