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Grims Grown


Well-known member
That's a wrap for flower - week one. The smaller, less vigorous Chemistry seedling turned out to be a male and got the axe yesterday. We are down to 5 females in the flower tent. Not ideal, but it is what it is. I initially wanted to run 9) 3 gallons but that just didn't work out timing and ratio wise. Next round for sure!

I decided to go with stakes as opposed to trellis netting due to the difference in plant height across the tent. Not part of the original plan but we adapt and make it work over here! The upside is that I'll be able to maneuver the plants better throughout the flowering phase. Easier for hand watering, defol, and picture time! Not as easy on the eyes as the scrog nets w/ perfectly maintained canopies, however.


Hunter Smoke #1

HS 1.jpg

Hunter Smoke #2

HS 2.jpg



Cheers, GRIMS.
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Well-known member
Yesterday was day 9 of flower. I did a "light" defoliation (my friend suggested this as opposed to my usual day 14 clean up) so we will see how everything responds. I've gotta take cuts of both Hunter Smoke phenos tonight at lights on - Then we are all backed up in the veg! Growers Choice ROI E-420 set at 50% , feeding Cutting Edge Solutions nutrients

day 9.jpg


Cheers, GRIMS.


Well-known member
Okay, I took cuttings from both of the Hunter Smoke phenos (as well as some Hylife x Trix just to better fill out the tray). Let's see how quickly I can get some roots to pop, and more importantly - how healthy can I keep these ladies! Really trying to dial in and keep everything in tip top shape at every stage of growth.

The process: When taking clones from mother plants I prefer to only use tops, but when I'm running new seeds and taking cuts while in early flower to back the genetic up - I'll settle for some lower branches. As long as they're healthy and happy!
-Snip the cuts (using clean tools, of course), let them hang out in a cup of water for about 30 minutes.
-Then, I presoak my Grodan Macro Plugs in regular strength/normal veg feeding solution ph'd to 5.6 for about a minute. Pull them out, shake out the excess water, and place into the Grodan Gro Smart tray.
-Grab a cut from the cup of water, take a fresh razor blade to the tip, quick dip into some Clonex, and plugged into the Macro Plugs.
-Domes are then sprayed with plain water and placed over trays & clones (vents slightly cracked). I'd like to keep the temperature 77-82 and the humidity at about 65-70%

hylife x trix cuts.jpg


Cheers, GRIMS.
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Well-known member
Day 12 of flower over here! I took each plant out of the tent for some solo shots and to get a closer look at everything. My experimental day 9 "light defol" (usually day 14) didn't seem to upset the ladies at all, but I didn't go hard enough (did a lazy job tbh). I'll do an additional defol on day 14 and then next run, I'll be more aggressive with the day 9 defol.

Pretty excited about these new flavors, but I've really got my eye on Hunter Smoke #2. Growing out new genetics is always so exciting and I absolutely love it. That being said, I'm looking to get some old clone favorites back in the stable here shortly. Think Dosidos, Forum Cook, Pink Champagne sorta vibes... Anyways, on to the photo shoot!

Hunter Smoke #1 (Sureshot x Zookies bred by Drohammad Seeds)

hs 1.jpg

Hunter Smoke #2

hs 2.jpg

Hylife x GB6 Trix bred by Always Be Flowering (Abja)


Chemistry F2 (Motorbreath 15 x Headbanger bred by Boston Roots)


Doughzer (Dosidos F2 x 41 Sherb Bx bred by SureFireSelections)


Cheers, GRIMS.
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Registered Med User
I take damn near every leaf at day 21, hopefully have time tomorrow to do that. Tryna rock team no larf this next run, but now plants un even and its leds so we shall see. Everything lookin healthy af in here tho!


Well-known member
I take damn near every leaf at day 21, hopefully have time tomorrow to do that. Tryna rock team no larf this next run, but now plants un even and its leds so we shall see. Everything lookin healthy af in here tho!

Yessir I generally do a strip at day 14, 21, and then 42. Not as aggressive a strip as I've seen some other folks do, but still enough to end up with good nug size and little to no popcorn. The homie Croptober told me to try the day 9 strip so I'm doing a bit of experimenting. Regardless, by day 21 it should look crispy clean in here and smell crazy - LET'S GO!


Active member
looking good buddy , good idea with the poles instead of the scrog net . givein me some ides actually. thanks dude 🤘🙏


Well-known member
Day 16, baby! Everything seems to be on track health-wise than . Other then the uneven canopy and less total plants then I'd like in the tent, I'd say things are going pretty well! Got the feed dialed (seemingly) and environment has been working out fine (lights-off temps have been a LITTLE bit too cold for my liking, but not scary cold). Smell is starting to come on a bit, but nothing distinct that I can put my finger on yet. In the next week or so and things should start getting pretty interesting!

Temp = 68-75 (lights off) 78-82 (lights on)
Humidity = 45-48% (lights off) 50-55% (lights on)

Day 16 group shot

day16 group.jpg

Hunter Smoke #1 (Sureshot x Zookies)

hs 11.jpg

Hunter Smoke #2

day16 hs2.jpg

Hylife (bagseed Y-life) x GB6 Trix (Gorilla Breath pheno from Lokey Farms)

day16 hl trix.jpg

Chemistry F2 (Motorbreath #15 x Headbanger)

day16 chemistry.jpg

Cheers, GRIMS.
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Well-known member
What up what up? The flower tent is on day 19. In 2 days I'll do another de-leaf and let em rock out! Smells good in there.

The clones I took on the 4th have begun to root and are still looking vibrant and healthy. This is a win in my book! My cloning methods have always gotten the job done but have never been what I'd call "consistent" and overall health deterioration during rooting is something I often struggle with. My goal is to continue learning and improving. Healthy starts are SO important - set yourself up for success from the beginning.
I took this picture of a Hunter Smoke cutting yesterday (8 day old cutting). I'm hoping the roots really blow up within the next few days *crosses fingers*

8 day root.jpg

Here are some random flower shots (Day 19)

day 19 hs 1.jpg
day 19 hs 2.jpg
day 19 HLT.jpg
day 19 chemistry.jpg

Cheers, GRIMS.


Well-known member
Good vibes, shiva & GET MO!

Today marks the beginning of week 4. I've had the Growers Choice ROI E420 turned up to 100% which I wasn't able to do at all last run due to heat issues. Plants are loving it right now. Lights off temps have been 68-74, lights on 78-82.

The standouts right now are Hunter Smoke #1 and Hylife x Trix. Pictures!

day 28 group.jpg

Hunter Smoke #1

hs 1 day 28.jpg

hs 1 day 28 over.jpg

Hylife x GB6 Trix

hltrix day 28.jpg

hlt day 28.jpg

Cheers, GRIMS.


Well-known member
Hylife x GB6 Trix putting on a show at day 29! She's a frost monster for sure and possibly an earlier finisher. Smell is still indistinct currently, but deep berry (mostly cherry) sort of desert funk is the gist of it. This particular plant seems to be "Hylife" dominant, which is a nice switch up from her well known, Trix dominant sister - "Gassy Taffy"

hlt day 29.jpg

hlt day 29 flash.jpg

Cheers, GRIMS.


Well-known member
Day 33. Getting some dope raspberry terps reminiscent of the Pink Champagne from the Hunter Smoke phenos. HS #2 has a more pungent, raspberry-forward aroma while HS #1 has a strong cookie influence accompanying the raspberry. The small Doughzer plant will have small buds due to its distance from the light. Some days I prop it up, other days I don't. Mostly paying attention to the new stuff, I already know Doughzer makes the roster (her time will come!). Chemistry has been underwhelming up to this point but we've still got time! Hylife x Trix is still showing out the most visually, and seems to be furthest along.

Hunter Smoke #1

HS 1 day 33.jpg

Hunter Smoke #2

HS 2 day 33.jpg

Hsmoke 2 day 33.jpg

Hylife x GB6 Trix

day 33 HLT.jpg

day 33 HLTrix.jpg

Cheers, GRIMS.

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