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Active member
I have some spare land at the back of my house, I was thinking of getting a couple of Goats (I read they dont do well get lonely on their own), anyone have goats , hard to look after?, do you need a good shelter etc.I also read they are great climbers so I would prob need to make a higher fence.....maybe sheep then....:woohoo:


Active member
Ive had goat their great. as long as you get two or more they would not be lonely. they don't need much of a shelter at all depending where you live of course. yes they climb real well and they are escape artists. I think goats have much more personality than sheep my opinion they are very comical and fun to play with kind like a dog. in the bible they say goats on the left and sheep on the right.



Get them, you will absolutely love them.

Shelter is a must, heated if you reside in a temperate zone.

Goats will quickly show you how easily breached any fence
you erect. A joy to any land holder. Tricky cocksuckers.

Love me some goats.

Sat X RB

I 've really LOVED goats since they ate my plants ... and also the windscreen wiper rubbers off my car! so I guess the land the goats chewed on was mineral deficient.

(wot!? it may not have been mineral deficiency? goats just DO things like that sometimes?!)

if you must get something other than a lawnmower get SHEEP, Mate, Sheep ...




Active member
cool picture I used to pile brush for my goats they loved climbing on it, mishivious little devils will eat your devil weed if they find it.



I know there are people who have goat herds that they bring around for lawnmower service! I don't have any myself, but they will apparently eat pretty much anything, including as said above windshield wipers. There was a cliche of them eating tin cans, but I have to doubt that one.

<3 Tesla


Anita Hitt
Our neighbors had goats, They got out all the time and usually not a problem. But one day they got out and jumped on the cars and dented them pretty bad. One car was totaled. My dad sued them for the damages.


That's nuts! How pissed off would you be if you walked out of the house to go to work in the morning and found a goat on the roof of your car!! lol


I think chickens are a better choice. IMO. But if you are really hooked on raising goats go for it.


Don't you have kind of the same problem with chickens, though? I've heard that unless you keep them pretty well penned in they just go everywhere, and you end up finding eggs in weird places and they've eaten all kinds of plants.


Damn ninja goat. Yeah goats are all of the above,but they r easy to take care of if u have enough pasture land. No need to feed unless its winter or they eat all the greenery.u will need a fence at least 40 inch more ,and we usually put a row of bob wire above that.. Use the kinda fence that has lots of squares in it.. They need a fence similar to a chain link fence.. We had one goat that would jump a 48 inch fence. He didn't last long ,sheriff came looking for him after he rampaged the neighbors.lol goat burgers..


Do goats have a lot of trouble with childbirth? The few people I've known that had goats always had stories of being up all night with a birthing goat that almost died.


I'm sure some do. We just let it happen. Sometimes u get dead baby goats sometimes the momma dies. Sometimes u get twins or even triplets. If u get triplets the mother will abandon one.she only has two tits.. Then u gotta bottle feed the one abandoned. Our goats usually have 1baby first time then 2 then 2 or more from there on.. Hope this helps


Active member
Do goats have a lot of trouble with childbirth? The few people I've known that had goats always had stories of being up all night with a birthing goat that almost died.

Genetics of 'farm' animals are mostly jacked up. Farmers have been breeding for dumb stuff and 'helping' their animals give birth for a looong time now. It's lead to a situation where birthing is a chore for the farmer. WTF?

If your goat has a problem kidding (giving birth)... don't keep it and don't keep her kids. Get a goat that can have kids without your help and breed those.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Right on hydro soil. .. Survival of the fittest. Let nature wheen out the inferior genetics.. This is part of the problem with advance modern society.


Yeah, I can't have those kind of animals. First of all I don't know how I'd keep coyotes from getting them. Also I'm too much of a sucker to just let them die, though I understand exactly why you say that and it makes sense. I'm just an old lady and can't stand it.


Build them a shed where they can sleep and not be invaded by hunting animals. When they get in the hormone stage, the males are real nasty mfs and they want everyone to get the idea they are horny. Little kids around them are really a no no. They will but you but are real cute when small. It is way better to protect them than to have to sew them up from dogs and such. Tough skinned bastards. You need a goat mineral block and the cow one will not do if you are going to use the milk. Their milk is rank if they don't get the cobalt in the goat block. Otherwise, you clean them up to sterile and milk them. Goat milk is awesome and good for the kids too. Dirty goat milk will - well, I really do not know because I always cleaned their bag real well and used clean buckets. Their cheese is used in several Mexican food dishes and in other ways...They will climb on anything they can - the barn, car, house, .... dogs will fool ya and kill them as soon as you go in the house if you don't watch them. Some dogs take awhile to mature into it so you have to keep a close eye on that shit. I usually separate the dogs from the goats and stuff. some dogs are okay around them. You have to check on them several times a day - especially if they start bleeting or screaming...like I say - they are cute growing up. I had one for my daughter until the dogs killed it....she loved that damn thing...later...go online for more info...