Hello fellow Outlaw Grower enthusiests. I have a mutual friend with outlaw and am a not to distant neighbor. Unfortunate ,what happened to him and wish him all the best. Anyway,due to what happened, I was able to aquire his seed stash. I have orig. DPD f1, DPD,f2&3,but don,t have the Purple Urkle clone to reproduce Gorilla Grape. I do have Subcool's Deep Purple. Do you think that would be close to the orig if I can find av good stud out of the DPD's? I am currently growing his ECPSD andStrawberry Diesel f2. I will be making f2's of ECPSD and f3's of Strawberry Diesel. Can any one tell what is in Merlin's Majic,and some of his other strains and what they are made of? Also have some DPD f2 x Deep Ckunk, DPD f2 x Tripple Kush,and DPD f1 x Bigbud. Would be nice to have a Purple Urkle clone. Have ECSD and SFV OGK! thanx.