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GrowBase Pro control


Well-known member
Nu, nu am avut probleme! Nu mi-au făcut nimic, nici amenda , nimic și eu am mai și făcut mișto de ei! :ROFLMAO:
Mi-au făcut testul și i-am strâmbat, apoi i-am întrebat dacă am fată sau băiat!
Că testul pentru iarbă e asemănător cu testul de sarcina! :muahaha:


De asta ziceam ca nu trebuie sa stie nimeni ce faci in timpul liber. Vad ca gandesti ca belgienii, inca nu s-a nascut :)) intelegeti voi.
Cand ziceam de doua femei nu era valabil sa le freci pe amandoua. Ma refeream la companie, plus servirea este de 2x mai buna.


Varianta beta :joint:

Change history GrowControl GrowBase Pro "Beta version" There are usually two firmware versions for a controller. Beta version: New features - New bugs Here the newest features are included. The probability for bugs is higher in this version. The file name or version number of a beta version ends with the letter "b". (e.g. fw504500000b.bin) Stable version: This version has been extensively tested. The individual functions have usually passed through the beta version before. The file name or version number of a stable version ends with the letter "s". (e.g. fw504500000s.bin) Feedback: Please give us feedback about your experience with this version or about our products in general. Both positive and negative feedback is very important for us to become even better. Please also feel free to give us feedback on how interesting or important a newly added feature or change is to you, or what you would like to see in the future. If your feedback relates to a specific product or version, please include the firmware version number, product name and, if possible, the serial number found on the bottom of the unit. If it is an error description, please describe the error and the circumstances under which it occurs as precisely as possible. This document lists chronologically the changes that have a particular impact on users. 18.04.2023 – 5045.0.00.21b (Dateiname: fw504500021b.bin) • Dimming & shutting off lights when temperatures are too high. On particularly hot days or in cases where fans or air conditioners fail, damage to plants can be limited or avoided by dimming or switching off the lights. A function that gradually dims or switches off the lights when the set excess temperature is exceeded has now been implemented. The overtemperature can be set separately for the day and CO2 phases. If the respective overtemperature is exceeded over an adjustable period of time, the light is shut down in three adjustable phases/steps. Sequence: 1. overtemperature is present 2. 3. 4. lights are dimmed to the value of phase 1 if after waiting time the temperature is still above the set overtemperature, the lights are dimmed down to the value from phase 2 if, after the waiting time, the temperature is still above the set overtemperature, the lights are dimmed to the value from phase 3. Only when the temperature drops below a set threshold again, the lights will be dimmed to the allowed maximum brightness or switched on again. The following settings have been added to the Lights Settings section: • Function Dimming at Overtemperature ON/OFF In order for the lights to be dimmed when the overtemperature is exceeded, the function must be switched on here. • Overtemperature Day [°C/°F] This value is used during the day phase without CO2 dosing. • Overtemperature CO2 [°C/°F] This value is used during the CO2 phase • Dimming Value at Overtemperature Phase 1 [% or OFF]. • Dimming Value at Overtemperature Phase 2 [% or OFF]. • Dimming Value at Overemperature Phase 3 [% or OFF] • Phase Overtemperature Duration [minutes] This value is used to determine the duration after which the next phase is entered, provided the temperature is still above the set overtemperature after this time has elapsed.

The following settings have been added to the Advanced Settings section: • Lights Overtemperature Delay [seconds] This value is used to determine for how long the overtemperature must be exceeded for the controller to enter phase 1. • Lights overtemperature hysteresis [°C/°F] This value specifies how far the temperature must drop in order to exit the overtemperature mode. The absolute temperature at which overtemperature mode is left depends on the temperature set in the Lights Overtemperature Settings (Day/CO2) section. Example: Overtemperature: 30.0°C Hysteresis: 3.0°C The overtemperature mode is left when the temperature has dropped below 27.0°C again. (30-3 =27) When the controller is in overtemperature mode, a warning is displayed on the home screen. E.g.: "Temperature High! Lights: OFF" or "Temperature High! Lights: 20%"

Se lucreaza intens la imbunatatiri cu cca 2-4 versiuni stabile si 2-6 beta pe an.
Posibil sa urmeze o toamna interesanta!

Mai multe detalii puteti gasi aici: https://growcontrol.de/en_GB/shop/product/growbase-pro-2#attr=37

Sectiunea download iar in partea de jos gasiti format pdf


Anul 2023 nu a adus nicio varianta stabila ca update, desi o astept cu nerabdare!
Se lucreaza intens la imbunatatirea controlerului 🎉 dar nu o sa astept o varian stabila si am sa merg pe ultima varianta beta.

Am achizitionat si senzorul "nou" aparut asemanator cu cel pe care il am temp/umiditate, cel nou intake temp/umiditate.

Aici gasiti ultimele imbunatatiri cum ar fi:
In caz de temperaturi mari tot sistemul se inchide automat fara a degrada extractoarele, ledul etc.


  • fw504500028b_GrowBase_Pro_Beta_History_EN.pdf
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