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GreenOgre Outdoor '06 NorCal


So a little update on my grow.
Got most of them covered for the rain,however today I started to notice some bud rot.These buds are so dense if a little bit of water gets in I'm getting rot.Having been picking it off as I see it.

All plants in pots were harvested.The 3 I have left in the ground I would say are more Sativa seeing how it looks like I have another 2-3 weeks before harvesting them.I hope the weather holds up.


Hello Ogre, been a little while!

Sorry to hear about the bud rot / mold. If only the rain / drizzle could have waited another couple of weeks! Or was the morning dew causing it as well? Congrats on the harvest of the potted plants, though! That purple TW looks very pretty!

I'll be on the lookout for some harvest pics!

By the way, what'd you think about SR-71's weed? I've bought from there on maybe about 4 separate occasions, all at least a week or two apart, and every single time I was disappointed. Their bud looks very suspiciously BRIX-Plus'd or otherwise tampered with, not to mention the [lack of] selection and the silly Trapper-Keeper(tm)! (The 3rd and 4th visit was mainly out of convenience, since C.A.R.E. doesn't accept doctor's notes, only cards -- LAME.)


Potent good to hear from you.

Or was the morning dew causing it as well?

All of the above was the case with the rot.Lack of heat and sunshine was a key element in killing some herb.
what'd you think about SR-71's weed?
I really wasnt that impressed at all.I didnt get to check out much seeing how I felt like I was rushed to make a decision. However I was in there on queit a hectic day.

How was C.A.R.E?Is it close to SR-71?
I dont make to many trips out to Oakland so I'm not really sure where some of them are located.


Active member
GreenOgre said:
I really wasnt that impressed at all.I didnt get to check out much seeing how I felt like I was rushed to make a decision. However I was in there on queit a hectic day.


But rushed to make a decision? They only have like, 2 different types of herb and maybe one type of hash, right? And the Shiva Crystals which looked ridiculously expensive?

I did like their A's-like "Oaksterdam" sweatshirt, but that's about all I can say for that place.

GreenOgre said:
How was C.A.R.E?Is it close to SR-71?

It's on Broadway, around 6th or 7th. Right across the street from the OPD!

I didn't get to go in, because they don't allow non-cardholders in. I thought SB420 clearly states that a doctor's note should be enough, but I guess not! Anyways, I've heard much better things about C.A.R.E. than SR-71 (i.e., people actually giving positive reviews, unlike with SR-71!)

GreenOgre said:
I dont make to many trips out to Oakland so I'm not really sure where some of them are located.

SR-71 and C.A.R.E. are the only two that I'm aware of; I've tried going to the two others that I found on a list somewhere (I think NORML's?), but both appear to be closed down.
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The news is calling for slight showers on Monday.Im already having to pick little bits of rot off everyday, leading me to the fact that maybe I should harvest a little early simply to save the bud I have left.

My spots not really in a location where it can be easily covered.However last rain I tried to make a shelter and failed horribly.I should have thought about being able to actually get back to all of them.They grew so tall and bushy it's like I'm breaking branches to check out other budsites.

To any experienced growers in the Bay Area please send me a helping hand.
Should I harvest?or try to wait out the rain?

3 plants left in the ground.All about 6-7 feet tall with huge colas.
All comments are well appreciated.


I'm not that experienced, but it is cold and foggy here. Perfect for bud mold. My plants aren't blooming too well...I think it is too cold for them and they are not getting enough light. I say better pull early than get mold.

BTW, do you gently wash your plants before drying them? I like to do it to wash off any residual stuff ... like the Serenade I sprayed them with a month ago .... just to be safe.


BTW, do you gently wash your plants before drying them?

No I don't wash my buds off before harvest.I dont use very many nutes.A little for veg a little for flowering.I usually stop with the nutes a good month before harvest,
One thing I hate is herb that is not properly flushed.I saw a thread in Dr.Jays forum taking about how Serenade can be bad for you.You might want to check it out.

Well I'm working on harvesting one at the moment.Hand cramps are setting in.The sicissor hash should be quiet tasty.
thanks for the response.


Have you considered the spring-loaded scissors?
That's what I have been using.They work great for me.I like a nice close trim so they work out well.

I hope to be taking some harvested pics soon.Stay on the lookout.



Active member
You must have had quite a nice harvest, then! :jawdrop: I wish I had a nice outdoor spot like you, I'm so jealous! :bow:

Can't wait for the pics!


Yes the harvest was more than I expected for.Master Kush is now curing.Total weight before going into jars was a Quater Pound on the dot.

I lost a good amount of herb to mold even after searching through looking for moisture.I think i had to much drying in one place with not enough ventilation.
After seeing more mold I made sure to rid of all that was left.

Still have the Purple Royale in the ground.Definatly sativa dominate.The smell is like nothing I have witnessed before.Incrediable colors.

The biggest plant I have drying is the one tih the mold problems.Looks as if she will have yielded over a pound.


Active member
Is it possible to salvage any of the molded bud via ISO or BHO hash/oil methods? I have no idea whether either will result in safe products, but something to possibly look into? Either way, sounds like you're going to have a very nice ... year! (???) :canabis:

I'll bet you'll be much better prepared for the mold, come next season. Then again, even with the mold thrown out it looks like a very very nice harvest!
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From what I've heard its ok to use in hash making.A buddy of mine does the whole Butaine thing.Maybe I'll try to give it a go.


Active member
Check out one of those O'Kief BHO tubes. Very reasonably priced, IMO.

Edit: Considering the size of that harvest, you might want to buy the Colibri butane by the case! Doesn't look too cheap, though, at $50 for a 12-pack (incl. shipping) from eBay!
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