The problem is that the cops don't think they have to be held accountable for their actions, which is ironic since their job is to make other people accountable for theirs. Stinks of hypocrisy, so fuck 'em.
I would never be so quick to blow out my brains, and likely, 99% or more of the rest us wouldn't either. Plan "B" should not be "shoot yourself in the head".
I don't know. I'm nearing a crossroads. I am obviously in favor of, financially support (when I can), and write my congressman about legalization.
But on a personal level, my broke ass saved up my wages from my sixty hour work weeks making $8 p/h- alongside illegal immigrants (amidst student loans, other financial mistakes, etc) -and found my way to the Western cannabis promised land. He could have. And so can anybody on this board. You might not be able to keep your sweet 4x4 truck, boat, and all your shit, but if you want to be 98% percent free from leo harassment, you can damn well move to a med state and grow a half dozen girls with no issues (not for certain, of course. But almost).
These guys are growers and dealers in non med states. Again, for goodness sakes don't misread; I have self hate, but not that much. I certainly empathize with this fello. I just..I dunno. The system is changing in our favor in many places. The pilgrims crossed the Atlantic on a rat-infested dumpy ship to keep their asses out of financial and literal lock-down. You can't drag your sorry ass to Denver or San Fran? Cmon....
This is fucking America, man! I shouldn't have to leave my home to avoid unjust laws. Civil disobediance is a much better alternative. So is revolution. You have to be complicit for these executive perversions to take hold.
I just..I dunno. The system is changing in our favor in many places.
Got this off the NORML website for Alabama:
In the South blowin your brains out is definitely a viable option vs. the alternative of a completely useless and ruined life. Most risk it because without it their life is completely useless anyways. Almost a damned if you do damned if you don't except for the fact there still is a small chance you can make it in life.
For the two years I did this in Florida where the law was changed to a mandatory 5-15 years for only fuckin 24 plants, your opinions on things change. Add a gun everyone has for self defense and it is mandatory 10-20-life on top of the drug charge. When they originally passed the 24 plant law it was a mandatory 15 years but they rewrote it to give the judge discretion after many of them grew a glimmer of a soul and complained. Some times you have so little money you are forced to stay where you are until you can save to get out. I had to weather that shit for two years and it really can wear on you no matter who you are.
^That is why I kept a pistol under my pillow, in my grow room, and in my living room. It was not to murder a cop but to end a pointless existence. The cop is guilty for what he does for his comfy salary and pension but does not deserved to be murdered. That is most likely his logic as it was my logic.
Most of the people that do this for a living do it as a means of survival in the South or last resort when all other options are exhausted. They also tend to be the same people who have little or no family or support system so what the fuck does a person like that have once you add in even the 1 charge much less both. Almost your entire life is fucked. Government is evil for doing this to its people over a plant.
We are bought and sold as cattle:
We are as valuable to the Jail guards pension as we are the judges on the Governments pay, the lawyers private and government who will all tell you drug cases are fantastic money, and the police officers who will throw you into a pit just like they did to Joseph.
Prison Job Trumps Harvard Degree:
Someday America will wake up to this bureaucratic nightmare and call for serious limitations on our government. Until then more people are going to start shooting themselves and others because of an out of control and abusive government who continually argues they do it to save lives all the while ignoring how much more death, destruction, and sorrow they actually cause.[/quo
All of you thinking the cops might have "assisted" him in "suicide" sound like some paranoid stoners...
Maybe you should all take a few days off and touch base with reality.
Shit happens.
Amazing shit happens when people reach the point of no return where they feel like they have to kill...whether it be themselves or other people. They will stop at nothing. The human body can achieve many feats. Dude only had to get his hand free for half a second... and bang.
I've seen a guy walk right into an APC while firing an automatic weapon from the hip and take hits from a MAG 7.62. He then proceeded to charge the APC and throw himself ontop, trying to get to the hatch; already severely wounded. He was then hit with the cannon which tore a leg off, one arm was hanging from a tendon or some shit, chunks missing from his torso, eye missing. Hits the ground. Dust settles. Boots check the body, thought he was dead, he started to move and gurgle blood from his shattered jaw, hardly any teeth left so the closest soldier put a three round burst in his chest. This guy was all fucked up and mangled;disfigured. His heart was still pumping. Put his ass on a bird out just to see what was up with this freak. Heard he was trying to talk on the ride back to the OP.
Like I said, AMAZING shit happens...
Where would that be? They're cracking down in the 'Dam, for the luvva crumbcake!
And there's not a med state in the union where mj's semi-legal status isn't on life support 24/7, one grandstanding dick-sucking politician away from the Dark Ages (again).
I'm all for the glass being half full. But not when it ain't.
Whooaa dar buddie.You can't drag your sorry ass to Denver or San Fran? Cmon....