With a set of bump keys anyone can get into your standard locks that are sold at Home Depot, and Lowes. If you spend $200 you can get into almost every lock sold at the major chain stores. Including pad locks. As the name says you just stick the dummy key in, and tap it with a hammer. Then you are in.
I am guessing that you had some dumb ass criminals in there because if I order on Monday I can have a set of bump keys by Wednesday. Then get into your place on Thursday, and be smoking your shit on Friday.
Something does not add up here. None of it makes sense. With out more info from the OP I am thinking that this is medication related. Or should I say over medication related.
I am guessing that you had some dumb ass criminals in there because if I order on Monday I can have a set of bump keys by Wednesday. Then get into your place on Thursday, and be smoking your shit on Friday.
Something does not add up here. None of it makes sense. With out more info from the OP I am thinking that this is medication related. Or should I say over medication related.