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Grower commits suicide during struggle with police


Enormous Member
The problem is that the cops don't think they have to be held accountable for their actions, which is ironic since their job is to make other people accountable for theirs. Stinks of hypocrisy, so fuck 'em.

Mr. Mountain

I live in the South, penalties are STEEP. I can see a guy that knows what the system can be like shooting himself instead of going to Prison. But the cops couldn't stop him? If not and he was so unstable/able to get a gun, why did no one else get hurt?

Sure he could be a pacifist that only wanted to keep the gun around in case of a need for suicide, or he could be like most gun owners (myself included) that keep a gun for personal protection.

More likely there is far more to this story.

Mr. M


The whole thing sounds a little fishy to me...I have a hard time comprehending how someone can get to their gun and shoot themselves with two officers on them.

However, at the ripe old age of 43, parents dead, being not very close at all with remaining family members, and my closest friend being my doggie, if I was facing a decade behind bars and nothing to look forward to after coming out Id be blowing my brains out also.


I would never be so quick to blow out my brains, and likely, 99% or more of the rest us wouldn't either.

Plan "B" should not be "shoot yourself in the head".


All of you thinking the cops might have "assisted" him in "suicide" sound like some paranoid stoners...

Maybe you should all take a few days off and touch base with reality.

Shit happens.
Amazing shit happens when people reach the point of no return where they feel like they have to kill...whether it be themselves or other people. They will stop at nothing. The human body can achieve many feats. Dude only had to get his hand free for half a second... and bang.

I've seen a guy walk right into an APC while firing an automatic weapon from the hip and take hits from a MAG 7.62. He then proceeded to charge the APC and throw himself ontop, trying to get to the hatch; already severely wounded. He was then hit with the cannon which tore a leg off, one arm was hanging from a tendon or some shit, chunks missing from his torso, eye missing. Hits the ground. Dust settles. Boots check the body, thought he was dead, he started to move and gurgle blood from his shattered jaw, hardly any teeth left so the closest soldier put a three round burst in his chest. This guy was all fucked up and mangled;disfigured. His heart was still pumping. Put his ass on a bird out just to see what was up with this freak. Heard he was trying to talk on the ride back to the OP.

Like I said, AMAZING shit happens...


I would never be so quick to blow out my brains, and likely, 99% or more of the rest us wouldn't either. Plan "B" should not be "shoot yourself in the head".

I dunno...I can see it. When faced with the reality of losing EVERYTHING YOU OWN, being locked up with shitholes for a decade, and not having anything or anyone to come out to I can totally see that as being plan B.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
It really sucks when it comes to "what really happened," because the pigs lie all the time. That I know for a fact. And that's Not being Paranoid! And we know without a doubt they will shoot your ass in a "New York second", especially if you brandish a weapon.

40AmpsToFreedom gives his account of how he was prepared to shoot himself because of the fascist laws in Florida, and nothing to live for. That's what gets me is one of us feeling like, "I have nothing to live for."

I sold my unregistered 357 and MAC-10 five years ago because I was afraid I might do the same thing here in the South......kill myself or kill them. I think that's when I started chanting here.........because I personally didn't want to leave a loved one behind. It's a shame on the system we have to live like animals at times over cannabis being "Outlawed."

I don't know. I'm nearing a crossroads. I am obviously in favor of, financially support (when I can), and write my congressman about legalization.

But on a personal level, my broke ass saved up my wages from my sixty hour work weeks making $8 p/h- alongside illegal immigrants (amidst student loans, other financial mistakes, etc) -and found my way to the Western cannabis promised land. He could have. And so can anybody on this board. You might not be able to keep your sweet 4x4 truck, boat, and all your shit, but if you want to be 98% percent free from leo harassment, you can damn well move to a med state and grow a half dozen girls with no issues (not for certain, of course. But almost).

These guys are growers and dealers in non med states. Again, for goodness sakes don't misread; I have self hate, but not that much. I certainly empathize with this fello. I just..I dunno. The system is changing in our favor in many places. The pilgrims crossed the Atlantic on a rat-infested dumpy ship to keep their asses out of financial and literal lock-down. You can't drag your sorry ass to Denver or San Fran? Cmon....


Enormous Member
I don't know. I'm nearing a crossroads. I am obviously in favor of, financially support (when I can), and write my congressman about legalization.

But on a personal level, my broke ass saved up my wages from my sixty hour work weeks making $8 p/h- alongside illegal immigrants (amidst student loans, other financial mistakes, etc) -and found my way to the Western cannabis promised land. He could have. And so can anybody on this board. You might not be able to keep your sweet 4x4 truck, boat, and all your shit, but if you want to be 98% percent free from leo harassment, you can damn well move to a med state and grow a half dozen girls with no issues (not for certain, of course. But almost).

These guys are growers and dealers in non med states. Again, for goodness sakes don't misread; I have self hate, but not that much. I certainly empathize with this fello. I just..I dunno. The system is changing in our favor in many places. The pilgrims crossed the Atlantic on a rat-infested dumpy ship to keep their asses out of financial and literal lock-down. You can't drag your sorry ass to Denver or San Fran? Cmon....

This is fucking America, man! I shouldn't have to leave my home to avoid unjust laws. Civil disobediance is a much better alternative. So is revolution. You have to be complicit for these executive perversions to take hold.


I love my life
This is fucking America, man! I shouldn't have to leave my home to avoid unjust laws. Civil disobediance is a much better alternative. So is revolution. You have to be complicit for these executive perversions to take hold.

You didn't have to move out of the south if you were black, but that didn't make Jim Crow any more fun.

This country has been immorally treating one segment or another of the society for longer than it has been a country.


I'm pretty sure Alabama has shown many of them what their constitutional rights are really worth over the years.

Idealism is great but expecting the American south to be tolerant of anything non white / christian is a mistake.



shut the fuck up Donny
scared of electricity usage in Alabama=LED

100 plants + Alabama + MMS= Suicide (if thats what actually happened)


New member
I just..I dunno. The system is changing in our favor in many places.

Where would that be? They're cracking down in the 'Dam, for the luvva crumbcake!

And there's not a med state in the union where mj's semi-legal status isn't on life support 24/7, one grandstanding dick-sucking politician away from the Dark Ages (again).

I'm all for the glass being half full. But not when it ain't.


Game Bred
I'll say this....
I agree with hydro wholeheartedly concerning oppression,
However of all the places I've lived Chicago is the most segregated racist place I've ever had the misfortune to dwell!


Got this off the NORML website for Alabama:

If it is your third major felony conviction involving violence or weapons it is a minimum of 20 years. Unless you are in a state that is willing to let violent criminals free early so to make room for pot dealers.


As the cops waited for the second person to arrive. Did they contact dispatch and inform them of what was going down. If so why was there no back up? Were these cops shaking down these growers when one said bull shit? Since the second suspect was involved in a crime that involved a death has he been told to keep his mouth shut or face murder charges. It is a shame because Alabama is on the verge of being the first med state in the south.


In the South blowin your brains out is definitely a viable option vs. the alternative of a completely useless and ruined life. Most risk it because without it their life is completely useless anyways. Almost a damned if you do damned if you don't except for the fact there still is a small chance you can make it in life.

For the two years I did this in Florida where the law was changed to a mandatory 5-15 years for only fuckin 24 plants, your opinions on things change. Add a gun everyone has for self defense and it is mandatory 10-20-life on top of the drug charge. When they originally passed the 24 plant law it was a mandatory 15 years but they rewrote it to give the judge discretion after many of them grew a glimmer of a soul and complained. Some times you have so little money you are forced to stay where you are until you can save to get out. I had to weather that shit for two years and it really can wear on you no matter who you are.

^That is why I kept a pistol under my pillow, in my grow room, and in my living room. It was not to murder a cop but to end a pointless existence. The cop is guilty for what he does for his comfy salary and pension but does not deserved to be murdered. That is most likely his logic as it was my logic.

Most of the people that do this for a living do it as a means of survival in the South or last resort when all other options are exhausted. They also tend to be the same people who have little or no family or support system so what the fuck does a person like that have once you add in even the 1 charge much less both. Almost your entire life is fucked. Government is evil for doing this to its people over a plant.

We are bought and sold as cattle:


We are as valuable to the Jail guards pension as we are the judges on the Governments pay, the lawyers private and government who will all tell you drug cases are fantastic money, and the police officers who will throw you into a pit just like they did to Joseph.

Prison Job Trumps Harvard Degree:


Someday America will wake up to this bureaucratic nightmare and call for serious limitations on our government. Until then more people are going to start shooting themselves and others because of an out of control and abusive government who continually argues they do it to save lives all the while ignoring how much more death, destruction, and sorrow they actually cause.[/quo



Active member
All of you thinking the cops might have "assisted" him in "suicide" sound like some paranoid stoners...

Maybe you should all take a few days off and touch base with reality.

Shit happens.
Amazing shit happens when people reach the point of no return where they feel like they have to kill...whether it be themselves or other people. They will stop at nothing. The human body can achieve many feats. Dude only had to get his hand free for half a second... and bang.

I've seen a guy walk right into an APC while firing an automatic weapon from the hip and take hits from a MAG 7.62. He then proceeded to charge the APC and throw himself ontop, trying to get to the hatch; already severely wounded. He was then hit with the cannon which tore a leg off, one arm was hanging from a tendon or some shit, chunks missing from his torso, eye missing. Hits the ground. Dust settles. Boots check the body, thought he was dead, he started to move and gurgle blood from his shattered jaw, hardly any teeth left so the closest soldier put a three round burst in his chest. This guy was all fucked up and mangled;disfigured. His heart was still pumping. Put his ass on a bird out just to see what was up with this freak. Heard he was trying to talk on the ride back to the OP.

Like I said, AMAZING shit happens...

maybe you should touch base with reality you are completely contradicting yourself with the first words of this post anyway.

ive been in many situations where my friends have been brutally beaten almost to death in businesses only to know that somehow the footage for that night happened to just disappear and no one give a shit about it.

thats the reality of it, it might be hard for you to believe but i have experienced nothing but asshole police in my life that have never once helped or cared to even question why the owner of a business would just randomly have no a tape for that one night.

the owner was even apart of the whole ordeal, he fled from the scene which is a huge criminal offense. i told the officers and they didnt give a shit, they didnt even report it or even make an effort to catch him. your story about adrenaline is literally pointless in comparison to the things on this planet that actually do happen.

oh and guess what this douche bag, returns to work a week later and still hasnt been arrested nor has his business been completely shut down, which the officers also tried to make me believe.

if you knew anything about saying such remarks you would simply know given a human being, any demented thing you could possibly think of is sadly probably happening to someone some where as i type this, its ignorant to try to apply "a reality check" to such an issue when there are several endless possibilities.

im not one to be rude to people over nothing but you calling a majority of us "paranoid stoners" over something that is extremely likely, really irritates me. given almost 80% of the police force has some huge power complex, doing whatever the fuck they want... almost makes me want to say.. fuck you.

i didnt even want to respond to this thread at all just reading through to this but after seeing your post was the icing on the cake to say such demeaning remarks for something you have no idea about and are completely contradicting to what you say in the first place..

your calling us paranoid stoners for thinking of a situation that couldve and very well likely happened, just as likely as him actually managing to commit suicide by saying nothing more than shit happens, is stupid within itself.

by your logic if shit happens, AMAZING THINGS... then those possibilities are clearly very likely to have happened, so what was the point of even calling people "paranoid stoners" then to top it off by telling us we need a reality check.

you know what i find AMAZING how truly ignorant people can be for literally the dumbest must unethically logical reasons such as yourself.


Active member
Where would that be? They're cracking down in the 'Dam, for the luvva crumbcake!

And there's not a med state in the union where mj's semi-legal status isn't on life support 24/7, one grandstanding dick-sucking politician away from the Dark Ages (again).

I'm all for the glass being half full. But not when it ain't.

i agree, i always appreciate the little pushes we get involving cannabis, but as for me and thousands if not millions of other people we are far from even being close in the places that really need it.


Active member
I'm from Alabama. Agree with the poster who said it's a Good Ole Boy state. Penalties for law breaking (if imposed) vary widely depending on whom you know or are. The clean cut good ole boy from a nice family gets off his DUI with $500 and a few months suspension, whereas the nigger, dope smoker, or other "low class" individuals get the huge fines, testing and inpatient treatment programs, and no mercy. And you better have my money right now, bitch, or here's a phone to call somebody, otherwise you're going to jail. Attitudes are a little more progressive and more laid back here than some other southern states (i.e. Georgia, Florida) towards cannabis and a lot of things, but just like anywhere else the small town pigs will never turn down an opportunity to bust somebody for something. And of course, once in the courts' grasp their primary objective is to squeeze as much money out of you as possible, then toss aside your penniless husk.

The story about the pigs seeing the U-haul truck parked at the warehouse and thinking it suspicious sounds believable. When hard times hit thieves round here get pretty audacious in their scrap metal thievery, and renting a U-haul truck to rob a warehouse sounds like something someone would try. There was one instance in my town where some people went so far as to hitch up and drive off with a tractor trailer load full of wire spools from behind the Goodyear plant. I have heard of people being electrocuted trying to cut down power lines and transformers. A great way to get a cop's attention around here is to be parked behind a business/church/etc looking suspicious at odd hours.

And doesn't that seem weird, seeing a U-haul truck (for home moving) at an industrial location? I hope everyone is paying attention to the mistakes made here so we can all learn. Rule #1--don't attract LEO attention by doing unusual things. Rule #2--don't get into a situation where somebody can just walk up and see you moving thousands of cannabis plants. Hell, what if you got pulled over for some reason and the cop wanted to take a peek in the back? Put that shit in CARDBOARD BOXES, and TAPE them, before you even bring the truck there, let alone have the door standing wide open loading plants. Both tape and boxes are cheap and easy to come by, so you have no excuse for sloppiness when your freedom (and tragically in this case, life) is on the line.

I believe the cops' account that the guy shot himself. Like others said, he probably was a guy who bet everything on this grow, had nothing else, and basically felt he had nothing to live for anymore. He made the decision in a blink of an eye; he did not have time to stop and think about it. Actually, he did in fact have the time, but he did not avail himself of it. He obviously spent many hours and a lot of work and money building this grow, but sadly he did not devote an equal number of hours to the security necessity to keep this things under wraps, safe, and secure from prying eyes and nosy pigs, as well as escape options in the event things go wrong. We don't plan to fail, we fail to plan.



One day you will have to answer to the children of
You can't drag your sorry ass to Denver or San Fran? Cmon....
Whooaa dar buddie.

Grass isn't so green in good ol' Colorado.
Backlash is a coming.

Still, we do have a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT in this state.