Thanks for that link... Im not sure what it was for.... per the instructions they are not hung in a place where people or pets live, there out in my 3000SQ shop.... my personal exposure times are minimal at best, There is no evidence that i have found that the plants take up the chemicals.... there not in direct contact with the pest strips. plants absorb o2 and nitrogen from the air but not oxygen or other inert gasses aka vapers, the roots on the other hand absorb o2 but not other gases so i'm trying to figure out how there is any health risk involved by me using a product that has been safely used in nursery green houses for two decades.... I read an article, wish i could find it now... in Colorado the regulators started seeing them in grow rooms, so they placed 10 no pest strips in a 15x15 room with 10 plants, one pest strip would cover the room but they were looking to see if the plants had any active or inactive compounds from the strips..... they found nothing in the plant tissue however they were banned because people work in those rooms 10+ hours a day....... for an example..... and the reasons this makes sense to me is simple!! ( I am a professional diver) I am a MASTER DIVER with DIVE MASTERS Credentials and a PADI certified Scuba Instructor as well as a Rebreather Instructor I normally average about 300 dives a year so far this year i have 57 dives logged..... I know Gasses..... 4 days out of the week my life depends on different gasses to survive from compressed air, nitrox, Tri Mix and heli OX, every day your body takes in 75% more nitrogen than any other gas, you inhale it and exhale it, take it into your body and it never enters your system never unless you're a diver at positive atmosphere. that chemical vapor in the strips may be in the air but not necessarily in the plant tissue.... Fuck you may be able to convince me otherwise but you're going to have to have LAB RESULTS.... they are simple and highly effective. As soon as they were banned in the Colorado, California grow rooms people have been freaked out by them...... they weren't banned because of the plants at all as far as i know they were banned due to the fact that people inhabit those areas half the day......
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