Howzit brother..?? Its been a minute since i see yer gurls they are all looking well fed... i love yer menu i would puff at yer club anytime with such a great array of flavas.. bbl peace n pufs..
8/10 LUI have popped tails and have been planted along with 5/5 blizzard banshees and 4/5 chemd x williams wonder.
just took down grom, bkgk#2 and #3, kksc, and chemd. carolina blue has a few more days. took cuts and flowered out my chem4 mom... she is more pics coming soon.
chrome's pink bazooka smell so good. two phenos, one short and very frost/pungent, and one that is twice as tall and a little more subtle in the aroma department. cant wait for them to finish!