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Gregger's 3kW Bubba and OG Kush Aeroponics Gen 5 Attic Grow

wooow gregger! very impressive! really outdid yourself :O i'll be tuned it for this grow!

btw, im curious as to why your plants are like that too! i had some on my last grew late in flower...


Update 12/26/07

Update 12/26/07

Happy Holidays :smile:! Thanks for all the positive vibes. These ladies have been in flower for 28 days now. I have solved my pH problem by draining my res. They still climb at about .1 pH a day, but that is not a big deal. However, I still have problems with some weird leaf formation...

Deformed growth

OG Crop

Bubba Crop

The Runts


Active member
wooow, kick ass grow you got there, and very well kept, im an attic grower myself, although i dont use the hole room, i grow in a built in cab, maybee some day i will get out of the clouset,hehehe.
that weird leaf formation looks like to mutch N, their forming the "claws".keep us posted!!


i_score said:
that weird leaf formation looks like to mutch N, their forming the "claws".keep us posted!!

I just changed my res a week ago, so I wonder how I am getting to much N. Is there any way to reduce it?


Yo maybe this will help alittle. I can't recall were I copied it from so props goes to whoever it was.

Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes
Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.



Grizzel said:
Yo maybe this will help alittle. I can't recall were I copied it from so props goes to whoever it was.

Basic cheat sheet:
Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes.
Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes
Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.


Hi Grizzel, how is this going to help my weird growth issue?... confused?


36 Days of Flower

36 Days of Flower

Happy New Years :rasta: I took a few photos while I was in the garden last night and it is falling over. I have never had this problem before, but I don't think it will affect my yield since they should be growing nugs sideways.

Overgrown OG

OG Kush

Bubba Kush


Active member
happy new year bro, the plants look stellar, great job, they are putting up some real buds, did you solved your leaf deformation problem??peace




Hey All! :wave: I started my Harvet on Feb 11th and Finally finished on the 22nd. Wow, it was a lot more work than I expected. I even bought a Trimpro to help me but it was a waist of money since my OG and BK buds were fluffy and were spaced far apart. I did not use it because the trim job sucked IMO. I should have bought the Automatik, but $3500 was a little too much for my taste. I am very particular in my trim job and take the most care to do the best job... they are all I have to show for my hard work.

I have to find a way to maximize the smell and taste. I always trim the buds and cure them, but after the curing process they never smell as great as when they first go in? Any ideas?

And more pictures are in my Flowering section post:

Here are some pictures:






WOW I would love to get my hands on those nuggetS~ Great job man such a good job!

Wish you the best and hope you love the smoke! KEep it going man!!

Rep heading to the attic!~~
Crazy grow room man, looks like you got it all! Well almost everything. Harvest looked beautiful I love the colors. Best of luck on your next grow man, ill have to follow along!
Wow. Just absolutely fantastic....What else can I say that hasn't already been said?

Congratulations on your successful harvest. May you have many more, free of imposition of the government.

Keep up the good work.


Thank you all!

Thank you all!

Thanks guys for all the good vibes! :redface: It is very motivating, I will have to get pictures of the next generation in motion. I am always looking for ways to take my passion to the next level, so any suggestions are always welcome. :rasta:


Impressive bro looks fukn DANK. Only suggestion I can think of is expand with more aero sites and light movers... that is if it will fit in your attick


glad to see a fellow aero grower... i love teh speed of the aero system! i have done about 8 runs total in these systems. they grow so tall i have found that end of the veg you should put a screen on it, then weave it into the screen for the first two weeks. then after the third week of flower cut everything under the screen. you'll end up with a perfect hedge. i love scrog and i love aero! great setup and strain choice, a man after my own heart.