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giannino's sweet way-2x S. Fernando Lemon Kush,2x Sweet Amnesia Haze,2x Cream Caramel

horse mouth

Active member
57 1

57 1

thank you very much, apolo and bibi

day 57 from spourting - 21 from time switch

hello everyone and welcome back!

today ends the third week from the photoperiod change.
this time my gamble of putting 3 such different strains under the same net gave me a little more trouble than usual. the two san fernando lemon kush, although they are the ones with the least rises, started growing so fast and I struggle to contain them even with the crops although I pushed them under the net for a few more days than the others. to the two cream caramels and the sweet amnesia haze 2 I had to put (with difficulty) another 5 cm rise to keep everything as level as possible. today's photos

like last times the two cream caramel are on the left, the san fernando lemon kush in the middle and the sweet amnesia haze on the right





I show you the trunk of the san fernando lemon kush 2 which, I could also be wrong, I believe to be the widest trunk I have ever had: 18mm (measured with the caliber), which for a plant that is not even 2 months old I do not it looks bad at all.


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horse mouth

Active member
57 2

57 2


a random cream caramel


a random sweet amnesia haze


a random san fernando lemon kush


when the lights turned on the other day (16/2) I did a miniflush to all the plants (4 liters each divided into two parts given 30 minutes apart). now I wait until the soil is extremely dry before wetting again, but with the flores instead of vega. I did not invent this practice, but I saw a video of the good soul of franco loja who did it. the last cycle I did not do it and, I think also for that, a plant stopped growing.
when the soil will be completely dry (it could be tonight or tomorrow morning) I will give 0,5l per plant (the soil will be so dry that I doubt it will be able to hold more) fertilized like this: 7 ml / l flores, 1 ml / l pk13 / 14 , 2.5 ml / l zym, 4 ml / l boost and 0.5 ml / l calmag.

that's all for today, as always advice, criticisms, opinions, questions and insults are welcome and encouraged

take care


Well-known member
Great work horse mouth! :wave:
Can't wait to hear your opinion for the amnesia haze, i find them fantastic so far. Would definitely grow them again, almost feel bad that i didn't take clones of them. Good that the seeds are still available and on a very fair price.

horse mouth

Active member
thank you crowmax, i can't wait to smoke it...

but right now i have a problem (i hope its only that i'm a bit paranoid) and i need help...

on the two san fernando lemon kush trunks especially and much less on others trunks there are a lot of tiny white embosed (in relif? raised?) spots

here 3 pictures




i can't see anything moving inside the gb, plants are well and don't show anything wrong, but those little spots looks to me like eggs of some form of bug.

i never had bugs in my grow tent, except of some gnats, and i tried to find what it is on web, but i couldn't find the answer.

do you think it is a real problem?

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horse mouth

Active member
thanks for the answer, bibi.
i asked "around" and 5-6 growers (someone very experienced) told me that it could be the normal (abnormal i would say) "bark" formation, but none was 100% sure. it could be a strain peculiarity since only the 2 san fernando lemon kush are so covered, the rest of the plants have very few of them. maybe the sweet seeds guys can tell if it is so.

horse mouth

Active member
day 64 from spourting - 28 from time switch

good evening everyone!

the plants are very well and thanks to the advice of the forum I have become aware that the white dots on the san fernando lemon kush are not a problem.
last week I realized that the two san fernando lemon kush are not suitable to grow under the same net along the other two strains and this week I have had confirmation. they do not seem to stop growing in height and are up to 15 cm higher than the other despite having removed the last rises they had, losing 5 to 10 cm. they are wonderful plants! the day i can grow outdoors i will grow a san fernando lemon kush to see it grow 5 meters tall. here are the photos
like last times the two cream caramel are on the right, the san fernando lemon kush on the left and the sweet amnesia haze in the middle





a random cream caramel flower



horse mouth

Active member

a random sweet amnesia haze flower



under the net is now there is more space. both for the leaves that the plants "eat", and for a light caress of phosphorus (I guess) which is particularly manifested by the very weak green leaves in the shade (they detach too easily) on the cream caramels and sweet amnesia haze.
they are drinking: 7ml / l flores, 1ml / l pk13 / 14, 2.5ml / l zym, 4ml / l boost and 0.5ml / l calmag. now, however, I do not alternate the pk but I give it to each irrigated. sweet amnesia haze 1 has too dark leaves and receives only 3 ml / l of flores.

that's all for today, as always advice, criticisms, opinions, questions and insults are welcome and encouraged

take care

horse mouth

Active member
hi to everyone,

i was going to update this, but i cant add to the post the uploaded pictures. am i too stoned to see the way to do it?


horse mouth

Active member
i found a way to post images in full size, but it takes more time than with the old site version.
here is yesterday's update!

day 71 from spourting - 35 from time switch

hi everyone and welcome back to the usual Thursday appointment :)

the plants are doing very well and luckily the two san fernando lemon kush seem to have stopped growing in height. however, they remained higher than the others and I have no way of lowering them or raising the others. no prioblem, since I managed to have a difference of 10-15 cm. everything makes an experience.
the flowers are already starting to get covered in resin and smell a lot. today's photos





a random cream caramel 1 flower



horse mouth

Active member

random cream caramel 2 flower


random sweet amnesia haze 1 flower


random sweet amnesia haze 2 flower


random san fernado lemon kush 1 flower


random san fernado lemon kush 2 flower


thanks to the addition of a little bit of pk 13/14 I think I was able to make up for some of the phosphorus deficiency. at least, now, the green leaves don't fall as soon as I touch them. now I'm thinking about returning to the previous irrigation plan where I alternated 1 time with pk and one without. so now they drink this: 7ml / l flores, 1ml / l pk13 / 14, 2.5ml / l zym, 4ml / l boost and 0.5ml / l calmag plus 1.3ml / l pk once yes and once not.

that's all for today, as always advice, criticisms, opinions, questions and insults are welcome and encouraged

take care

horse mouth

Active member
this is the update i wrote 2 days ago. i'm sorry for the delay
day 79 from spourting - 43 from time switch

Goodmorning everyone!

the plants are all very well except the san fernando lemon kush 2 which shows signs of overfert: the tallest leaves tend to yellow and some have brown spots such as those due to calcium deficiency. the situation does not seem particularly serious to me since the leaves do not claw, but I still decided that for a while I will water it only with boost and zym. her sister is fine, I think that part of the cause of these signs is the fact that it is the plant closest to the lamp. photos taken this morning as soon as the light came on.

like last times the two cream caramels are on the right, the san fernando lemon kushes on the left and the sweet amnesia hazes in the middle





a random cream caramel 1 flower



horse mouth

Active member

random cream caramel 2 flower


random sweet amnesia haze 1 flower


random sweet amnesia haze 2 flower


random san fernado lemon kush 1 flower


random san fernado lemon kush 2 flower


since all the plants except the san fernando lemon kush 2 have leaves a little too dark to me, I lowered the dose of flores from 7 ml / l to 4 ml / l.
now they drink:4 ml/l flores, 1 ml/l pk13/14, 2,5 ml/l zym, 4 ml/l boost e 0,5 ml/l calmag. the san fernado lemon kush 2 ,as written before, drinks only 2,5 ml/l zym and 4ml/l boost.

that's all for today, as always advice, criticisms, opinions, questions and insults are welcome and encouraged

take care

horse mouth

Active member
hi bibi and crowmax! thanks a lot!
i am already enjoing them so much

here the yesterday update. sorry again for the delay, but i'm a bit busy these days

day 85 from spourting - 49 from time switch

Hello everyone! here we are again with the usual weekly appointment

the plants look very good and it is a real pleasure to look at them. the problem on san fernando lemon kush showing signs of too much pk seems to have stopped. the last irrigation received some flores again.
the scent has become so strong that I enter the grow box as little as possible. I still find it hard to identify the scent of cream caramels, but for now I would call it sweet. sweet amnesia hazes remind me a lot of the haze I smoked in the past, "1" tends more to lemon and "2" towards incense , but the smell is still similar. both san fernando lemon kush have a scent that immediately reminds me of concentrated lemon dish detergent, I really hope they keep (/ that I'll be able to keep) this aroma even after months in the jar.
to change a bit, today I took the photos with the lamp at minimum and the flash on. let me know how it looks better, I can never make decide myself

like last times the two cream caramel are on the right, the san fernando lemon kush on the left and the sweet amnesia haze in the middle





a random cream caramel 1 flower



horse mouth

Active member

a random cream caramel 2 flower


a random sweet amnesia haze 1 flower


a random sweet amnesia haze 2 flower


a random san fernando lemon kush 1 flower


a random san fernando lemon kush 2 flower


the diet is almost unchanged, I only added 1 ml / l of pk. so it is composed of: 4 ml / l flores, 2 ml / l pk13 / 14, 2.5 ml / l zym, 4 ml / l boost and 0 , 5 ml / l calmag. san fernado lemon kush 2 continues with the personalized diet, but now takes the same fertilizers as the others except pk and calmag.

that's all for today, as always advice, criticisms, opinions, questions and insults are welcome and encouraged

take care


Well-known member
Grow is looking great!😀
It's hard to keep every strain happy!
Yield looks its gonna be very good!