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Grow Tent OutGassing / Offgassing WARNING!!

To give an example: The method detection limit of the GS-MS for DBP (Dibutyl Phtalate) is 0.003% (w/w), which is about 30ppm (part per million). They were not able to detect ANY DBP in our material.
They were referring this to the limits used for children toys which are placed INTO THE MOUTH OF CHILDREN (EU directive 2005/84/EC). The limit is 0.1%(w/w)(= 1000ppm). Why did they use that limit? BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF THE MOST STRICT LIMIT FOR ANY PLASTIC PRODUCTS. Please google this directive, you will sure soon understand what I say.

Im not here to pick any fights. I have not purchased your homehut or whatever, I am also not an evil person from your past. This is old news and I'm sure your company has looked into it. I tried searching for the test results you posted here many times, they are all dead links. You say 'for example', thats misleading. just wanted to point out that is a test for one type of phthalate. They may have only tested this phthalate because of the criteria of your search, or you may have the results with you, which would be very helpful. You must have included results for other phthalates, diethylhexyl phthalateDEHP,butyl benzyl phthalate BBP,di-isodecyl phthalate DIDP, list goes on actually. The tests do not take into consideration the mechanical stress of your material. It did not take into consideration the exposure to solvents & temperatures above 85F or 24.9C. They will kill plants slowly and painfully. Have a nice day everyone :thank you:


Just read through alot of this post and think im having this offgasing problem aswell. Heres a link to the tent I bought.

Its Made from PVC so im sure its doing the same thing as all these other ones, but just wanted some second opinions.
I have had 4 sucessful grows in this tent so far with my 400w HPS, and im in #5 now, with about 10 days left. The plants have been yellowing weirdly after a few weeks into flowering....and continuing the whole grow.....the buds look fine but leaves are looking rather crappy.
Do these tents progressively get worse?? or should I have noticed this offgasing from my first grow??

And do most recommend the Homebox tents??

Hey Blade you're having similar problems to me, I grown in a tent too, my first 4 harvests have been all good mostly had problems with dialing in Nutrient requirements. I had to add an automated system for watering while i was away on holiday and when I got back I had what I thought was a nutrient problem but now im thinking it was off gassing from plastic drip lines...did you add any pipes to your system?

Heres pics of mine.

No I didnt add any pipes to my system. I have recently thrown my old tent out, and built my own plywood box, and lined it with mylar. I'm on my second crop in it now, and everything has been good from the start. Im also growing the same strain, off the same mother plant, as I grew in my old tent, and i'm noticing a big difference.


New member
I'm abit lost here...
Seems like alot of these tents are still causing issue's. However the folks who scratch build there own seem to speak/show nothing negative on their grows, but are still using PVC. Mainly in the structor..ergo frame, supports, ect....PVC pipe.
I clearly remember the norm on OverGrow...(before shut down), that is was the adhesive that was causing the issue. Adhesive that is being used to combine canvas/plastic lining. This adhesive at certain temp. easily passes through PVC, in which case PVC= white lining.
Now that i'm back on ICmag, the norm is PVC. I don't see the adhesive being spoke of!
Not sure about the adhesive with the pvc, but I was having problems with the PVC lining itself. I grew 3 or 4 crops in my first tent with no problems, but I guess the high intensity light slowly broke down the pvc, causing the offgassing. Near the end of my first tent, i could open up the tent and smell the pvc plastic smell that i couldnt smell before (it smelt kinda like a brand new beach ball.) And when I threw the tent out, the white lining was stained yellow in several spots closer to the light, so it was definetely breaking down. I now have a plywood tent, with mylar stapled to the inside, and it works great.
As far as know, the tents made with PE instead of PVC are fine.
ok so i have a cheap mylar/oxford cloth tent with metal poles no pvc. i dont recall any smells or issues when building so i assume i should be good to go is this the general consensus regarding mylar tents with metal poles? thanks
i was having hps light shock which caused bleaching going direct from t-5's of a very different spectrum and far less lumens to a 600w hps. also i was dealing with really low temps so i think also iron was locked out. growth is good all foliage is healthy just a little light in color roots look good no burnt tips crinkled dying leaves nothing like that and no dead plants at all. im thinking in my case it is simply light shock bleaching. kinda thinking out load here. any opinions?


tents by htg (made by growbright) do not off gas and are high quality, so don't fear that brand.


I've got an Eastside Impex Homebox XL (version 4.0) and i've got big problems with sick plants. When I take the plants out on the balcony, they rehab after a few days...


just took it out to make the photo




X-post from another thread.

I am an expert grower with 6 years experience from 4kw to 30kw, and several outdoor seasons.

I put healthy green plants into FoxFarm Happy frog, and placed them into my BRAND NEW ( August 2011) SUN Hut XXL 4x8. The hut has silver lining and even says on the box "NO TOXIC ISSUES FOR YOUR PLANTS" Which imediatly made me suspect, becuase I remember this thread from years back. The edges of the leaves begin to drastically yellow on all strains, there are 5 different strains all showing the same problem.


anyone else STILL having these tent issues? They must have made thousands of these bogus tent liners, I bet they are still in circulation. What a BUNCH OF ASSHOLES!


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Active member
i had 2 fuckups due to bad tent. the original and the replacement material were both bad. the first time i was clueless. the second time i had just a few to try out material and only lost my test plants.errrrrrrr. i have been putting off buying another one

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
X-post from another thread.

I am an expert grower with 6 years experience from 4kw to 30kw, and several outdoor seasons.

I put healthy green plants into FoxFarm Happy frog, and placed them into my BRAND NEW ( August 2011) SUN Hut XXL 4x8. The hut has silver lining and even says on the box "NO TOXIC ISSUES FOR YOUR PLANTS" Which imediatly made me suspect, becuase I remember this thread from years back. The edges of the leaves begin to drastically yellow on all strains, there are 5 different strains all showing the same problem.


anyone else STILL having these tent issues? They must have made thousands of these bogus tent liners, I bet they are still in circulation. What a BUNCH OF ASSHOLES!

I dunno.... I see you insist the yellowing looks like the beginning of the tent poisoning, but what jumps out at me is that your yellowing begins at the tips of the leaves, and the tent poisoned ones all begin at the middle and center of the leaves, as can be seen in the picture directly above your post.

Not saying its impossible, as this could be a whole new incident related to a different compound than the last time, but yea yours don't look like the classic symptoms to me.

Go ahead and start some seedlings in there and see what happens. The transplant into new soil throws a big X factor in there, so some seedlings in flushed soil can determine if there's really something wrong with the tent. If its classic outgassing, you should see symptoms like this develop rapidly -



Stems Analyst
My two new tents smelled pretty bad upon assembly. Three days of fan helped. Did this before putting plants/light in.


I remember seeing this thread when researching tents. I went with 2 Secret Gardens. I've never heard of anyone having a problem with these. I highly recommend them


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
worrying thread--wish I'd seen this earlier before buying a second tent.Had a nice crop of BMR in a secret jardin DR90 then bought a cheaper one on fleabay.Same exact regime ,unfortunately I decided to keep the DR90 for veg and make the new tent the flower room.This tent outgassing is the only thing that makes sense---ordering another secret jardin


New member
My friends and I have grown in dozens of Homeboxes and, I'm glad to say, we've experienced no off-gassing problems whatsoever. These guys were the original players in the grow tent market and I believe they were aware of the potential problems of some plastics right from the beginning.

Personally I wouldn't stray from Homebox (or Growlab - made by same people I think) - I love quality stuff - only like to buy once - whether it's toasters, washing machines, whatever - Homebox is the best grow tent.

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