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Good low drag resistance vaporizers? (asthma / lung problems)


Hi again EvergreenState,

...the VG concept is different...

...you can use a vaporizer comfortably?

Yes, i exploited my sensitivity as an antenna probing for what works or hurts. Seven generations of successive iterations were initially planned, i lost counting a long while ago but i know i must have reached a cluster of sweet-spots late last year. It was no option to proceed with thermo-dynamics so instead i evaluated a multitude of core configurations waiting for a pattern to emerge. Nothing was as clear as today when i acquired my 1st VG pipe in 2012, only to give it away as a gift because i systematically combusted...

Despite all odds, the year after i bought another VG pipe because i had already become over-sensitive while i never had any health issues before: the signs started to appear about only 6 months after my vaporist initiation. Hence i happened to be right to persist with VG's solution considering that's all i got left today besides total abstainance.


The few first iterative generations were quite tough to handle, especially after i turned creative with more radical sphere mods in 2015, 'cause my hybrid cores back then were just too powerfull though i didn't realise that yet: i was still after zero-combustion then aroma/taste and i wasn't sure i'd ever manage well with airflow, simultaneously trying to figure out an alternative Flame-Catching channel length...

I do miss some aspects of my former smoker hashish habit but i would never regress now that i'm practically sitting on my reward. Which is not just cannabic consumption again; in the process i also made radical progress as to my consumption profile as well, in such way i now declare myself "free" - as in freedom.

And today what hurts most ain't about toking anymore, it's the thought that i found something big which is even more inclusive than whatever i could have tried before and despite the breakthrough i can't share the fun around, because most people pay attention to the alias and Egzoset has been troll toy from day 1, in 2010. As a result pictures have disapeared and part of the chronological information with it, except for a few exceptions where the cyber-attacks were less intense. For example:

BlueLight: Harm Reduction type of modded vaporizer pipe (2013-Jul-5)

Which i won't link directly in fear that might be considered "SPAM" or something, which shall bring me to your next question...

Are you selling these?

It all started as a fantasy in 2010 when i mentioned Induction Heat on FC. The "community" has done its best to bad-mouth it at priori... Nonetheless the reason why it sounds like a real product is just because i adopted a neo-mercantile style intended as criticism of actual manufacturer offers, on FC and elsewhere.

So, no. Nothing for sale from me ever, which didn't stop some of my enemies to pretend as much so i'd get banned - and banned i was in many places indeed. As SPAMMER the last time... Perhaps because i was determined to complete my venture, which i have and now it doesn't matter because my opportunity window is over. But i can try to provide some hints as that would make me feel at peace: i've wanted someone to take over for years, so would you be willing to try? All you need is some handy skills, a VG pipe, a 49 tpi blade-saw and a DynaVap CCD Screen, hopefully. This last item is completely hypothetical but i figure if the dimensions and mass are close enough then you can experience the fun without too much agravation. My "Plan-B" ritual is a treat and it departs from the mainstream; this alone could be nice to add to any arsenal IMO - plus that's some comfort for an ex-smoker as myself. But there's more: it's not Hot Dry Air alone that works inside and i think that's what gave me the edge i needed to continue with my favourite hobby. Except now it's differently oriented, aiming for another type of "buzz" in mind. Using aroma/taste as a substitute feature for my previous forms of abuse. And abuse negates freedom i found...

M'well, i once had hesitations but not anymore. Being no doctor i'd be out of line if i garanteed this will work for every lung/airways sensitivity problem, on another hand the fog inside my pipe reminds me on a routine basis how desperate for anwers i used to be when i vaporized the electric way.

Maybe there doesn't have to be butane generating water, using IH technology i could as well depend on distilled water instead, etc. Also, the pipe is mainly meant to work as a "window" to provide hints of what's the future, yet there's no denying i've improved VG's concept significantly. The yellow flame which was an indication of imperfect butane burning is gone although i tried to maintain fall-back compatibility, for convenience purposes. Thanks to a high-throttle blue flame then i gained access to an alternative micro-bursting ritual focussed on aroma/taste, which combined to the musical instrument aspect of it makes that all even more satisfying.

Ultimately, if you could access IH technology then precision "packetization" of heat injection would give the pulse mode features that were only approximative before. Etc., etc.


Anyway i don't want to sound like i'm trying too much and i really don't have to.

Like i said, it's no good being unable to share the fun around. Or play king of a mountain with a splendid view no one else even heard about nor suspected. My reward was to solve whatever failed before which gave me sored eyes, runny nose, rafale sneezing, itchy skin, asthma attacks...

If my de-sensitization explanation related to micro-dosage makes sense at all then maybe that could work for you too, because i once got over-sensitized in the 1st place. So i can't tell how useful that may prove to be, but i'll want to assist if you find that worth enough yourself.

Using micro-dosage i can get the amount of noble molecules my body requires and the rest is a bonus. This testimony is as far as i can go, still with no strings attached. But i wish. ... I wish i succeeded captivating your attention nonetheless.


Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
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If dry air is an issue.
Either just vaporise in summer when the air humidity is high.
there are very cheap ultrasonic air humidifiers.
Put the air intake of your vaporising device or pipe in the cloud the humidifier emits.
It works fine with a s&b plenty, for example.
I imagine some vaporisers need more heat, as the cloud from the humidifier is cold, and damp air takes more energy to heat than dry air.

Just make sure your vaporiser doesn't get dripping wet or it might electrocute something.


Salutations Phineas Freak,

If dry air is an issue.

Actually i think it's the absence of water in the inlet path which is a problem, because this water is not just for self-moisturization/conditioning: as you've pointed out yourself (about "damp" air) it turns out the "specific heat" capacity of water and air are significantly different indeed. So i've come to conclude it was the boosting of my Release/Transport Agent through a raise of its overall "specific heat" which had a determining chain-reaction effect on operator errors leading to a major drop of combustion incidents, etc. I concluded it's the fact that my converted VG pipe gathers its Release/Transport Agent directly from the corona of a clean-burning (blue) butane flame that gives me such an "edge" making the difference between Yay and Nay... Hot Dry Air alone carries less energy i believe than Hot Dry Air plus superheated steam and carbonic gas. That means in pulse mode a Hot Dry Air "bubble" won't be as potent as a "potentialized" one of similar size, created out of a butane torch for cleanliness and power density. It's the difference in speed that makes one pulse sufficiently efficient compared to the other. That edge may not seem obvious to regular users with no restrictions, while to one guy like me who exploited airways/lung limitations like antenas it represents quite a beneficial change. Also i could try to theorize all day but i'm just no laboratory, for example i figure perhaps mixing a moisturized stream with post-vaporization dust might implement a form of filtration which in turn may explain why electric is harsh and this is not.

Anyway i don't claim having all of the answers ready for scrutiny, but lets assume if it's true i can't be 100 % right then it's also tru i can't be 100 % wrong. Hence a true need for duplication, then eventual confirmation, more theorization, etc...

Either just vaporise in summer when the air humidity is high.
there are very cheap ultrasonic air humidifiers.

This was tried, at 1st i called that my FogBong! scenario. Although that felt divine at some occasions long term implications eventually defeated such option. It seemed a matter of abuse in disguise: briefly put it was way too easy to over-do it!... Plus water in the outlet path simply isn't equivalent in terms of Release/Transport which is still performed by Hot Dry Air and its associated "specific heat" capacity in a battery-operated vaporizer - a limitation when it comes to pulse mode consumption. Which is where my proposed concept emerges with an edge: i like it best when brief & potent.

That way lung effort time is reduced and fatigue with it, which impacts on the error rate hence combustion incidents on the long run...

Just make sure your vaporiser doesn't get dripping wet or it might electrocute something.

That's where electro-magnetic Induction Heat comes to the rescue, because having a few hundred Watts and even liquid water mixed together is no insoluble problem - e.g. another edge!...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:


Pax III on the go or volcano if having a longer session! the Pax III for flower is nice and portable and has a nice app you can integrate and dial in your temps even finer than just the 4 settings and its easy to rip :good:


Salutations Zilo,

Pax III on the go or volcano...

Are you sure you've paid sufficient attention to the title as quoted below?

« Good low drag resistance vaporizers? (asthma / lung problems) »

So, Airflow Restriction ain't 1 option and the rest another to be forgotten: it's got to stick together, e.g. be made inclusive in order to meet all of the mentioned selection criterias simultaneously...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:
Salutations Zilo,

Are you sure you've paid sufficient attention to the title as quoted below?

« Good low drag resistance vaporizers? (asthma / lung problems) »

So, Airflow Restriction ain't 1 option and the rest another to be forgotten: it's got to stick together, e.g. be made inclusive in order to meet all of the mentioned selection criterias simultaneously...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:

The volcano meets all the criteria and is a clear winner ;)!



The volcano meets all the criteria...

Certainly not mine as it fails to provide water early, starting with the inlet path... But that's OKay, try water in the outlet path if you believe that's anything close, but then you'll find water in a bag might prove to turn into a disaster waiting to happen sometimes.

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat:


Salutations EvergreenState,

Are you selling these?

There never was any mercantile aspect attached, it's all free DIY fun sharing. The prototyping Platform by VaporGenie is patented anyway...

...it went over my head a bit.

Frankly i fail to see how difficult that is to trim down SiC Pucks. The most challenging part is the Metal Disc and i figured if it's close to ~¾ g in weight with a similar aerodynamic function then this should work nearly the same i guess. Hence recommending the DynaVap "CCD Screen" as substitute in an effort to replicate previous observations.

The Classic-look Aluminium is my all-time favourite in terms of aroma-taste appreciation + ease of inhalation from a more generous airflow. At the cost of less eye-contact on a flame's tip.


Are you saying with a certain type of vaporizer and the device you've created, you can use a vaporizer comfortably?

That's the spirit but i only implemented the Metal Disc of Fig. 11/12 in VG's patent. My contribution was to make it "Bi-Energy" compatible using a sandwich layout instead. Which was worth the spending and effort because after that i'm back to permanent abstaining again.

I can't smoke much at all now and mostly use medibles but I miss the smoking experience.

That's part of the fun sharing i mentioned it for. These are recent updates suggesting a more convenient plastic/metal Mating Junction similar to that from above:



Ritual differs radically from the genuine VG directives:


My apologies for the excessive pictures reprocessing...

Good day, have fun!! :tiphat: