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Growdoc's BubbleDust outdoors watch em grow



How goz it my friend. Great i hope.. Well here is a few shots of her. But im kinda worried she is looking a lil crispy golden on the tips of the leaves.. And yes check that secret box out.. A brother would love to grow anything of yours Mr Doc.. Ok here she is take a look nice and frosty.. Bubbledust.. @ about 90 days total of life.. Ill figure out her 12/12 time later im high and have to go train.. So lookie..peace..

Here she is from the top view.. See the crispy leaves.. Im using about 1500 ec on the nutes.. fox farm tiger bloom and big bloom..

Ok here she is from the side.. Short and sweet.. mmm

And this is a nug shot from the middle of the plant..

And another nug shot

And some more nuggie nuggie.. bubble dust will definately be grown again in my grow.. As well as any other gear growdoc comes out with.. great stuff hands down..

Ok there is a lil update ill update when things look different.. And i have time to update.. Peace out folks again thanx growdoc for making such good gear.. peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
LQQK see... mostly done a few left
Sack's Cappuccino OD Grow
Sack's Limon OD Grow

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Cannabis Helper
Thanks for the update sackoweed...

She will go through one more wave of pistils and then start to finish.

is always nice to see some color...

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Active member
Looking good Sackoweed she has some beautiful flowers. Cant wait to here how she smokes. I also gotta go check on the little bubbledust i have outdoors even though my friend said she was there as of yesterday. Way to get the growing done under the sun. PeAcE


Well-known member
brother SACKOWEED damn your keeping yourself busy with your grows eh
looking good .when i look at your grows its all stuff i have and it makes me want too germ them and i dont have the room right now .but excellent work keep it green and girlie


Howz it brother . Great i hope.. Hows the mite problem also hope that has been cleared up i dislike them lil bastids.. Anyhow Here is the last pics of this lady i will chop her tomorrow.. It rained like a mofo saturday and she was soaked so ima let her dry out a and chop chop..

Chucky chuck
Thanx for stoppin by brother.. Howz it anyhow with your 3430294382509 bazillion grows.. Lol And yes we have similar taste in puffs id say.. peace

Hey brother howz it? Great i know fo a fact.. With them monster choco thais. Amongst the other beauties you have.. Thanx for stoppin by.. peace..

Ok here is a few shots.. Also one last thanx to growdoc for puttin out some killer beans.. For us all to enjoy.. I must try again for you growdoc i still feel like i let you down on this grow.. peace..

Ok here is a top view of the only BubbleDust that lived after a bad nute burn..

Side view of the shorty.. BD baaaaybe

And here are some eyecandy nugsz shots

And another

Ohh looky here

And a lil double pleasure

Ok folks there ya have it.. This is the end of this thread.. Unless i get more of growdocs gear if i do so. Then ill post up on this thread just to not have fifty bazillion threads to upkeep.. Still some pages left to go ahh we will see what happens.. Never know.. Again thanx growdoc for all your help and for putting these great seeds out.. I will have her in my garden again.. peace.. and thanx to all whop stopped by..

I will post pics of dried from whats left.. [edit]

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
LQQK see.. All new updates today 10/17/05
Sack's Cappuccino OD Grow
Sack's Limon OD Grow

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:
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Active member
Looking good sack O the bubbledust i grew outside this year was amazing and it didnt last long because it was so good... Enjoy the nugs! PeAcE


Cannabis Helper
Sorry is right, but not about the age.... i mean your whole approach!

Sackoweed is a first time grower, no need to be nasty...

We all learn as we go...



Active member
Yea im with the doc get a better attitude than what you have but who are you with only 5 pics in your gallery sacko did a good job on his grow and we all are still learning... PeAcE


I & IC are proud of you Sack – I remember when you did not even have any beans! Let alone a camera & place to grow!

Thank you for the hard work you have put into your documentation / keep it green!

:listen2: Mozart can go jump in Rude Lake found at the intersection of OG & .com


way to go sack!! they say the first one is allways the hardest, now it just gets easier and easier with all the knowledge you gain from grow to grow..

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Sacko glad to see it to the finish!! Lookin promising :smile:

Go back to Overgrow Mozart.... sacko admits he is a newbie.... I bet you were never a noob, huh?.... and don't forget who Mozart was, a childish man so full of pride that he couldn't even cope with his own father.... IC doesn't need your attitude


Obviously you didnt read the thread from the start. Where it says this whole grow was burned badly, and this lil girl lived thru it Reason for stunted growth. But i guess since you grew that plant thats bigger than mine you probably knew that it was nute burned.. Anyhow.. Wow you are a true farmer man.. Let me tell you im so impressed, Your my hero now.. Im in such a clear state of mind. I wont even talk on this further. No need to bring this site to OG standards.. So go back to teeny bop town and be a good lil farmer..And grow 1 whole plant.. As i give a golf clap..

Sorry about that person?? howz it brother good i hope.. Man she will be chopped in the next few days here just letting the soil dry out. It was totally drenched by a wicked ass rain storm we had.. I also am sorry i being a noobie with soil burned the hell out of these girls man.. I feel like i let you down.. So anytime you want to give me a chance to redeem myself let me know ill be honored to doit again peace...

My brother thanx for the kind words and for being a good friend.. Its appreciated.. Sorry you had to come here and see a foolish person.. Hopefully he leaves here and doesnt return.. Thanx for stopping by with kind words man.. Ill talk to ya real soon peace..

Jah jah
Howz it my friend? Good i hope.. Thanx for stopping by with kind words.. check out my other threads when ya get a chance they are almost done peace...

No Where-man
Howz it? good i hope. And man that was awhile ago.. Good memory for a pothead lol..
and i mean pothead in a good way.. And a good camera really makes all the difference in the world.. Thanx for stopping in No Where-man peace...

Howz it bro.? Great im hoping.. Thanx for stopping by my thread. Dont forget to check my others you wont be disapointed i think lol.. And yes that being my 1st soil grow man i learned alot/ Mostly how to burn the shite out of plants.. Man i murder, death killed alot this summer.. sheesh.. trial & error.. my next soil will kick ass no doubt peace..

mean mr. mustard (aka 3M)
Howz it brother? Great i hope.. thanx for stopping by. But sorry you had to deal with a foolish person.. There is no need for that.. Anyhow check out the other threads 3M. There arent foolish people there peace..

Sack's First Outdoor Grow
LQQK see.. All threads new updates today 10/17/05
Sack's Bubbledust Outdoor Grow
Sack's Cappuccino OD Grow
Sack's Limon OD Grow

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


lol :pointlaug
lets see how many times you post stupid shit.. And help my reply count go up..


Active member
:moon: :dueling: MozArt dont say anything if you dont have anything positive to say im sure your mom has told you that before.... Maybe a good :bat: :asskick: :bashhead: :beat-dead would help... I also think sackoweeds plants look much tastier than yours and you have no right to speak to him this way... PeAcE


Nice job Bro,Dont let the guy's in the cheap seats heckle ya to bad!!!