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GOOD GrowShops in NL since Mar 1


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hoi dag Jongens en Meisjes..

So as many of you know, since March 1st a lot of the growshops in NL are either out of business or don't offer their full range of products anymore.

I would like to start a list of growshops that are still operating in NL and are good suppliers.

so first

tuincentrumholland.com - great customers services and product - don't send bulbs though.

greensell.nl - these guys stock Lumii products

growshoponline.nu - they sell everything but don't try to use the lowest price guarantee, they get bos.

eugrowshop.eu - another great shop with a full list of products.

onlinetopgarden.com - these guys accept PayPal

ultratrading.nl - I havent used this one but the customer services where very good when I made enquiries..

if I find any more I'll add them, please feel free to do the same..