Dont blame the lawmakers, that state is the way it is because its citizens let it fail, the lawmakers are only doing what they can get away with. To all the people that still live there, get smart and get out, it's the only way for it to change. I left, and will never look back.
Its only ok to practice bestiality... you get 4 offences before the judge gets pissed in Oklahoma.
If you have sex with children that also is o.k. You get off for good behavior. Half fine if she is
Christian Conservative Republicans have really fucked OK bad Bible thumping idiots! OK is 68% Republican wow. OK will never dig themselves out of that Republican shythole, excuse my language but I have read stuff like this over recent years and it pisses me off.
OK used to be such a cool state regarding MJ in the 70's anything less than a once was legal.
I have 2 cousins who were busted right there in Edmond OK for smoking in their own house because some ahzhole neighbor called the cops when they smelled it and because their little brother, 12, was in the house while early 20s brothers were smoking in the garage, that enhanced the charge, they are doing Big House time because of 5 grams of pot, wow.
I absolutely hate Republicans, in fact every Republican friend I had I cut off and I get phone calls and email from them to go to NBA and NFL games to hang out but I will never tell them why I don't hang with them, I'm just trying to fade away and what so ironic they are smokers.
I take sides, you can't be my friend if you vote or sympathized with Republicans, these zealots have to be marginalized yet OK put these people in power. They claim they want small government but really they want to use government to control peoples lives, use it to intrude on their privacy and use it to entrench oligarchs, corporations and push their religious views on the rest of society. I am so disgusted with Republicans and to think I have voted that way from time to time. I'm straight ticket Democrat I don't bother to check who I am voting for because any Democrat is better than any Republican or Libertarian who side with Republicans.
Ron Paul is a racist, bigot and want to make it easier for oligarchs and corps to completely run our lives, no safety net of any kind he wants a peasant class like the rest of the Republicans. He said he would not have voted for the Civil or Voting Rights Acts in the 60's and says that business establishments should have the right to discriminate based on race, so if you are black "you can't be served here", wow. He believes in State Rights, anytime you hear that you can bet it is a racist or who is ignorant of US history.
Republicans are very tribal, a 3 leg stool, rednecks, christian conservatives who are useful fools for plutocrats and they will always put party before common sense, before country, its all about entrenching themselves in power.
theres a movie called "leaves of grass" or something like that...stars edward norton hes a grower in oklahoma. has a good quote about that state in there something like most people who live there want to leave and dont come back by choice lol...
sounds like some primitive backwards ass shit...fuck any state that has laws like that. i guess they are fine with incest, rape, and sexual slavery fucking morons!