No problem, I and many others have been using this method for many moons...
Regarding isopropyl, a man can not get a bottle of this stuff in Ireland for love nor money.
Its like trying to score a suitcase full of diamonds...
It seems most people have caught on to this stuff and are obviously stocking up with it for cleaning/sanitising maybe showering in the stuff....
Even online i am having issues and most have jacked up there prices, the best I can do at the moment is use the wipes..
I use it for cleaning my vapes.
All the Iso is being used to make hand sanitisers. Most of the 5L bottles on eBay are cut at best. They appeared just after lockdown and at an impossibly low price. While the usual suppliers were having stock issues, these eBay guys were sending stuff cheaper than I could post it. I would agree it's best to give up.
The other alcohol of interest is the one we drink. Ethanol. It's actually quite cheap if the supplier taints it to make it undrinkable, thus avoiding the need to pay the tax man the associated taxes of liquor production for consumption.
We buy it as a cleaning product for our paint brushes or for thinning some paint. The purple/blue stuff. Meths. The stuff put in is almost inseparable and so evaporates off with the alcohol. Leaving no trace. People still drink it so we don't really need to treat it as a risk just washing things. I soak something like a bud bomb for a short time, and the debris still left is just dry ash like stuff that a power shower will wash away. Turning something stuck shut with tar into a shiny thing again.
I have lost mine. Been looking for days. Gave up n put my pipe back together.