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Gnome's 400W HPS LR #1 48 females



Ya, it was a grow I did back at HB.net. thanks to KrazyCure he saved all the pics and the text!!
I will do another one of these grows soon ,, just waiting on the space to finish as it is full now. I will document it like I did the others on HB, from start to finish of True AF strains, I will use other hybrids this time, maybe some Mossy's JEMS, LR#2 , LowAsis and some SNL. I will also use some untested new TRUE F1 AF HYBRIDS!! Yep, both parents are of differnt stable AF lines ,, true F1 ,, should see some very interesting F1 growth.



Doing what we do because we are who we are
Ya, it was a grow I did back at HB.net. thanks to KrazyCure he saved all the pics and the text!!
I will do another one of these grows soon ,, just waiting on the space to finish as it is full now. I will document it like I did the others on HB, from start to finish of True AF strains, I will use other hybrids this time, maybe some Mossy's JEMS, LR#2 , LowAsis and some SNL. I will also use some untested new TRUE F1 AF HYBRIDS!! Yep, both parents are of differnt stable AF lines ,, true F1 ,, should see some very interesting F1 growth.


i am so looking forward to this :D


Autoflower Crusader
ICMag Donor
Damn Krazycure .. . Nice grow. .. You put 48 plants in 4x4ft grow room???Can't wait to hear what the total dry weight is. . I got a 10x10 grow room, im thinking of picking up about some 20ish seeds more of LR#2xAK-47(I have 10 right now)and do some experimenting. . .

Napster the grow is old and finished and states in the first post the totals.

I don't think I ever said total yield, it was around 415grams ,, not including all of the small buds in Pic5 that was about another 30g and stuff I had already smoked.

So lets get a good break down of yield/cost/time/plant... etc...

48 Females = 415g = 8.6g per plant Average.

415g / 400Watt HPS = 1.03g per watt (but remember there is room in there for 64 females under the same light, so it would be much higher under FULL conditions. just to give you an idea,, using the 8.6g per plant average,, a FULL condition grow would pull, =550.4g = 1.37g per watt!

high yeilding autos

high yeilding autos

i think as autos genetics get better and better their will be more people hip to the fact that inside of 70 days from seed your can pull a pound of a 400 watt bulb with autos. i dont think alot of people realize that by growing autos on 20/4 schedule compared to 12/12 u get around 2 weeks of extra light in the same amout of flowering time in a say a 55 day flowering strain, its really were the gains are made, and making new seeds and weeding out males mite be easier then two separate rooms and the whole cloneing operation with seperate lights etc etc. and the extra two to three weeks it takes to grow from clone... just a thought. :dueling:


any hydro store will have them. they are 5.5 x 5.5 inch pots.

Mr G

how is your airflow setup? any intake fans? exhaust fan? This thread has made me change my mind from scroggin 2 plants to AF a lot of plants. All I want is personal bud to smoke on and with this, I can split my harvests up and get bud more often. AF FTW!


how is your airflow setup? any intake fans? exhaust fan? This thread has made me change my mind from scroggin 2 plants to AF a lot of plants. All I want is personal bud to smoke on and with this, I can split my harvests up and get bud more often. AF FTW!

Well acctually the air flow is very simple,, i have a small fan blowing between the tops of the plants and the light and I also have a Active Air out-take fan with carbon filter at the top left corner on the back wall of the tent. and passive in-take at the bottom right hand corner on the back wall. Ya, it is a grow tent, made by just making a simple cube with 2 x 2s and wrap it up with Black and White plastic, 6 mil thick, 4 mil seems to be too thin for lasting use. It stands 7 ft tall can be made shorter if you use a short table, 50 x 50 inches wide x deep. It can be made as small as 42 x 42 inside diameter to hold the same amount of plants, (64 flowering females). The pots are 5.5 x 5.5 sq pots in 10 x 20 inch trays, 8 per tray, on a square card table. The trays have been fitted with drains to collect all the run off water in a res under the table, which is dumped after every watering / feeding. They are watered from the top with a water wand connected to a 250gallon per hour pond pump, which is in a 15 gallon res. Everything fits back under the table when done.

400Watt HPS Son Agro Bulb with the enhanced blue spectrum,, the only HPS worthy by the way for entire grow cycle. There is also a Hot Spot Reflector under the bulb which is amazing at how well it works, but you dont need it. This setup is very clean, easy and cheap to make,, it was made to show that you can have a professional production grow within a low start up cost.

If you want to know more I will post it up ,, another grow will come soon just waiting on my new 400HPS ballast:woohoo:. I havent decided what strain to do yet...

Ask if you have anymore Qs.

Peace, ICC


Doing what we do because we are who we are
is it possible to use 50 - 100 ltr pots and put 10 - 15 plants per pot or maybe even a hempy tub kinda setup... with like 20 plants per tub.. ive seen it done with clones that were put straight into 12/12 from transplant.. worked awsome... yields were huge average was 2'os per plant and they had about 40 plants in 2 hempy tubs

i like your setup but just watering single pots is a pain in the arse

let me know what you think :D


well actually, watering with the wand,, takes 10 mins. very easy and clean. i only water every 3 days and feed 1 time each week. so it isnt a very big chore. ,, you can use any setup you wish to use,, but i dont agree with multi potting. Plants fight for food, and your yeild suffers, this is my opinion of course. And when you multi pot or use Hempy Buckets/Tubs, you would have to use FEM seeds. You can't pull out so many males without damaging the other plants roots. If you get FEM AF seed then go for it man! HEMPY ALL THE WAY!

Peace ICC
If im correct you can make female seed by stressing a fem into going hermy then polinate all your females with the pollem collected. But im unsure if this works with afs? I know i wnt with lr 1 cuz its a xx cromozone any suggestions?


If im correct you can make female seed by stressing a fem into going hermy then polinate all your females with the pollem collected. But im unsure if this works with afs? ?

Light stressing AFs doesnt work really, nor does late season flower stressing.. there are a few ways to make FEM seeds,, look them up.

I know i wnt with lr 1 cuz its a xx cromozone any suggestions?



oh ya the old article from Mr. X,,if i remember correctly he is talking about natural morphing due to light stress and such. Well everyone has a theory, and the method i use to make FEM seed has always worked on all strains, so far. I have yet to find one female that will sustain Female flowers with my chemically induced morphing. works on AF and NON-AF. look around you will find some info on making FEM seeds.

and what makes you think LR#1 is an xx?? it commonly throws out nanners very late in flowering 10-11+ weeks.


Great info!! Interesting that you combine flushing and feeding! Mine have just been flushed but not feed and they bounce back great! I dunk the whole pot into a pitcher a couple times and they are good. Is that kinda like flushing?