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Green House...Photo and design


Active member
Thanks! My wife has her own shop (wood and canning) and I was lucky enough to get to buy her tools for all those gift giving occasions and she isn't afraid to try and learn new things. Very cool since I've no patience for wood, now cars and metal working, no prob, cut it too short put a bigger weld into it... wood cut too short is just wood cut too short...

PH Patrol, I helped when needed otherwise I just stayed outa the way...


Active member
Added in more glass as the season progressed:






I'm currently in the process of digging out all the old dirt I've been working with and am going to refill it with mushroom compost as it is a sterile medium. Plan is to get that ready for an early spring planting of my favorite sativas. My wife (so impressed with my grows) has relinquished one of her greenhouses over to me for use with supplemental lighting where I will plant some crops of autofems.


Active member
Well over the winter we have not gotten so far, I have finished the dig and filled in a bunch of ruts on my dirt bike course, and got the mushroom compost (2/3 mushroom compost with 1/3 compost soil mix) shoveled into the void. Makes for a big ol' worm casting bin... Can't wait to start planting out in this again :woohoo:




Hi ICmaggers,

this early spring I felt the necessity to manage a small box to start the new 2015 run.. sò due the last experience in small balcony greenhouse building i decided to build up a ibrid structure .. something that sould be easly converted for a true veranda style rus.. as I do.. since years

Sò.. Temporary Survey Unit.. for early spring germination and firts vegetative necessity.. modular wattage from 25 to 200 watt 6500 K with polystyrene pannels for termic isolation of the walls.. floor and roof open for passive air circulation ..

Today converted in :

Outside dimensions : 68 cm x 40 cm x 54 cm more or less 2,49 ft x 1,3 ft x 1,9 ft

I used a anti afids net with 30 micron holes

inside view :

the small window inside for re use in next run.. next spring.. when I will put inside the polystyrene pannel that U seen above ..

particular of the removable hatch with angolar handles

actually running 3 malawi gold x cind 99 by afropips + 3 double jam by underground collective



Well-known member
Hello CimeTempestose
I love your screened balcony green house unit.
You are showing a great example of a clever way to grow.The modular construction is very cool and seems it would be easy to take apart for storage.
Looking forward to seeing your progress through out your grow.


Active member
Green House is back in action, although I added this trellis with fencing to make a "Wall of Green" style SCROG



Here we are !..today (thanks God..) i was able to change set..

when I thougth for the first time to a multi modular structure for my balcony..

I had to resolve some issues .. what material to use.. how make it completely disassemblable .. how evitate to create a structure too heavy.. how to do for the indoor germination and first grow phases.. and so on..

so after reading around in the various IC 3ds I decided for this essential design and for a poor material as wood is...


Green Vibes :tiphat:


maxium slope / grade for a greenhouse? its a 20x60 15'tall. hill is at 4.9 to 5.3% grade is what i calculated. building perpendicular to slope. was thinkin i would want some grade to help drainage. ?????