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Good Article: Community in shock over Harford man's drug charges


Horse-toothed Jackass
I don't think Granny is siding with law enforcement on this one. And dude had 19 plants, 12 outside 7 inside. I imagine the 12 outside were flowering, maybe the 7 inside were immature but who knows? Anyway, that's at least twice as many flowering plants as he was allowed, so even by cali standards he's well over the limit, for himself that is.
And outdoors you can yield big trees, although there's no evidence on how big they were, even outdoors you can have relatively crappy yields, depends on how good of a grower you are.. :rasta:

But definitely, if he was concentrating for medicinal use, or sharing, his grow isn't that much. Heck, even if he wasn't making concentrates or sharing, what he was growing isn't that much. More than he can smoke personally, probably, but who knows, maybe he only likes to grow once every 2-3 years, build up a stash that will last him? That'd be nice to smoke some weed cured > 1 year... :joint:


Active member
inflorescence said:
CA is a huge legit ag state, I think we would be able to determine plant amounts better then anyone.

You would think...but "6 or 12" is a joke! That is unless you were starting off with the right strain for your needs that produces well. Then you could have a mother and 5 flowering. 5 flowering plants will not give me 2-3 months of meds...no way. 1st off I need concentrates so that blows the whole limit thing right there. I also like to have an Indica at nite but need a Sativa for day use, can't be nappin at work. So now I need 2 mothers which leaves me with 4 flowering. And this is all assuming that you can grow good weed...most can't. It just doenst work. I don't have an ankle injury and need a couple puffs hear and there.

My Dr also thinks 6 or 12 does not work for most. That is why I can gow as much as I need.

Think about it...
I should be free to buy a pack of seeds, germ the whole pack, grow all 10 or 12 until they show sex, and toss the males. This usually leaves 4, 5 or 6 females left...then grow those out to find a[1] keeper...which means I had to take cuts of all of them before flowering. This whole time..2 months maybe, I need to have my other plants going.

The math doesn't work.

This is ALL for personal medial use for 2 people...

Veg room....oh lets say usually around 15-20

Flower room...anywhere from 12 to 20



Horse-toothed Jackass


You make some excellent points. I myself am running 3 strains, so that's 3 moms at least, after selection.
6 mature plants is a joke for a medicinal user, especially if you're using concentrates. 24 flowering, and 36 vegging/clones would be a more realistic number for a medicinal user.
Nice donkey d!@#'s by the way....
Storm Crow said:
An exceptional teacher, civic minded, fighting cancer, who owns a nice little $267,390 chunk of property to steal and grows 19 plants- must be a major drug dealer! I'm too much of a lady to say what I think about this- but it ain't pretty! (the "mad" smilie doesn't even cover it- I need a "Raging fury" smilie!)

Nothing but thieves with fucking badges. I hope all all get cancer of the testicles and/or a load of <monkey splooge> to the face. Couldn't happen to nicer people.
Fucking thugs.

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the guy has been giving all his life. to his students, to the community, to everyone.

most likely he was giving away his extra to cancer patients or other people in need.

this story is tragic.


Active member
Isn't the whole purpose (or so the government tells us) of the WOD to penalize people in society who don't make a difference or are a menace rather than a contributor to society?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Storm Crow said:
It is very likely that he has heard of Rick Simpson's "Phoenix Oil", a reputed cancer cure made from highly concentrated cannabis. To make it, you start with a fairly full, 5 gallon bucket of bud! That will give enough "Phoenix Oil", according to Mr. Simpson, for a couple of month's dosage. Consider a year's worth! Adds up pretty fast! So the amounts he had are likely QUITE REASONABLE for a person in his situation. Medical use is not like recreational use!

I have to admit, after seeing the vid, I was stunned at how much bulk weed was required to produce a tiny syringe of oil.


New member
the outdoor plants couldn't be budding..

day light just started shortening in NE USA.

plants probably haven't even showed sex yet. Mine haven't.