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Grad students invent device to detect marijuana use


Active member
Sounds more like the CIA to me.

Why can't government just stop pretending with all the nonsense news stories and be straight.

If anything, marijuana is going to make revenues go up. But not how you think.

imo, none of this bullshit was just invented. It has been sitting on a shelf in a government lab for 30 years.

Although that heart warming story warmed my nuts.


Active member
I wonder if it tests for THC or for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, like the piss tests do.
Any test for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9 does not test for impairment, it tests for previous exposure to THC. That could be 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week ago.
Imagine trying to catch drunk drivers with a test that showed previous exposure to alcohol for the last few weeks, what a joke. Unless you loose your license to this test, like happens with piss tests all the time with Cannabis. The piss test also tests for the inactive metabolite 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, a blood test is needed to find any THC. And THC is needed to show current impairment, if you fight it in most courts. Some states only need a positive piss test to take your license, they do understand the difference they just do not care.

exactly what I was going to say..

the other thing.. why the fuck are these 2 getting all the credit.. wen a ex florida cop.. already made pretty much the same device. for the same fucking reasons.

also.. under the forth amendment.. it is actually ILLEGAL for police to administer a saliva test.. so.. I see 1 for blood. and 1 for saliva.. but both are illegal under the constitution .


Active member
exactly what I was going to say..

the other thing.. why the fuck are these 2 getting all the credit.. wen a ex florida cop.. already made pretty much the same device. for the same fucking reasons.

also.. under the forth amendment.. it is actually ILLEGAL for police to administer a saliva test.. so.. I see 1 for blood. and 1 for saliva.. but both are illegal under the constitution .

How or why is it illegal?


ICMag Donor
How or why is it illegal?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath ot affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the united States of America

& I say...
If you don't know or are afraid to exercise your Rights...
You may as well not have any.

These laws are supposed to be "self evident" & as such cannot be subject to interpretation by judges & lawyers!

Thanks for the correction Jointed One.
I was thinking of the "self incrimination" (5th Amendment) clause which applies in the court room.


People are so worried about marijuana impairment.

But nobody realizes so many things are legal without a way to test for impairment.

From painkillers to benadryl......

Why do we need an impairment test for marijuana again?


Just what I was thinking!!!
How many idiot people who cant drive as it is get stressed pop a valium or zanax an drive their kids around????
Or vicoden or oxy .... the list goes on forever.
Tell you what big pharma wouldnt stand for this crap they would have their lobyists working double time.
Could you imagine people getting dui's for any other med prescribed by a dr? Ive personally never heard of it an no asshole kid invented a test.
I bet there are 10 times the people on tbe roads fucked up off legal meds as alcohol an cannabis an dont ever think twice about doin it.


Active member
Please do not forget the TWEEKER's driving all insane! Cut me off all the damm time! Change lanes..no turn signal..crazy days! So..test me? Lol..monkey5


Active member
Oh..yeah..and the junkies nodding out/off while driving! What a crock this testing is! Lol..just my 2 cents! monkey5