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Good Weed in Lugano?


Hello guys I saw already one thread but it is quite old and not detailed.
I was wondering if someone can help me find some good stuff around Lugano.
I just moved here and i am an heavy smoker and I want to find the right people :D


its a pretty small region, i just know that not too far from it the the Purpurea Ticinensis was found,
so weed if not plenty was around historically at least :)

good luck finding some.. otherwise you may have to go to züri or grow your own?


New member
Hi guys, I know the thread is old but I'm looking for some good weed around Lugano, I live around there and I've had three dealers in 6 months so I'm really bored about this.
I tried looking around Pregassona today (near church and university) but nothing, someone can tell me some tips or spots around?


do you speak german? i´ll just proceed in english for now.

during 6 month you can grow yourself around 4 times a harvest which, depending on how much you smoke could sustain you for a couple of month each.. sets to do such micro grows are available at any growshop and cost about 350 euro alltogether talking about 60 by 60 by 160 cm ca. which should be enough to grow anything you want you can get even smaller ones some build a grow room into their old desktop computer :) you can use either auto strains which grow very fast or cuts which you at least in austria get at many corners even legally.

i cant recommend buying from dealers at all.. too many garbage is being produced, some a**holes even put lead into the buds to make it heavier... people end up lying in hospitals while greedy dealers dwell grinningly in 3000 euro beds

its really no big deal quickly set up and fun to see your own healthy little plants blossom.
think about and eh think about it :)

ach and if you know all about it and are just too lazy or other circumstances.. sorry for pointing it out


New member
Growing would be a dream but I don't have the possibility, I still live with my parents and money is a problem too.
Weed isn't high quality and you're right, sometimes they also leave useless parts of the plant to make it weight more, shit like leaves or small breaches and leaves.


hmm i built a small box costing about 30 euro with 3 fluorescence light color 6500 K a little wood and some mylar foil..
was built fast and didnt take much place, it could fit in your cupboard.. it grew me 5 autos which sustained me for 2 years i guess..
didnt smoke much at that time.. still dont but i guess a little more :)

yeah leafs are ok but better than tobacco :D some branches ok thats all in the tobacco to
but lead man.. uchhh lead is poisonous.. thats really bad ass you know Blei in german..

some fellas landed in hospital around here because some digghead motherfucking killa dealers decided to make it heavier.. and dusted it with this metal
that was also a reason why growing for own purposes got a little more lets say at least more liberal.

if you still live at home and cupboard or no other spot is possible to make a stealth micro grow then maybe find a hidden spot out in nature around your house
or aside of some paths nicely hidden which you know which people dont use much and make it easy to hide your grow, people from my area before i went to the city made that every year
and ended up with plenty. its probably the best option if you have some.. around lugano you may still have the option to do so, but dont wait too long anymore :)

at least think about it, dont use dealers, money makes even the best friends turn into complete reckless phsychos.. a greed which is not easy to control...


New member
That's some crazy shit man, I feel sorry for your friends.
Growing for youself is the best option obviously, you know what you use to grow it and everything, more satisfied and you don't pay criminals on the street. I come from a family that used to live by working in fields growing plants and with animals (cows, chickens etc.). I sometime go there and I find it beautiful, it's hard-working but it pays back and the nature is cool, it's like taking care of your child, you see plants or animals grow and all that..

I don't really know how to grow a plant and around here there are no good places, maybe 1 or 2 but someone would probably see it, also I don't have seeds.

Thanks for the answer and all these informations, I thought that nobody would comment on the thread because it's pretty old.
I think that i'm not gonna start growing something now but maybe in future if I have the possibility and if I catch some seeds around. I also saw that a lot of people that bought seeds online have been visited by cops during the last year so I won't try that for sure.


well if you dont want to grow for now ok, but its the best option if you like to smoke one from time to time
as you also say you know what you grow and its also fun and since you are bond with nature already why not

a good spot has to be figured a bit thats true not easy to find but when you are outside already give it a thought
a possible spot may hit your eye. of course you also have to be up to the risk of getting raided but thats the thrilling fun part :D

a cut costs maybe 6 euro and hey if you take an auto cut and have a small spot for a small plant
they really dont get big, you may even harvest in 4 weeks from now :) you can put that small thing
in the middle of your garden and it will be gone before anybody notices it, or on the backpart of your house
where a bit usual weed grows, you can do that on several spots several times per year..
at least until you find a proper spot for proper plants.

and if you so have no money i know a breeder who used to give seeds for free in return of getting a grow report
with some acceptable pictures, or even just like that if you seriously cant afford it.
i really want to encourage you for a grow instead of buying some ill stuff.

and if you are worried about police getting at you because of buying seeds.. well i heard of that
but the seed shops i bought from are 100% reliable i bought seeds worth 400 euro because i could not stop collecting
thats probably nothing to others who really get nuts on collecting :D

you can even buy those seeds in maschines on certain places you know like a drink box where you put in a few coins
or some franken or whatever and you get a pack of seeds, totally incognito. those mashines should be standing in Switzerland
or so not sure check this page they talk about it and they provide you with some details -- > click

stay in touch with cows and chicken, its lovely i wished i had such opportunities.
sooner or later i may end up with a bunch of them either but that may be a long road still.


New member
Yes I live in Lugano, how old are you, are you here for holidays?
You already know somebody around or you're with empty hands? haha


New member
ahaha. I live and work here, being 25.
I have one guy usually helping me, although i am currently empty.
In case you know someone, that should not be a problem


New member
new in Lugano

new in Lugano

hi guys, first sorry for my poor english. i found this post while looking for contact in Lugano...i'm new here. I try to get it going around and around...parco ciani...pregassona...train station...well nothing. I have no contacts and i can't have a social life (this would help me a lot, i know) cause i work quite all the day. Why is it so difficult here??????????????


New member
hi guys, first sorry for my poor english. i found this post while looking for contact in Lugano...i'm new here. I try to get it going around and around...parco ciani...pregassona...train station...well nothing. I have no contacts and i can't have a social life (this would help me a lot, i know) cause i work quite all the day. Why is it so difficult here??????????????

Ey bro how's going? You are very lucky that I looked again at this topic after all this time.. Guess i'm empty handed again! haha
Anyways if you want to be sure to get some weed I suggest you go at this place called "Macello" or "CSOA Molino" it's a place located in the middle of the city in Cassarate and there's a lot of cool people (also watch out for undercover cops, they are always around, the bald guy for example lol). They organize parties and just two days ago there was a Reggae event, you can check for future events on the site.
To buy weed just go there Friday-Saturday evening, sometimes it's open on Thursday also, after 8 pm they start smoking inside and you can just ask to the guys that are smoking if they can hook you up with something.
Best thing is go with someone so you don't look suspicious. Also the place is like a fucking dump, you may not like it or feel unconfortable, I don't love it too but if you take a look at the people it's just either goons or teenagers having a good time, I once also saw families with kids running around and it actually felt kind of strange..
Let me know how it goes bro! We could hook up and smoke one if you feel like it, bye!


Farm Hero

Heh brah, heard there an hombe in Lugano, got hella 200 gallon smartpots going, he starts seedlings on Valentines Day. love it if you go talk to him, quit trolling us. thanks


New member
Hey,guys.Is anyone still here?Recently moved to Lugano,and I don’t speak Italian well.I have tried hanging around Molino and Parco Ciani but I end up looking like some weirdo since I am unable to communicate with anyone.Need some help😰


New member
Anyone still here?im on vacation in lugano trying to find some good stuff but its hard..anyone has any contact that i dont have to pay with bitcoin in front and bullshits like that?