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Gettin mah grind on..

fat jesus

New member
wow, haha, i had the exact same grinder but i got in for $50 in arizona...fuckin huge grinder, and the kief screen was amazing. after grinding an ounce of some shit we got from cali, we had so much kief and we just kept layering it in with bowls. it was a week of retardation.

unforutnately, the cops took my grinder a couple weeks ago :(


ahh, lol, quit reminding me about how much I got taxed on this thing! Oh well, live and learn I guess. At least I went in on it with a friend, so I didnt have to drop the full $80.


Nice bro, I have a much smaller one, maybe I'll post pics later too high right now and waiting for pizza mmmmm....pizza.....
diggle said:
One thing I've gotten a lot of (basically free) kief from is leaves. If you've got any quantity of some real frosty bud, chances are you've got a few grams of real frosty leaves.
Grind 'em up as fine as you can and shake the shit out of that grinder (BUT DO NOT PRESS ON THE SCREEN), the material will go from visibly frosty to a dull lettuce-like green as the trichs fall through your screen and then viola....instead of a few grams of leaf material you've got a fat mound of frostiness.

Could one use the leaves for making bubble hash instead of using a keif grinder? I'm new to this, Isn't that how you make bubble hash with the leaves? Also, does anyone know if using a keif catching grinder would reduce the potency of the bud you smoke since it wont have the keif in it?


You could definitely use bubble bags.. thats probably the most efficient way to deal with a bunch of frosty trim.

And the grinder doesnt really knock off any more crystals than you would normally knock off. The ground up herb is definitely still frosty..

It just collects the crystals that fall off instead of them just falling onto the table/ground/whatever youre breaking up the bud on.


Can anybody could make some pics (or even better-drawings) with details of grinder for me ?
I would like to do one for myself.
$55 its to much for me, besides I love making smoke equipment for myslef
PS: sorry about my English-I'm still learning
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Cannabrex Formulator
diggle said:
Buckets....I swear the guy sits around in a bathing suit all day and pretends he's at the beach....


Yeah, I guess one could make a sand castle outen that pile.......hee hee hee.

That lot is from 2 yrs ago, and is long gone and consumed, but note the soda can hiding behind it.......and let's see who kin guess the weight of the pile.....
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Quarter pound? 6 ounces?

EDIT: Im gonna have to say over a half pound.. I just saw a half oz of yay the other day, so thats what Im using as comparison.

new grinder, btw.. i was gonna post pics of the kief I have collected, buuuuut, theres no real need to embarass myself now is there?
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Active member
I have been smoking some 30 years this October. I just got myself a grinder last January. I absolutely do not understand why I had never had one before.

They are the schiznit to be sure. I do bongs and with with my trusty magnetic 2 incher w/o kief screen I get the perfect grind everytime.

I love it.

I also love to blend my herbs to get specialized highs whne I have a variety at hand.

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yeah damn, I took a look at that and was like no way.. thats WAY over half a pound.

i dont even know what Id do if I had that much kief..


Cannabrex Formulator
sMack-CFS! said:
yeah damn, I took a look at that and was like no way.. thats WAY over half a pound.

i dont even know what Id do if I had that much kief..

Well, made into Cannabrex cappies, that pile lasted me about a year. It would gone way faster if I had smoked it......

Nice to have the whole year's stash in the fridge, let me tell ya.

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