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Grad students invent device to detect marijuana use


ICMag Donor
Published: April 27, 2015, 5:52 am Associated Press

AKRON, Ohio (AP) — Two Ohio graduate students have invented a device that would allow law enforcement officers to determine how much THC — the active ingredient in marijuana — is in a motorist’s system during traffic stops.

The Plain Dealer reports that two biomedical engineering graduate students at the University of Akron hope to market their roadside testing device to states where marijuana use has been legalized.
Mariam Crow and Kathleen Stitzlein’s device tests saliva to determine the concentration of pot’s active chemical in the bloodstream. Police must now wait weeks to get results from blood tests for marijuana use.
The two women recently received a $10,000 inventors’ award. They previously received Ohio Third Frontier funding to develop their device, which they are calling the “Cannibuster.”

Don't that beat all?!!
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Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Ha now just prove WHEN I smoked. Shit I could quit for a month and still fail test. That's what the rub is, prove I smoked that day, not gonna happen ;)

Guess these folks didn't puff in college lmao


3rd-Eye Jedi
if you have over a certain amount its assumed your driving impared regardless


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
saliva tests can be beaten with a couple listerine tabs...someone will come out with gum to beat test:dance013:


ICMag Donor
As per statistics, CO has had lower DUI cases since legalization (both alcohol/cannabis).....maybe because folks are taking driving while buzzed seriously....or....fewer officers, fewer check points.

It was certainly busy on the Interstate 4/20 weekend...with signs normally dedicated to weather conditions. "Do you know what your speed is? CSP does!" From Trinidad to CO Springs, every overpass/exit had cars pulled over in both directions!

You always know a stoned driver...going 30 mph LESS than posted speed limit! ;o

Anyway, there's a device for everything. Wish they'd create one to target 'dumb people'! Already have a tshirt that says, I SEE DUMB PEOPLE....but it's not enough. Cough.

As with the mask type liquid to distort urine results....perhaps Listerine tabs or other counter-product will be on store shelves.

Really do wish those grad students would have devised an accurate detection device to hone in which strain would help best for those in need....specifically for cancer, for PTSD, for pain, for epilepsy, and the other MMJ disease categories. Ofte it's trial and error what a strain does. Strides have been taken....hoping it continues.


ICMag Donor
saliva tests can be beaten with a couple listerine tabs...someone will come out with gum to beat test:dance013:

Or better yet, a substance that will alter both alcohol/cannabis imbibement while operating a vehicle to a non-toxic/impaired state...car, boat, snow mobile.


I wonder if it tests for THC or for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, like the piss tests do.
Any test for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9 does not test for impairment, it tests for previous exposure to THC. That could be 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week ago.
Imagine trying to catch drunk drivers with a test that showed previous exposure to alcohol for the last few weeks, what a joke. Unless you loose your license to this test, like happens with piss tests all the time with Cannabis. The piss test also tests for the inactive metabolite 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, a blood test is needed to find any THC. And THC is needed to show current impairment, if you fight it in most courts. Some states only need a positive piss test to take your license, they do understand the difference they just do not care.
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ICMag Donor
Ha now just prove WHEN I smoked. Shit I could quit for a month and still fail test. That's what the rub is, prove I smoked that day, not gonna happen ;)

Guess these folks didn't puff in college lmao
Saliva tests can detect consumption within the previous 6-8 hours. I don't think it can detect quantities, however.

I wonder if it tests for THC or for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, like the piss tests do.
Any test for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9 does not test for impairment, it tests for previous exposure to THC. That could be 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week ago.
Imagine trying to catch drunk drivers with a test that showed previous exposure to alcohol for the last few weeks, what a joke. Unless you loose your license to this test, like happens with piss tests all the time with Cannabis. The piss test also tests for the inactive metabolite 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, a blood test is needed to find any THC. And THC is needed to show current impairment, if you fight it in most courts. Some states only need a positive piss test to take your license, they do understand the difference they just do not care.

In Colorado a person will loose their license if they refuse to take the test. However, only commercial drivers are required by the letter of the law to have one. The law says:
"This law is for commercial drivers..." CRS 42-2-101

Folks still have the right to refuse a search in any state per the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
An effective method for determining driving impairment would actually help the cause of legalization. I think that legalization will happen anyway, but many voters on the fence, so to speak, would come over to our side if they knew that there was something like a breathalyzer for cannabis.


Active member
Saliva tests can detect consumption within the previous 6-8 hours. I don't think it can detect quantities, however.

I agree with the last guy, IF this part is true. It is a plus. The anti-MMJ/legalization jerkoffs would have one less leg to stand on if the fuzz had a reliable way to detect recent use. Very cool. I don't like the idea of anybody on the road driving impaired anyway.

If it is detectable that you used within the last couple weeks...yuh... so what does that matter anyway? All MMJ users will have THC in their bloodstream anyway. So they can never drive?

Plus, I don't like needles.


I agree with the last guy, IF this part is true. It is a plus. The anti-MMJ/legalization jerkoffs would have one less leg to stand on if the fuzz had a reliable way to detect recent use. Very cool. I don't like the idea of anybody on the road driving impaired anyway.

If it is detectable that you used within the last couple weeks...yuh... so what does that matter anyway? All MMJ users will have THC in their bloodstream anyway. So they can never drive?

Plus, I don't like needles.

That is the problem in many states, any THC no matter how old or even if inactive like in the form of 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9 which only shows previous exposure not intoxication, can cause you to lose your license, that is why it is important what it tests for THC or 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9? Piss tests tested for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, yet I know many people that have lost their license from a piss test positive for 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9.

Also all MMJ users do not have THC in their bloodstream, normally it only sticks around for a short time not for hours and hours.
What they find is the metabolites, like the inactive 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9, it is easy to find, but not relevant to impairment at the moment.


Saliva tests can detect consumption within the previous 6-8 hours. I don't think it can detect quantities, however.

Do you have a reference on the hours it can be detected using this test specifically and if it tests for THC or 11-nor-9-carboxy THC 9?


Professor Organic Psychology
All it takes is for people to go to trial instead of a plea bargain for the house of cards to come tumbling down for the so-called Law Enforcement.

I would be a pretty straight shooter if it were not for cannabis


Well-known member
Saliva tests can detect consumption within the previous 6-8 hours. I don't think it can detect quantities, however.

In Colorado a person will loose their license if they refuse to take the test. However, only commercial drivers are required by the letter of the law to have one. The law says:
"This law is for commercial drivers..." CRS 42-2-101

Folks still have the right to refuse a search in any state per the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Actually the fifth amendment is the right to not testify against ones self, self incriminate ect.

The fourth amendment what your thinking of.


Driving stoned will only lead to doughnut shops where the police in residence will arrest you.

Perhaps we can convince these two lasses to conjure up some fake saliva that will defeat their testing machine.
Then they can sell to both sides of the fence and give us a little kick back.

Now that's Capitalism, boys!!


Well-known member
Lol, I’ve always had the thought that the people that make anti-virus software were the same people writing malicious computer code.