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Get well Quickly annac!!



Late again....Well wishes to you annac as we suffer together from the Hep C. Keep your diet balanced and Do Not let this regulate who you are (I know you won't but I used to so I had to say it). I will chant and meditate in my garden hoping the best for you in this time of Grey Areas. You're a bold man to even submit yourself to the Feron treatments as these are no walk in the park. As others have said PM me if you need anything. We don't have much but we will share what we do have. Peace Herb


Hello Everyone. :wave:
God bless each and everyone of you for all your fantastic well wishes, prayers, chants and all the positive vibes you have sent this way. It is working. I might be leaning a little now and I may trip and stumble but I can never fall as long as I have your outreached arms. The sickness has taught me many things about myself and about my friends and there is not a warmer blanket on the planet than the warmth I feel from the members here at IC Mag.

Love to ALL
MindBoggled maybe... but never down


You are very poetical Annac, with a marvelous wonderful way with words.
I am so pleased you are feeling better.


Annac a couple of your girls heard me talking and wanted to say hi and have a speedy recovery my friend...
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Active member
although i do not know your face i will direct my prayers to your girls who will convey the healing energies....here's to your health once again! :friends:

(now lets see if my energies cause hurricanefaniam's plants to have a growth spurt...)

-kind regards from gp :wave: (sorry i could not resist another post.....get well soon!)


Thank you Ronley & Babbabud:wave::friends: you are to Kind.:joint:

hello TT...:wave::friends:
Tonyton said:
W e L come Baack, Welcome back, welcome back, W e L come Back!
Dear Mr.Kotter
will you please excuse annac for the hollidays as he is sick and is having a holliday pitty party.
Epstein's Mother.:D
welcome to our holliday pitty party

Hello hurricanefaniam.:wave::friends:
thank you for the virtual card. There is not a better gift than something that comes from the heart. :friends::joint:

Thank you again EVERYONE.
I am doing better every day. I am using the ole mind over matter technique.......I don't mind and it don't matter:D. so.... we are heading back up the mountain and hopefully I won't fall off the turnip truck on the way back up. Mrs annac said it happened once before but she was wrong, It was the Yam wagon:yoinks::bat::woohoo:

happy Hollidays. Peace and Goodwill to ALL Mankind.


Active member
Annac!!!...jezz I had no idea!!...hope all is well my friend...light and love and Aloha your way !!..i still have those killer beans waiting for the right time to pop.....

Life is such a trial...lucky there is kind loving hearts like yours around to spread the Positive light...



this man has a hart of gold ,things will get better and better for you annac i just no it will .thanks for being a great friend bro....


All the best from my side annac!

See you around the forums..

Peace and love,
Agnes :joint:


Active member
ride that yam wagon 'til the wheels fall off!!!!

someone is definately looking out for you and that person is.....a guineapig :friends:!!!
every day remember to meditate when you wake up in the morning on what you wish to accomplish for that day and then right before you go to sleep count your blessings.

Courage will see you through my friend :friends:!!!

-kind regards from yer pal in perpetuity.....the guineapig :wave: