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Growing a cannabis community in Virginia


I downloaded and started reading the law other night but didn't get very far.

​​​​​​There was lots of legislation dealing with setting up regulation boards for retail.

and I saw that any police officer is allowed to file charges for growing too many plants.
But my question is do the police have the right to come inside your home and inspect that you only have 4 plants?
Smell of cannabis is no longer probable cause in Virginia, so what would be probable cause for Leo to enter your home?

Anybody read the law yet?
I'm in southwest VA and I moved my entire livestock hemp op here with high hopes of getting a license when they offer them. I'm in 276, only hemp grower in my county lol.

Not to rain on your parade, but you may or may not have a hard time with that. Foremost, they are looking to dole out licensing equitably. That means those impacted by marijuana convictions and members of "historically affected" "communities" get first dibs and priority on licensing for production and retail. You also need to have an equity plan in place to get a license. Basically, you need to have plan detailing how your business will help "historically disaffected" "communities" via charity, hiring processes, etc. And at the end of the day, it's entirely up to the board's discretion to grant you a license or not based on completely arbitrary grounds.

The reason why I'm putting some things into quotations is because these are terms explicitly used in the legislation. Better terminology would be ethnographic, rather than communities, but we're dealing with people so dumb and clueless that they don't think you can grow more than an ounce with 4 plants.

Second, the prospect of growing up to four plants is at odds with the possession limit of one ounce. As Sen. Bill Stanley, R-Franklin, noted, one plant could easily produce several times that amount.

“Are we not creating a criminal act by growing one plant?” he said.

The bill’s senate patron, Sen. Adam Ebbin, D-Alexandria, said he didn’t have a good answer, but doubted many would-be cultivators would successfully grow more than an ounce.


Which even further goes to show how dumb our legislators are. The legislation explicitly states that possession on your person or in public of more than one ounce is punishable by a fine of $25.

§ 4.1-1100. Possession, etc., of marijuana and marijuana products by persons 21 years of age or older lawful; penalties.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this subtitle and notwithstanding any other provision of law, a person 21 years of age or older may lawfully possess on his person or in any public place not more than one ounce of marijuana or an equivalent amount of marijuana product as determined by regulation promulgated by the Board.

B. Any person who possesses on his person or in any public place marijuana or marijuana products in excess of the amounts set forth in subsection A is subject to a civil penalty of no more than $25. The penalty for any violations of this section by an adult shall be prepayable according to the procedures in § 16.1-69.40:2.

These galaxy-brain fuckups have no idea how marijuana cultivation works nor even what they signed into law. It explicitly states that this provision supersedes and overrides all other legislation that pertains to marijuana possession (notwithstanding any other provision of law) and it explicitly states possession on person, which is different than a generalized sense of possession whereby possession is deemed by merely having quick and easy access. E.G. Having a gun in your home is possession, but only considered to be "on your person" if you are physically carrying it. POssession in public falls into the more generalized sense of possession, whereby you could be deemed in possession by merely being close and accessible.
I downloaded and started reading the law other night but didn't get very far.

​​​​​​There was lots of legislation dealing with setting up regulation boards for retail.

and I saw that any police officer is allowed to file charges for growing too many plants.
But my question is do the police have the right to come inside your home and inspect that you only have 4 plants?
Smell of cannabis is no longer probable cause in Virginia, so what would be probable cause for Leo to enter your home?

Anybody read the law yet?

Yes, I have red the legislation. Not much changed with Northam's amendments.

No, they cannot enter your home unless they have probable cause.

You may have up to 4 plants. Each plant must be labeled with a tag that has your name, address and driver's license number or personal ID number.

I highly recommend you use Ctrl+F on the PDF to search for terms. It makes life a lot easier.

Possession regulations are in Chapter 11 deals with personal possession, cultivation and sharing.

§ 4.1-1107 in Chapter 11 deals with possession inside a motor vehicle. Basically, put the shit in the trunk or in the back compartment of your vehicle. If it is in a seating area or your vehicle, it is considered an open container.

Please note that making hash via butane is deemed illegal as per § 4.1-1118 in Chapter 11. The extraction of resin via any substance with a flashpoint higher than 100F is deemed illegal.
Derp I typoed pretty hard.

If it is in a seating area of your vehicle, it is considered an open container.

The extraction of resin via any substance with a flashpoint lower than 100F is deemed illegal.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Not to rain on your parade, but you may or may not have a hard time with that. Foremost, they are looking to dole out licensing equitably. That means those impacted by marijuana convictions and members of "historically affected" "communities" get first dibs and priority on licensing for production and retail. You also need to have an equity plan in place to get a license. Basically, you need to have plan detailing how your business will help "historically disaffected" "communities" via charity, hiring processes, etc. And at the end of the day, it's entirely up to the board's discretion to grant you a license or not based on completely arbitrary grounds.

The reason why I'm putting some things into quotations is because these are terms explicitly used in the legislation. Better terminology would be ethnographic, rather than communities, but we're dealing with people so dumb and clueless that they don't think you can grow more than an ounce with 4 plants.

Which even further goes to show how dumb our legislators are. The legislation explicitly states that possession on your person or in public of more than one ounce is punishable by a fine of $25.

These galaxy-brain fuckups have no idea how marijuana cultivation works nor even what they signed into law. It explicitly states that this provision supersedes and overrides all other legislation that pertains to marijuana possession (notwithstanding any other provision of law) and it explicitly states possession on person, which is different than a generalized sense of possession whereby possession is deemed by merely having quick and easy access. E.G. Having a gun in your home is possession, but only considered to be "on your person" if you are physically carrying it. POssession in public falls into the more generalized sense of possession, whereby you could be deemed in possession by merely being close and accessible.

Aww man, my parade isn't rained on. I've been dealing with stupid state regulations for years and this will be no different... I'm hope that I can make a case to the board that amounts to my license, if not caregiver is already passed and I'll ride that train till it's dead. I've made due for a long time and I'm sure I'll be making due now. I also highly expect once the CCA board is actually created and functioning we'll see a slew of changes and amendments to original bill. That has historically been the case in almost every state that went legal. It's gonna be a shit show but I'm in. Pain in the ass regulations should almost be expected at this point.


New member
"Please note that making hash via butane is deemed illegal as per § 4.1-1118 in Chapter 11. The extraction of resin via any substance with a flashpoint higher than 100F is deemed illegal." Unless I am mistaken, that is not in the bill that passed. The bill that passed and was signed by the Governor says NO extraction of concentrates at home. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Well-known member
drac;n17856759 " The bill that passed and was signed by the Governor says NO extraction of concentrates at home. Please correct me if I am wrong.[/QUOTE said:
i'm curious to know if hand-rubbing hash would be illegal under their regs. is rubbing a plant with your hand considered "concentrating" ? ice hash? you are merely physically removing the glands from the plant material. no solvents involved. exactly how they would regulate stirring your buds in ice water and pouring your water through a mesh screen is a mystery to me...


New member
As written "no concentrates". I would imagine that is irrespective of the manner in which the weed is "concentrated" If the cops come into your house for whatever reason (medical emergency, house fire, ect.) and see a ball of hash on the coffee table my assumption is the "concentrate" would be a violation of the law. Again, it is just an assumption on my part. I am just a layman and there are many nuances within law.


Active member
Moved back to VA from cali for family reasons but im trying to build a community here in Virginia like out there im located in the 757 area doing a lil 5x5 indoor at the moment with 2 mars hydro tsw 2000 drop your area code and what your currently working with will upload pics soon

Holy shit I found my password!!
First time I have visited ICMAG in a loooong time.
How are ya, KR? I recently moved back to the 540 after a few decades down south. I had regrets about moving back to a blue state but hey, at least they legalized weed. Definitely a perk!

Just pulled all the equipment from storage and getting my rig set up. Found quite a few (12 packs) of horded BOG and Chemdog seeds that I thought were thrown away years ago. Hopefully I'll get some to germ. Also have about 100 Sweet Tooth#3 seeds that I saved from long, long ago. Wish I still had my Sensi Star Ogre Pheno (hence my username). Unfortunately, she's been gone for many years 😢. That's okay though, so many new strains to try out 😁.
Can't wait to get my rig going and to see what my VA brothers and sisters are capable of producing.

Take care,


Active member
About to take on my first indoor grow! Just started germinating some seeds today. I went with 4 different strains all with 55-60 day flowering times. I'll be growing out of the Mars hydro 3x3x6 tent using the fc3000.

Here's my strain line up- Elev8 seeds- biscotti cake
Humboldt seed co- headband
207 genetics (no relation to my name)- big bud v2 and blueberry

Mars H.

Grow on Earth Grow with Mars
About to take on my first indoor grow! Just started germinating some seeds today. I went with 4 different strains all with 55-60 day flowering times. I'll be growing out of the Mars hydro 3x3x6 tent using the fc3000.

Here's my strain line up- Elev8 seeds- biscotti cake
Humboldt seed co- headband
207 genetics (no relation to my name)- big bud v2 and blueberry

Thanks for your support. buddy. :trampoline:


Active member
I'm trying to talk my bro into getting some good LED's for flowering, he has a good vegging setup, he was like I heard Mars hydro has good lights, I giggled because he knows nothing about weed and lights, but he was spot on, ha ha
What makes shit so hard is a 4 plant limit, how the hell can I have a perpetual grow with only 4 plants?
One mother, or 2 Mothers?
Cut a clone from each and flower...
But then how do I have two clones already vegged to the height I like to grow them at, which is like 2 to 2.5' before I flower...
A 4 plant minimum kills the thought of having a variety...
I cannot wait till we have more dispensaries and a lot more strains, they are going to be expensive as hell though..


Well, I went to the symposium.
I think I made a lot of people happier than they were before I came across them. I passed out over 2 ounces of weed to complete strangers. Wifey gave out edibles.