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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.

Get baked and tear around the city on ma bike time!


Did a nice 26 miles on the local bike path yesterday another 12 miles and i'll be able to peruse the nearest hydro shop.


I have a Haro and an older Cannondale Scalpel that was left to me by a friend that died. Don't ride enough, like to hike too.

Mud Boy, they'd find me parked and sleeping in it!


Active member
last time I tore it up around the city I got pulled over. charged with ,driving on sidewalk ,wearing headphones, unregistered bike ,open container, failure to obey cops or such shit. had to go to court . it was embarrassing. judge dismissed it all. now I don't ride like I stole it LOL my aluminum full supension mountain bike sits mostly now
Cracked my skull something fierce last week - ambulance trip, 24 hours of observation, lots of road rash, the works. I bought a cool helmet from nutcase today LOLz. Stay safe kids!


Currently I'm ridding a Huffy since I killed my trek 830 and didn't want to cough up the bucks for a new one (it was deemed unfixable). Huffy does what I need it to though so it ain't all bad. Huffys get no love from us cyclists.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I used to get off my waiter shift, go home, get baked, put on my walkman, and ride all over Chicago on a 3 speed Huffy. Loved that bike.