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Girl Scout Cookies


Just Say Grow
most recent shots of animal-




way to similar in all aspects to not be the same thing imho.


New member
I remember seeing those web looking tichs before in this thread.

Only difference I maybe see is a slight bigger node spacing on the animal.

Your forum stacks very very nicely.

true grit

Active member
some people may disagree with me that forum=animal, especially since they came from different sources originally(prop with the animal, abja with the forum), but I've ran both of them side by side and if they are different then it fooled me, they grow exactly the same, stack the same, smell and taste exactly the same etc..neither one is better than the other in any facet imho. I've gotten them to blow up pretty good on a light feed mix w/ no boosters, they seem to like smaller pots for the size of the plant(kinda like og)

I think all my GSC forum pix are on the old dead comp with first round animal pix but they were night and day for me. Probably twice the yield of forum cut my first animal run, no light sensitivity, and different flavor.

Forum is way doughier when i nail her, the animal is just sorta doughy. The animal definitely has more OG undertones, especially when vaped. My boys like the potency on the animal cookies (i like the yield) but they prefer the cookie dough burnt cookie funk of the forum cut taste wise.

Ill try and find my old pix for comparison.

edit just had to filter my posts on here for a few i guess.

First 2 are forum. 3rd is animal


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Active member
those forum pics look different than moonman and my gsc tm cuts. mainly in the pistils. and the stack looks different. but they look similar too i wouldnt even have noticed it had i not thrown apic and was looking at it in real time. the thickness length and habit of the pistil is slightly different. and the stack on the forum looks a little more pointy and runny.

Twisted pleasur

Active member
I think all my GSC forum pix are on the old dead comp with first round animal pix but they were night and day for me. Probably twice the yield of forum cut my first animal run, no light sensitivity, and different flavor.

Forum is way doughier when i nail her, the animal is just sorta doughy. The animal definitely has more OG undertones, especially when vaped. My boys like the potency on the animal cookies (i like the yield) but they prefer the cookie dough burnt cookie funk of the forum cut taste wise.

Ill try and find my old pix for comparison.

edit just had to filter my posts on here for a few i guess.

First 2 are forum. 3rd is animal

Nice Cookie Display T love your pix as always but that animal she is a beast...I do like that Forum Flavor. Im waiting for a buddy to run wookies wana see how she pans out.


Active member
ive always been a forum > animal guy myself.....can smoke it all day long and just has one of these unique uplifting highs and the animal just makes me a zombie


Active member
I'll have some forum porn in another month or so she is only at 2 weeks in and stretching like a champ but not as bad as my ecsd cut man I should of ran a smaller cut of that. Well it's my first true run with the forum indoors so we will see how she does in my setup.

Anyone that can tell me how long she stretches for I would appreciate it? Thanks in advance I paid attention to the ones before me that ran her and took notes. I actually am over killing it and gave it tons of root space so I could be shooting myself in the foot. She is in a 12x12 sqaure pot with 50/50 mix of coco and promix.


Active member
Well today I got ancy and decided to drop 5 beans of flaming cookies x bear og. These I have a feeling are gonna be super crazy dank! Thanks for the gift brotha.

Also thanks to the member that hit me up on the stretch of the forum you know who ya are thanks!

true grit

Active member
Nice Cookie Display T love your pix as always but that animal she is a beast...I do like that Forum Flavor. Im waiting for a buddy to run wookies wana see how she pans out.

Man I've enjoyed about every wookie I've sampled or grown so far. Usually better yield, structure, and similar or better flavor than forum. Right now I have a low yielding white x gsc from seed that smells amazing. Seems there is usually a potency jump too. Real winner is gonna be these Stardawg x gsc forum...I'll post em up in a few weeks!

And thanks for the kind words homies
Flower day 50 GSC

Flower day 50 GSC

here she is at day 50 sorry for crappy pics to lazy to take them out to different lights.


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Active member
...so I have to admit the last set of pics I posted in here a few weeks back were in fact from a Sour D girl. Woops,lol.:whiteflag: Ironically I too commented on it's diesel like structure while growing totally forgetting I did a germination test on an old Sour D project. Apparently I didn't do a good of a job of separating and culling them.

These 2 however are indeed Platinum Cookies bx2 phenos.

The first (#7) is at 60 days of 12/12


and this one (#11) is at 47 days and the pheno i'm presently most excited about.


Twisted pleasur

Active member
...so I have to admit the last set of pics I posted in here a few weeks back were in fact from a Sour D girl. Woops,lol.:whiteflag: Ironically I too commented on it's diesel like structure while growing totally forgetting I did a germination test on an old Sour D project. Apparently I didn't do a good of a job of separating and culling them.

We all make mistakes lord knows Ive made plenty.
Those look fire brother nice work...

Twisted pleasur

Active member
Man I've enjoyed about every wookie I've sampled or grown so far. Usually better yield, structure, and similar or better flavor than forum. Right now I have a low yielding white x gsc from seed that smells amazing. Seems there is usually a potency jump too. Real winner is gonna be these Stardawg x gsc forum...I'll post em up in a few weeks!

And thanks for the kind words homies

Well hell ya thats a good sign for sure...Ya I would like to try some of that white girl to bro...SDxForum man your hiking up the cookie river over there man..Cant wait to see how it plays out for you.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
smoked some extract and bud in amsterdam

came from cali. still dont se the hype. mind you i puff for pain and headaches so prob just not the profile my body prefers


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