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GROBOT FlowerForcer



riverwolf85 said:
Why In the world would you pay 4 grand for that? You can make the same thing of better quality for a hell of a lot less?

Don't get me wrong I am indeed a fan of force flowering if you cant grow indoors. It looks to be made of pvc pipe, the only thing nice about it is the auto cover which is very use full but not for 4 grand. Ill cover and uncover my plants by hand and save the money.

digital camo. cloth - $4.00 a yard - $32.00
pvc pipe 10 ft - $5.00 a pipe - $20.00
pvc joints 4 pack - $10.00 - a pack - $20.00
heavy duty garbage bags - $10.00 - for 10 bags - $10.00
-----total 62.00 for pretty much the same thing made by your self and might even be better quality. ( all est. price)

take care and stay safe. WOLF

not quite, its no PVC. Did you even read the ad? Its says Galvanized steal frame.

Heavy duty garbage bags, that should hold up sweet. One little rip in that and its game over. I hate to break the news to you, but garbage bags aren't light tight, unless you use like 3 layers

Build on just as nice for cheaper and I will be the first one to buy. No joke bc I am going to buy one of these soon and I have done A LOT of homework on this set-up.

Oh and I know what I am talking about. I am a force flower veteran. I had two double layer woven tarps and a giant black tarp (thicker then garbage bags too) for safe measure and I still wasnt always 100% sure, but it worked.

I will say it again, you aren't paying for just a flower forcer, Its basicly a giant greenhouse that can flower force. Go price Greenhouses for me and tell me how many can force flower and how much it cost. They are in the thousand for jsut a nice basic 12'x12' set-up without this feature. Do your homework before you knock what you dont know



Oh ya, in your little price break-down you didnt include the motor and the tracking for the cover to move on. The automation is the whole benefit, unless you are going to be home everyday at the same time for two months to put it on and off.

That tracking system should work great on PVC too. I want to see how you make that work.

---total 62.00 for pretty much the same thing made by your self and might even be better quality. ( all est. price)

:pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug :pointlaug
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If 1 could figure out the mechanism, I would be forever thankfull as far as the other stuff....
A good 12v 2way winch motor will run you 60$ @ schucks/checkers.
The blackout cloth is 7.50$ a yard and it comes in 4ft lenghts.
The Frame is easily made from PVC and metal conduit for under 50$
The electronics( 2 single pole dual throw relays, a cheap inverter, a timer, a car battery) will run you around 125-200$ Depending on where you go.
In my research a standard car battery will open and close a box @ least 90times, but this was over a 9 day span with it opening 10 times per day. So a solar panel is not necessary the batery can just be switched out with your cars when needed.
For my uses the unit is 12v it can be 110v but all in all 500$ to 600$ will get you what you need the gears and what not can be taken from a bike.

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whats the measurements on that. Its doesnt look very big, I like it though. Still needs alot more improvements to come close to the quality of the Grobot. I still dont want to use PVC, just wont hold up with all the moving of the cover and mechanical parts.

The other one is 12'x12' what does yours come in at?

Oh yeah its top O the line..
It could easily be made larger.
It measures about 5ft wide 8ft long and 4 1/2 ft @ the top of the arch.
This unit is not being used I need a diffrent way to make the cover open and close.
Pvc Works great Est when you bolt the peices together.
The 2nd best IMO would be a 2X4 frame so 8ftX8ft with 4ft @ the peak.
All I need is good pix of the "drive train" of the original and I will have a working copy i under 2 weeks.
I need something like a light mover rail thats bendable and will guide the center of the canopy over the center Arch.


i have no doubt that the green house is of the highest quality but you dont really need a galvinised steel frame to support a little bit of plastic . If i was sick or disabled an was unable to build my own , an had plenty of extra dough i would probably buy one .

DJ_highst_ said:
I am a force flower veteran. I had two double layer woven tarps and a giant black tarp (thicker then garbage bags too) for safe measure and I still wasnt always 100% sure,

You can check for light leaks by just sticking your head in when the tarp is in place . I only use one thick black tarp cost about 20$ and that was part of the 89$ i originally spent for my whole setup which is 20x10x10.
The fact that the grobot is a greenhouse is nice, but I dont need a greenhouse I need an AUTOMATED PHOTOPERIOD MANIPULATOR.
I dont need garbage bags and tarps I need motors gears and frames.
PPLE dont understand what the AUTOMATED means to this unit it means for me @ least. Finaly being able to do a remote gurilla grow with out having to wory about visiting the patch 1-2 times a day.
When pple come @ me with the I just made it for "$XXX$" is frustrating beacuse it is not the same.


grayarea said:
i have no doubt that the green house is of the highest quality but you dont really need a galvinised steel frame to support a little bit of plastic . If i was sick or disabled an was unable to build my own , an had plenty of extra dough i would probably buy one .

You can check for light leaks by just sticking your head in when the tarp is in place . I only use one thick black tarp cost about 20$ and that was part of the 89$ i originally spent for my whole setup which is 20x10x10.

it doesnt have to be, but why not? It will last 100 time longer. its not just for the cover, its supports the track system, moving parts and for debrit and what not falling on it when closed. I think the metal is a must if you are going through all the effort.

I stuck my head right after covering to check for leaks each day.

but I dont need a greenhouse I need an AUTOMATED PHOTOPERIOD MANIPULATOR.

thats why this thing kicks ass, bc its both. there are times when you dont need to manipulate the photoperiod (fall, early spring) and it can just flower on its own, but still be protected from cold/mold etc., but you still got the cover option to force flower whenever you please. peace_highst
I need the cover option to even have a non-AF strain option to grow outdoors where I live.
IMO there is no reason to use metal @ all making the greenhouse except for the brackets. I like pvc cause its light and long lasting.


Active member
Sorry haven't checked this thread in a while.
Greyarea- Yes the timer has multiple on/offs. I have it open at 10 pm to release humidity when its dark and it closes at 2 am. Reopens from 8-7.


your grobot is fucking awesome. much better pics then their own website. I get a much better idea of what it looks like and how it works after seeing your pics. thanks.

anything you would change or had to modify, have you completed a cycle yet, how well does the solar panel work with the unit? thankfs bro, sorry for the questions, but I want to buy one and I am very interested in the unit. peace_highst
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Active member
DJ highst-Thank you. If it wasn't for the killer deal he offered I wouldn't have it. I put a few plants in there that were donated not the healthiest but I got a good feel for the unit last year. The outer layer of the tarp that was supplied tore pretty easy and with puppies even easier. I called the manufacturer he told me to pick up a new one free of charge which I did. The solar panel works as advertised. I suppose you can go without it but it works as insurance.
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Schaweet its nice to hear the unit is still being used!!
I have my home built unit almost finished .
What material is the cover made of?
Highst: One of the improvements that needs to be made is Ventilation!
Have you had issues with this calico?


Glad to hear you still like it and think its worth what ever it cost you ! Some will always give you shit over whatever you have thats new or different or just something they themselves cant or wont buy! But pay no mind to them, just enjoy and let us know how it works for you . I would like to see a pic of some big ol phat girls in it ! lol