haha get outta here, really? That's handy to know...
Chaos -
Great points made here man. I've noticed first hand how important morning light is compared to afternoon for those exact reasons - morning dew. That shit is evil, and the plants that didn't get hit with A.M. rays didn't get very big and some even battled mold problems because of it.
Southeastern exposure should give the plants the best morning light, am I right?
I've been tempted to run autos myself for the same reasons, but I wish they weren't so expensive for the amount of yield you get from them. I'd want to litter about 50 of them per patch if I went that route, but the cost for the beans would be the same as running 50 normal sized plants so I can't really see it being worth it... do you know anyone who sells mold resistant autos in bulk packs? That would be ideal I think for the guerrilla grower putting out more than 10 plants...
Yes, southeastern should, but my point was more about also checking that the sun actually hits there in Autumn, till you really study it, it is "amazing" just how low the sun drops during the season. Grow a 4m plant in bright sun, that only really gets shade later on, and watch 4m of worthless scraggly timewasting bullshit arrive .
Re the Autos, I would send Old Pink a mail and/or speak to Auto breeders, pretty sure some will happily do you a deal where you help test some new strains in return for feedback.
No first hand experience but I would say using the home test to get a rough range and then send in 1-2 samples from each plot to get more exacts if your worried .... .. but at the very least the home tests will let you know if anything is out of wack
I'll be testing next spring with Logan .... if its a good season I'll be able to test all 40 mounds/holes if not I'll test 25% to get an idea where everything is at....home tests this year for native soil and 2 Logan tests for my soil mix.
™ that soil test looks good man .... that's already gone through a cycle as well?
The guy I'm getting compost from has Logan Labs test his compost but he pays a bit more and gets biological activity as well so you know how many fungi/bacteria/protozoa colonies and what's active/ inactive in the compost which can be VERY helpful.