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Greyskull's Trimbox Technique



hey killer info yamaha MAHALOS TO YOU!
Gonna have some pics up of the "styled" flowers later today...


I can't wait to see the "styled" buds. Two questions:

1. About how much faster is your "cut and style" method than hand trimming?

2. Can you "cut" and not "style" and still get a good trim job? (You said you don't like super closely manicured buds so I assume you can just "cut" if you want to sacrifice the natural look of the finished product)


Nice thread dude. I have the Trimbox with large slots, and love it. Someone I know got small slots and ended up cutting some bars out lol...he said to get the large ones for sure.

The way I do it though, I don't even pull off the big fans. I just cut down my plants into manageable branches and away we go. Once I'm done Trimboxing, I go through the whole pile again by hand, but it's super fast.

I used to do 25 plants per day now I can do 50-60. I'm talking 5-6 footers. If I had it to do over, I would have gotten the larger one with no table. Same thing just a few inches wider.


The Trim Reaper looks like a better trimmer for small to medium sized jobs. It is a motorized larger version of the salad spinner type of trimmers but it has machined blades instead of wires. I have not seen it in action just the urban grower video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oqUTSju9yI&feature=related
From the video it looks like you could do 2-3 lbs per hour including the big leafing and cutting off the stem time. The Trimpros have a bad reputation around here. I think when they first came out people thought they were capable of trimming large commercial crops but they just require too much hand trimming afterward to get a sellable look. I have read on here people complaining about not being able to sharpen their blades and after a lot of use the dull blade doing more hacking than trimming. Anyone use the Trim Reaper and what is your opinion?

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
where the hell are all icmags genius growers? Come on show us the way to a diy trim box:smile: Looking at the design, and concept if I wasn't born with two left hands I'd attempt it myself hehe..

hmm, do you think it's even safe to opperate one of these with two left hands anyway? I'm A perfectionist who was born with two left hands... I was fucked before I even got started.

Trimming sure does suck.. Been doing a couple plants a day for the last week... I'm tired, and getting a lil nutty do to the redundancy of it all.. What the fuck happened to my passion.. I used to trim with a smile every time:smile:
Yes these trimmer prices are too outrageous for most. I would have thought one of our brethren to have MacGyver’d a good solution by now.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Thanks but I have. You can see my post on 8/17 however we need more suction on this thing. Maybe with a shopvac upgrade.

See....that's what I get for being stoned and unthorough!!! LMAO.:laughing:

I think the DIY idea is great, but honestly I never regretted purchasing my Trimpro. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Thing is a miracle all things being equal. I could easily take down a commercial sized room by myself in literally no time at all. To me that's impressive power.