From what I heard Archive Seedbank is dropping some OGKB hybrids really soon.
Doc said he's pulling back on those and thin mints until he has approval from whoever passed him the cuts or something like that.
Well, since I refuse to breed with anything that hasn't been cleared with the people that gifted me the clones, the polynesian thin mints and ogkb crosses will take some time until they are fully released to the public. Marking sure my friends are happy with the constituents behind being GIFTED strains is of the utmost importance to me. Respecting those that held these cuts and risked their freedom to make sure to keep these breed worthy cannabis specimens alive and making them available to me for free, to breed with, is very important, IMHO.
Very few, if any other breeders I know carry that same respect for those that gift them their genetics to work with. Same reason I refuse to breed with the Triangle Kush for sales. Because I was the ORIGINAL person to receive that clone from BigRicky, directly from FL, and I was under lock and key to only gift it to people I believe would uphold the tradition of respect and not being greedy with it.. As many of you know, backstabbing your friends and their relationships so that they can sell some TK crosses for $$ is not being respectful of the terms I ever gave the TK to anyone under. I'd rather not release a strain at all if my verified direct sources aren't gonna be happy if their pride and joy is released under terms without their consent. And as such, it will take time for everyone to be compensated properly and make these crosses publicly available. But rest assured, when we do make them available, as always, we never work with anything that isn't verified original.
The forum cut crosses will likely be available in the first drop, in very limited quantities.
Good info Cannivore. The Docta definitely has respect for gifted cuts he has recieved. He got screwed by RD pretty bad. There needs to be more breeders like Archive in this industry imo.