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GOP for legalization-hypocrites or ?

Midnite Toker

Active member
Unfortunately, "The page you requested cannot be found." I believe a true conservative wants the government out of our daily lifes. Having said that, a politician always has ulterior motives!


Well-known member
Unfortunately, "The page you requested cannot be found." I believe a true conservative wants the government out of our daily lifes. Having said that, a politician always has ulterior motives!

agree, but their motives for wanting it legal matter much less to me as long as they follow through rather than give it lip service until in office. the article is still on newsday, but it won't show from here for some reason... some conservatives only want the govt to not intrude on THEIR lives, everyone else needs to be "governed" more closely because they "don't understand"...NO ONE has EVER petitioned the govt to control THEM, it is ALWAYS "those people over there" that need stepping on.


Andinismo Hierbatero
agree, but their motives for wanting it legal matter much less to me as long as they follow through rather than give it lip service until in office. the article is still on newsday, but it won't show from here for some reason... some conservatives only want the govt to not intrude on THEIR lives, everyone else needs to be "governed" more closely because they "don't understand"...NO ONE has EVER petitioned the govt to control THEM, it is ALWAYS "those people over there" that need stepping on.

Sad but true...


Active member
ICMag Donor
It depends on the type of Republican. Libertarian-minded guys like Rand Paul think we should be free to live our lives the way we want if we aren't hurting anyone else. Social conservatives like Rick Santorum believe in using the government's power to control our personal lives.

Some Republicans believe in freedom; some believe in enforcing their version of morality on the whole country. The majority of the ones in power don't believe in personal freedom, unfortunately.


Well-known member
I am curious- are the conservatives the same in usa as here in uk? Here the conservatives main aim is to grease up the poor / working man so the rich can easily fuck them.


Well-known member
I am curious- are the conservatives the same in usa as here in uk? Here the conservatives main aim is to grease up the poor / working man so the rich can easily fuck them.

looks like they are one & the same, then, regardless of which continent they are found. much like rats in that respect...ah fuck, that was an insult to most, if not all, rats. I'm sorry little buddies...:biggrin: well, one important difference-they don't use grease on this side of the pond. hearing the victims scream seems to enhance their enjoyment...


Well-known member
I think they only use the grease because its supplied by oil companies, which daddy has shares in
I am curious- are the conservatives the same in usa as here in uk? Here the conservatives main aim is to grease up the poor / working man so the rich can easily fuck them.

Liberals are cut from the same cloth. Liberals use to the poor to their benefit. Ever meet a poor politician regardless of their party? They are all the same. It's just a different fucking but a fucking none the less!!
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Well-known member
That's the sad truth of the matter.
I often think it's the same as household goods... 5 different detergents all made by the same company, just to give the illusion of choice


Well-known member
As they say, choosing which political party to vote for is like deciding what flavour of potato chips to dip in a bowl of shit.
Makes no difference.


Active member
I am curious- are the conservatives the same in usa as here in uk? Here the conservatives main aim is to grease up the poor / working man so the rich can easily fuck them.

Pretty much. In this country, the difference between rich republicans & rich democrats is that the democrats will vote to raise their own taxes to fund social programs. Repubs find the idea to be horrifying.

Republicans are generally authoritarian in some fashion or another- the judgmental authority of fundamentalist Christian religion, tradition, capitalism, wealth and ownership. Even their self styled libertarians are big on the unbridled authority of ownership. That varies by degree, but they've generally been on a charge to the right fringe for a couple of decades. There are exceptions, Dana Rohrabacher chief among them. Even the current Libertarian darling, Rand Paul, doesn't think cannabis should actually be legal.

There's this, although I don't know how much traction they'll get-


It'd be hard for a lot of their leadership to do a complete 180, but their voters have very short memories. That might be a good thing, for a change. They'll think it was their idea all along.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Even the current Libertarian darling, Rand Paul, doesn't think cannabis should actually be legal.

I just saw an interview with him this week. He said states should be free to legalize if the people vote to legalize it. He criticized Jeb Bush for speaking out against medical marijuana in Florida (my home state). Supporting medical marijuana and supporting states rights to legalize recreationally seems as good as it's going to get in terms of a possible Republican nominee. I wouldn't vote for someone like Jeb Bush, but I'd probably vote for Rand if he wins the nomination.

Which major Democratic candidates support legalization? I know Obama doesn't. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic favorite for 2016, doesn't support legalization either.


Active member
I just saw an interview with him this week. He said states should be free to legalize if the people vote to legalize it. He criticized Jeb Bush for speaking out against medical marijuana in Florida (my home state). Supporting medical marijuana and supporting states rights to legalize recreationally seems as good as it's going to get in terms of a possible Republican nominee. I wouldn't vote for someone like Jeb Bush, but I'd probably vote for Rand if he wins the nomination.

Which major Democratic candidates support legalization? I know Obama doesn't. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic favorite for 2016, doesn't support legalization either.

Saying that Obama doesn't support legalization is remarkably strange, considering that state regulated retail marijuana exists only because he refuses to enforce federal law in states that meet federal guidelines-


It's important to understand that legalization means a completely legal method to produce & distribute cannabis, from seed to consumer. Opinions differ on quite how that should be, but it has to be part of the package, somehow. Obama obviously supports that. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here.

Rand Paul does not support that at all. He's taken a straddle position meant to seem more libertarian than it really is, spreads a lot of disinformation in the process-That using cannabis is a mistake, that it takes away the incentive to work, reduces IQ, yada, yada, yada-



He also suffers some serious misconceptions about who uses cannabis. He really has no idea, represents it to be youthful indiscretion, oblivious to the professional class clientele in Denver's toney LoDo establishments.


Andinismo Hierbatero
All these categories of the right or left, or democrat, republican, etc... are all completely irrelevant. Your duty is to understand that not any of these arbitrary categories have understood how to make a healthy functioning system for society.

If you don't realize this, you are part of the problem.

Not only that, but you are like a species that will be hunted down into extinction in the near future.

Doesn't anyone read and study anymore from that sector of society? They are stuck with old, dusty and outdated mainly eurocentric brain programming?

I had some Swiss fuck the other day trying to school me on how Arabs, Jews, Indians, etc... Were all different races LOL... he still thinks the german anthropological categories of the 18century are still relevant...

Same with their socio-political and economic views... Poor sad bastards...


ICMag Donor

What you say should be ringing LOUD in todays world.

Some people just refuse to remove their own blinders & get so caught up in their own reality they cannot see the world around them for what it is.