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GOOD news & BAD news...lol


Well the good news is i finally took some pics, cuz i know how much we all love pics!
The bad news is i didn't get pics since seedlings till this point & i used my camera phone because my digi is still messed up, or really i lost the charger so i can't charge it and rather use the money to buy some blunts. haha

anyways some of you might get at me for a few reasons lol, but its all good, im still a newb and what im doing is currently workin fine.

these are things i expect to get great or funny comments for. lol:
- my makeshift ventilation with the industrial fan out the attic door
- my reflector sideways ( for temps and ventilation reasons) haha
- my uneven canopy
- my Canadian brand chemicals
- all my plants from seed in one container
- lol my bad quality pics
if i miss anything please let me know, and really serious help and ideas on how to improve it would really be great.

Im on a college student budget, love to smoke, and everything around here is some commercial buds or some shitty outdoors. so i MUST grow. plus i love growing and experimenting [BIOLOGY AWARD WINNER HERE FOR THE PLANT UNIT] yea yea! haha

anyways, along with all your jokes, cuz i know how funny you ICmaggers are, please give me your thoughts! and oh yea, there's a pic of my dog. haha

there's 6 plants, hard to see, but yea. Afghan seeds from Afghanistan.

The almighty 1000w HPS & my makeshift ventilation. lol

The ballast, timer, therm, ph testers & the nutes.


OKay everyone, as funny as this thread might be and all the jokes im expecting to hear. I really am a newb and do need advice and input and thought on my set-up and what not. so THANKS ahead of time!

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Thanks Green! I'm just going off what i read online here and use the resources i can where im at. but i'll keep it up. lol, and get some better pics of these babies, 2 of them topped themselves, 1 has 2 tops and the other has 3. i topped another myself and the 2 big ones i just left how they were.
oh yea, i don't think i mentioned that i just put them into 12/12. is that an alright size for a decent yeild? or should i veg a little longer? thier all about 2 or 2.5 feet.
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Don't fix it if it ain't broke........At least you're trying........I know people who have the money, space, and resources to grow med grade dank, but they're "Fraidy-Cats" and think the DEA is gonna do an all out raid on them for 2 or 3 plants.........In actuality, they'd probably laugh their asses off :muahaha: :muahaha:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
ganjafarma said:

Most animals don't care for weed but, it takes them a few bites to figure it out. Keep the guard at the door. Don't let him inside until plants can survive having several chunks bit out of them. Puppies aren't quite as cute when their muzzles and paws are stained green.


LOL. don't worry she's an outside dog. I'd never let her near the plants or the room, too much things she can mess up. especially with her tendancy to jump up on things and paw. oh yea, THE DEA AIN'T GOT NOTHIN ON ME!

but seriously ppl, lol. what do you think of my set-up and plants? anything im missing or should know? okay to flower? cuz i just put it in 12/12 but don't have the nutes for flower yet... how long can i go just giving it water and supermaxx? should i still use some veg nutes?


Oh yea, they got about 1.5 inches over night 1 day of 12/12!

and turning this heavy rubbermaid bin around is stress. haha
do i need to move the bin so the plants get hit by the light differently? because i move it every 1-2 days.

i don't really want to top any more plants, i topped one and the other 2 topped themselves in veg, with 2 and 3 main stems. i wanted to keep 2 normally to see how big they can get finally but the canopy's all weird and i have to make the light hang according to that... the plant that topped itself 2 times already caught up to the big ones, but the topped one who topped itself 3 times is still a bit behind aswell as the one i topped.

lol, that was the most i ever used the word topped.

as you can see here, the plant at the bottom left corner closet to you is the 1 plant that topped itself 2, u can see the 2 main stems side by side.
my digi should be up soon and i promise to take some better pics lol.

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Plants are looking good man!

I wouldn't worry too much about "flowering nutes" at this point. They look pretty healthy as is. It looks like the second bottle of food you posted ("1-5-8") would probably be good for flowering food. The higher nitrogen content of the first bottle will be less needed.

One thing though about planting them all in the same pot: were the seeds you got feminized seeds? If not, you're going to have a hell of a time digging out the males when you find out which ones they are.

-Q :rasta:


Quazi said:
Plants are looking good man!

It looks like the second bottle of food you posted ("1-5-8") would probably be good for flowering food. The higher nitrogen content of the first bottle will be less needed.

One thing though about planting them all in the same pot: were the seeds you got feminized seeds? If not, you're going to have a hell of a time digging out the males when you find out which ones they are.

-Q :rasta:

Hey Quazi,
can i use just that second bottle? because it's a 2-part nute, for every 10L of water im supposed to put 8ml of A & 8ml of B. and the guy at the grow shop show me the other 2-part nute for flower.
supermaxx is the other solution i have which is to be used inbetween waterings for the whole life of the plants.

And i don't think thier feminized, my friend got those seeds when he was over in afghanistan and brought them back. some wild seeds.
do i have to dig out the male or can i just chop them down?


I was completely guessing on the second bottle. I don't know anything about those nutrients or how they are supposed to be combined. I was just looking at the the numbers given.


Higher N & P for veg, P & K for flower. That is the basic idea behind feeding. You should do a bit of reading up on the nutrients to decide what's best for you. I was simply throwing a suggestion out there. Also: strains are all different. Some like heaving feeding, others don't. Do your own research and read your plants. You're the farmer, right?

As far as the male to female thing, I suppose you're going to want to cut/scoop the male plants out. I would suggest just removing the plant at the base of the stem instead of scooping it out to prevent damaging the roots of the females you want to keep. If you do this: make sure it doesn't grow back underneath the canopy.

Make sure you catch the males early and get them out of there w/out opening any of the pollen sacks. With your plants in such close proximity, one sack could pollinate all of your bud.

-Q :rasta:
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thanks for the info quazi.
now i figured a way to get more cold air into the room, so my light is only a foot away from the tops instead of how it looks in my piture which was more than 2 feet, also i did a little renovation lol and the whole thing looks much cleaner.
plants are really healthy and i did as toodles suggested in another thread and trimmed off the lower flowering branches cuz they were small and now the tops are getting more of the energy.
can't wait to really get the sex determined


this is probably one of the better ghetto grows 'round here..
lookin pretty good man!


thanks guys, hopefully they stay healthy and are girls! make sure i keep an eye on dem nodes.
anyways.... in response to
cellardweller said:
this is probably one of the better ghetto grows 'round here..
lookin pretty good man!

:violin: They were born and raised in the ghetto-grow, they were born and raised in the Ghetto-grow! hahaha


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Looks good I would lower the light closer to the canopy 8 to 12" from the top. Put your hand on top of the canopy and feel that the heat is ok. I have mine at 12". Everything else looks great keep it up

Be Safe
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im feeling good.
3 of the 6 afghans are females for sure. 2 more looks like their gonna be female and im thinking i see 1 male.
kinda mad that the one male had to be the one that topped itself 3 times and has the most tops. gonna let it go for a little longer, hopefully my eyes r tricking me and really its a female. but i see a ball not a long thing.
oh well, all i asked for was 3-4 females outta the 6. YEA!!!
pistils look so sexy. lol. as you can tell im a little excited. i guess its a newbie thing.


I've been using the Optimum flowering nutes and they suck...too much N, and you will need a PK booster soon, any will do.