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get caught making hash in oklahoma; go to prison for life...

rapists and murderers need to watch out, there's about to be an influx of highly dangerous hash cookers on their block...

Oklahoma lawmakers approve life sentence for cooking hashish
A bill that mandates a sentence of up to life in prison for converting marijuana or marijuana oil into hashish is heading to Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin's (R) desk after being passed by the state Legislature on Monday.

House Bill 1798 makes the conviction of a first time offense of manufacturing hashish a felony with a prison mandatory minimum sentence of two years and a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Hashish is made by compressing and heating glandular hairs from marijuana plants known as "kief." Chemical solvents can also be used to extract the psychoactive components of the marijuana plant, resulting in hash oil.

Under a second offense, sentences would be doubled and those convicted would be unable to receive a suspended sentence or probation.


Active member
They are just parading their ignorance right down the middle of the street in Oklahoma

Graham Purwatt

jeez,sounds kind of like florida.that is the most ignorant thing i've heard of today....so far


Green is Gold
Um did you see the last line in the article?

"Under current Oklahoma law, being convicted of cultivating or selling marijuana can result in sentence of up to life in prison. In February, 25-year-old Oklahoma mother of four was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a $31 marijuana sale."

That's even worse! Fuck OK forreal!
Um did you see the last line in the article?

"Under current Oklahoma law, being convicted of cultivating or selling marijuana can result in sentence of up to life in prison. In February, 25-year-old Oklahoma mother of four was sentenced to 10 years in prison for a $31 marijuana sale."

That's even worse! Fuck OK forreal!

Yeah I agree...who the FUCK sells $31 of weed?


repost . nothign worthwhile in ok anyway so dont visit. whats the penalty for crack ? death sentance?

How did that line in 'Officer and a Gentleman' go?

Nothing but steers and queers in Oklahoma boy, which one are you?



M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
firstly, i'm not sure how u make hash from oil. and if u could, that would probably be some GARBAGE

secondly, LOL @ people who don't understand how things work going and trying to tell others how to do things.... clearly this is illustrated by the notion that oil can b turned back into hash...

i've said it once, i'll say it again..... FUCK THE MEDICAL MJ PROGRAMS

full legalization or no thanks.


Active member
And our President, the toker, supports these laws?
It's sickening to read this kind of crap.
When will the madness end?


Feeling good is good enough.
That's Oklafuckinghoma for you!

The only reason Texas doesn't fall into the Golf of Mexico is because Oklahoma SUCKS so much!

I lived there for 3 years (Ft. Sill) and its a piece of arid shitty land with fitting ignorant hicks to go.

Sorry if you were born there, NOT your fault.


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