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German Border Police



They got me within a couple minutes after crossing over the border on A3. I know the German Border Police have a job to do, they don't want illegals, Weapons and Hard drugs entering Germany, unfortunately peaceful guys like ourselves are caught in the crossfire as we are also targeted in this failed war on cannabis. I am not upset I was stopped, I am not even upset they searched me, I am upset that they couldn't even put my car back together when they were done searching. Now if they would have found my beans then it would have been a whole different story. I would be very upset. My car would have been taken, I would have went to jail, Huge fines and penalties, criminal records, all over some seeds. Get real I say!

If you read this post you will see that I do understand they have a job to do, and you will also see that I am very thankful that I was not busted. I said i was upset because they took out the back seat of my car and other parts of my vehicle and they didnt even put it back the way it was, that is a dick move to tear someones car apart and not put it back the way it was.

I also said that if I had been caught I would have been very upset and I do know that is the risk that we all take. But I think anyone caught with seeds or bud would be upset? I am not bashing on the police here, please read the entire thread before making a statement.


Well-known member
I do understand they have a job to do, and you will also see that I am very thankful that I was not busted. I said i was upset because they took out the back seat of my car and other parts of my vehicle and they didnt even put it back the way it was, that is a dick move to tear someones car apart and not put it back the way it was.
yeah man, totally got that.
you know what? when they raid your house/flat with a varrant... and search the f'ck out of it... they still don't have to clean/tidy up afterwards.
same with the car i guess.


yeah man, totally got that.
you know what? when they raid your house/flat with a varrant... and search the f'ck out of it... they still don't have to clean/tidy up afterwards.
same with the car i guess.

Ya brother its fucked up. Live and learn I guess. I am sure this wont be the last time I run into LEO's


yeah man, totally got that.
you know what? when they raid your house/flat with a varrant... and search the f'ck out of it... they still don't have to clean/tidy up afterwards.
same with the car i guess.

very true .. they literally can trash your whole flat / house and not clean up one little piece of it ... thats germany :)


I am American and therefore not familiar with the details of the German Laws, but from what I hear, you cant refuse a vehicle search. If I am wrong someone please let me know.


High Class Grass
I am American and therefore not familiar with the details of the German Laws, but from what I hear, you cant refuse a vehicle search. If I am wrong someone please let me know.

This is taken from the Fusion Festival site..i go there each summer, and the past few years the police have been increasing aggresive in their search for drugs...so the festival management sent out this nifty lil reminder:

What the Police can do – and what they cannot do.

In Germany the Police can stop your car for traffic control at any given time, anywhere and without any specific reason. The law states that either your car’s technical condition (traffic safety) or the driver’s physical condition is the focus of a Police traffic check. To be up to traffic safety standards, cars registered in Germany need a valid vehicle inspection sticker (TÜV sticker) on their license plate. If your car is registered in any other country, it will certainly help if you have some kind of written proof of your car’s last technical inspection, even if it’s not translated to German... Also, you must have a warning triangle and a first-aid box on board.

This is the formalities. We expect the Police to be much more interested in the driver’s physical condition than in your first-aid box... That’s why they will ask you / the driver if she/he consumed alcohol or any kind of drugs. --> No matter what, we highly recommend to answer this question with NO!

Depending on their judgement of the situation, they will then ask the driver if he/she is OK with an alcohol or drug test. In principle, in German law such tests are 100% voluntary – so please feel free to refuse them.
Especially with those express-tests (like urine, sweat & saliva), we strongly advice you on not doing them voluntarily because they are not very reliable.
NOTE: They cannot legally force you to do any test if you refuse to do so!
What's next?
If you refuse the express-tests, the Police will want to take you to the local Police station in Röbel to take a blood sample. Do not give up! If the Police really insists on a blood sample, there are two legal rules they must follow:

  • Only an official certified doctor can take your blood sample.
  • Before he/she can take your blood sample, the doctor must present to you an Order of Judge (Richterliche Anordnung) issued by a judge or the Public Attorney (Staatsanwaltschaft).
Do not let them take a blood sample without this Order of Judge. Do not sign anything (for example to do it without Order of Judge...). Only if the Police can present this Order of Judge (Richterliche Anordnung) to you, they are legally allowed to take you to the Police station or to the nearest hospital to take a blood sample.

Furthermore, the Police can only order taking a blood sample if they have enough reason to believe you consumed drugs. They have to actually call a judge or public attorney (Staatsanwalt) on the spot and tell her/him their reasons – based on your behaviour, your statements and the results of any voluntary express test – for taking a blood sample.

During Fusion festival time, we expect the local Police to have a judge and a certified doctor present at the local Police station in Röbel. However, it’s hard to say to what extent they’re prepared if many of you refuse the express tests. If they are not prepared for mass refusals of express tests, it may be a good idea to take a chance and see if they insist on really taking your blood sample or not...
Police action is even more questionable when the Police wants to search other people in your car. While it’s obvious that the driver may be guilty of a criminal offence (driving under the influence of drugs), there’s legally really nothing wrong with drunk (or otherwise intoxicated) people in your car.

The consumption of drugs is legal in Germany! Only possessing, buying or manufacturing of drugs is illegal. That’s why a blood test of other people in your car is illegal. Don't let them fool you!

It’s also possible that the Police wants to search you or your car. This is only legal if anybody in your car is suspected of any illegal action. The condition for the Police is that anybody in your car has either committed a criminal offence or is preparing to commit one. They must have enough reason to believe so. Unfortunately, the Police can have "enough reason to believe" from nothing else but having merely visited Fusion festival. We highly doubt this, but unfortunately that's Police practise.
Here are some basic rules for dealing with the Police:
  • If asked by the Police, you should have some kind of valid document (passport, ID card, driver’s license) with your full name and date of birth.
  • Remain calm and polite at all times.
  • Make no statement other than full name, date of birth, address.
  • Never sign anything.
  • Refuse any examination of your body (tests, blood sample, whatever) – be polite but certain. Also refuse the search of your body and make it clear that you do not permit the Police to search your car – be polite but certain.
  • If the Police insists on a body search, ask for their legal grounds (Rechtsgrundlage) to do so. Ask them which why they believe that you may have committed any criminal offence.
  • Do not think the Police is always right! There are Police officers who play a bluff on you. They will always try to make you do the express-tests.
  • If you think the Police officer’s behavior is inappropriate or even illegal, you should request her/his name, personal registration number (Dienstnummer) and Police station in writing. This will help if you later decide to take legal action against him/her.
We wish you a pleasant and safe journey!
Stay clean, stay rebel.

taken from here:

Stay Safe


Active member
very good post GDK!

but one thing needs to be added:
near the border they have special authority to search you/your car without a reason, same around stations and "areas with more crime than usual" which seems very elastic to me... :/

and never try to "impress" them with how much you know about your rights and so on...may work in some cases, but for most cops that will make you even more interesting..
be passive but friendly, don't do the tests (but better tell you "can't" in case of urine testing and not "i know i don't have to...").

have a clean car with no damage, empty ashtray, not look like a typical stoner and not cross a border from a country with more liberal druglaws and it is pretty chill in germany ;)


Im glad my recent drive through Germany was peacefull.
We smoked hash all the way to East germany and back from UK.
Next time i will definatly be more sensible,carefull and vigilant..
Thank you for the info GDK !!


Well-known member
This is taken from the Fusion Festival site..i go there each summer, and the past few years the police have been increasing aggresive in their search for drugs...

Hey GDK,

good idea posting this text!
this is true, police is getting more and more crazy around this festival^^

By the way, you haven´t been around in your fusion festival thread this year...?!???


Antoine Mack

Cannasseur extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
but one thing needs to be added:
near the border they have special authority to search you/your car without a reason, same around stations and "areas with more crime than usual" which seems very elastic to me... :/

an der grenze hat man's ja auch nicht mit der normalen polizei zu tun,
sondern mit dem zoll, der bundespolizei und manchmal auch der
kripo (kein plan, was die da zu suchen haben, kam aber schonmal vor).
und die kontrollieren einen ja auch nicht im rahmen einer allgemeinen
verkehrs-/grenzkontrolle, wie die polizei.



High Grade Specialist
Good text!

It should also be noted that they will do the blood test if they suspect youre under the influence and they WILL get the permission from the judge. The text linked here makes it sound like its tough to get a permission for the blood tests but police and judges work hand in hand so its a mere formality. Theoretically they need a reasonable suspicion but in police practice they can pull something out of thin air (stichwort kriminalistische erfahrung / criminalistic experience) and the judge will give his blessing.

Even if you are stone cold sober and they take your blood there is not much you can do about it. You can file a complaint afterwards (Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde) but noone will give a shit about it.

The text says you should note down the badge numbers for legal actions later. WEll good luck with that! These guys know what they are doing and they are within the law with their actions (its not illegal for a policeman to lie and cheat to get you to comply with what he wants!).


..Rasta Hairs , Red eyes and inside the car smoke so thick you could cut into pieces :laughing:
Lol, thats what i imagined, too. Like my one colleague; black, rastas, wears jewelry in rasta colours, like straight out Jamaica...then whines when he gets frisked regularly. :biggrin:


Well-known member
german border police are the worst i have seen, they keeped us 3hours in an airport just because i had fancy wear...
they found trichoderma from humboldt they tough it was cocaine... LOL even when the test say no they still think it was...so funny !!!