Last week i flushed (on sundays, i always flush it)I don’t think deficiencies are the problem, but too much input. Back off nutes until you see a positive change. High humidity will make things difficult.
yes, i have a LOT of runoff. And My runoff is almost like my EC of input ... 2.0 ! About the flora caps ... i just have 4, of my old grow!I tried those floracaps and it was not good. Some spots were dry under the cap. 100ml each watering is low from my point of view. I grow in coco 3 gallon (12 litre) and i was watering 4 x 400ml.
Do you get runoff? Have you measured EC at runoff? Salt could be building up.
Watering Coco - How to Water Cannabis Plants in Coco Coir - Coco For Cannabis
Coco Watering Guide. How to water cannabis in coco for maximum growth. Includes guidelines for coco watering frequency and a coco watering