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gonna be a father


Active member
Hey Bird, your life has just begun my brotha!

Hey Bird, your life has just begun my brotha!

Kids are fuggin great!!!!!!!!!! I have a daughter 8 yrs old and let me tell you she's the best thing in my life! I probably would be dead by now if it weren't for her she really changed me!?(my lifestyle) have fun bro Sillyphilly :wave:


Bubblegum Specialist
This moves me to see your announcement Bird. I am a father and now my son has 2 children I love so much. My son learned everything I could teach him and he loves me as I do him.

Parenting is what living things do best and my Dad told me this when I was expecting my child. He said, "don't read the books about it but just do what comes naturally." He raised me without ever hitting me although I deserved it a few times. I never hit my son and he will never be violent toward his children. The old cycle of violence is more often the cycle if kindness we pass on instead.

You take care of your wife as she is the precious vessel and mother of your son. Together you will make this dream reality and the fruit of your love will be with you. Be proud when you meet your son Bird. Tell your wife how much you love her each day and tell your son too. Fathers can kiss their boys you know. Kiss him for me.



Congrats man , may he always be healthy & happy

peace & love too you & your family


Active member
awwwwwwwwww thnaks BOG. very well said like always. i love them very much. so proud of them too. theys my babies =}. dunno what eles ta say but thanks to all the great people here at IC. may all you have a lovefull and peacefull life. oohh yeah the grandparents are happy as fuck too =p hehehe.


Bubblegum Specialist
Being the Grandparent some day is the parents reward because grandkids are so much fun. The best part though is that when you leave from visiting the kids go with you. :D BOG


Congrads Bird and i hope the very best for your son to be born healthy my friend and pray that evrything will be the best for you and your family. I have 2 myself bird a 10 yr old son that is very healthy and smart as a whip, and a 8 yr old girl who is handicap and struggles daily my friend and i am still thankfull for them as they are, because they are alot of babies and kids out there worse off than her. Bird i think you will be a very good dad and i pray that all will go well with you and your family for many years to come.


Active member


Congrats on the great news Bird! I'm the mother of four beautiful kids.
One of my boys passed away from SIDS when he was very very young and I want you to know what I learned...

Every second you have with your kids is a blessing and they should always be treated as such. That goes the same same for all your loved ones. Remember it always.
Once again congrats and tell mom the same.



children are a gift

i want 7. one for every day of the week! hahahahaha
i hope that he comes out as healthy as possible. Screw waitin for him to turn 21...teach him how to grow from childhood!


Active member
thanks mr tighteyes, hes great to me already

aww sorry gwfh and thanks for the kind words we are very excited

and danimal he will learn how to grow jus not weed till he old enuff =D
maybe one the next great breeders who kows

thanks again all


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Congratulations Bird thats awesome news. Mrs.Babba and I just found out we are gonna be grandparents ... boy are we happy ... best of luck


Active member
Bird,about the herb part!

Bird,about the herb part!

my mother has old pics of me in the garden, and lets just say they werent just tomatoes, then when i hit 6-7 the gardens sorta just became off limits or just were'nt there! then around 15-16 she re-introduced me into the garden! been growing responsible for many years,funny story had my daughter with me down grammas she was 4-5 at the time we went for a walk to just get a glimpse to see if any water was needed not intending to get close when all of a sunned she bolted right in the patch! i sorta scolded her for running away from me,she had a glum look on her face, i snapped a couple of pics and we headed back to the house after getting the film developed we saw those pics!low and behold about 25 feet behind her are like 20-25 three foot chronic bushes!funny how history repeats itself good luck and wish the misses well :wave: sillyphilly ps BaBBA congrats!!!!!!!!!! :wave:


Conrats fellas ......... parenting is definately a rewarding and challenging expierience. God bless ya !


Active member
well tomorrow at 5:30pm she gonna be induced(sp) and lil boy will be on his way. monday was the due date. i hope to raise im well. cant wait to meet him


Rubbing my glands together
Congrats bird. Nothing in the world is like looking into that babies eyes for the first time. Hope every thing goes well for your wife, baby and you tomorrow.


Active member
Best of luck, Bird!! :woohoo: to you, the mrs. and the little guy!!

any names picked out yet??

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