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Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I'm sure you know where the door is then, don't let it hit you in the ass!
no i dont know where the door is, im sorry for you analphabet...maybe you think doors of perception and then its another thing hehe... so you cant just even write question like: why should we buy opium from those talibs in Afghanistan? to support them so they can buy more guns hm? support them? what!

this threa is wannabe about genetics, its political as hell, politics of muslims...dea is our problem, and no muslim has right to critsize it imo...they critisize others, but never muslims...its our right to critisize it, our freedom, they have no freeom like that.. i just laugh off you all...and mriko is muslim if i know...

p.s. im proud our troops fight them in Afghanistan...long live to Israel!
Do some research,, the term Mujahideen may mean different things,, in different places.. to different ppl.

hey doc, man i answered it, but they deleted it...well what freedom mriko like mujaheed like muslim fight for? i say no freedom for real muslim, muslim means inferior, subordinated to God...can somebod who is free or wants freedom be inferior from birth to death? and that God means for them no nature for example like for me...but what is written in Koran, in book...so we cant even talk about freedom in God..:wave: like i said(it was deleted) this our canna-community with WILL to be free could never exist in any islamic system...

Mr. Lovebuzzed

Active member
hey i read it and i dont agree with posts of KALI´s kollie, but racist comments? if i know racism is "the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, although anyone may be discriminated against on an ethnic or cultural basis, independently of their somatic differences." so where is it? that racism?

from this point the above post seems to me bit arrogant... so if you administrator you can call racist anyone you want? thats it?


Ya I don't agree with that, he may have pissed me off a bit but I don't think he deserves to be banned... maybe a stern warning...


Greetings & Love everyone !

Oh my, these are terrible news i read this morning. Some nasty fungus is attacking the Afghan poppy crop, at large scale. Fact is that this thing (if Fusarium o. it is, which I am 99.99%sure of) doesn't attack only poppies, but also coca or cannabis. No coca there, but lots of our beloved green.
Could that be a man-made attack ? DEA uses it a lot in South America and this could be the latest move in getting the farmers to replace their fields of dope with monsanto seeds (among other things...).

Great danger my friends, cherish you pure afghan seeds and if you know anyone who's serving overthere, make them send you beans ! Just make sure they are labelled with precise origin.

Irie !

Greetings and love mriko. Will be following this thread and topic to see future developments about this sacred plant in one of it's native geographical land. May the plants be strong and come through unscathed, even if being treated without respect.

Big ups for bringing this to our attention.


ICMag Donor
hey i read it and i dont agree with posts of KALI´s kollie, but racist comments? if i know racism is "the belief that race is a primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Racial discrimination typically points out taxonomic differences between different groups of people, although anyone may be discriminated against on an ethnic or cultural basis, independently of their somatic differences." so where is it? that racism?

from this point the above post seems to me bit arrogant... so if you administrator you can call racist anyone you want? thats it?

You must have missed the posts that were deleted. And when someone speaks down to another race I'll proudly refer to them as racist.

Mr. Lovebuzzed

Active member
hi jjscorpio bro, yeah i miss those deleted posts...(but in those two posts i dont see racism or xenophoby, show me it)

i dont want to continue in this, its off topic and not my thing(i dont want to be banned)..i want only to say you have to be mistaken, because islam like religion includes many races, people in Indonesia are muslims and its different race than people in Iran, even some blond swede can convert to islam... so it was maybe religious hate ro something but not racism, be exact please if you say someone is racist thank you...

and i want ask you yet if you think if someone is marxist for example and critisizes values of buddhists, is racist and xenophobic, because in fact he critisizes something whats different, so you imply he speaks down buddhists(hates them) or have fear, is afraid of them(in other words is xenophobic)...thank you again


stone fool
The sky is falling...................... what a load, our seed companies don't give the stuff away, and the afghans ain't got any money dig? I would invite you anti us chaps to plant it in your wazoo.

We will get the fuck out of afghan..........as soon as someone hands over osama, we ain't going away ever till that happens, capiche?

Osama is dead, only reason we are in afghanistan is for natural gas and opium. So in other words the US is there to stay for a very long time.

El Toker

It's not all bad. The opium crop was never going to be used for medical opiates. It was always destined to be skag. In recent years in the UK hard drugs like diamorphine and coccaine have become cheaper than cannabis, cheaper than alcohol. I'm not unhappy to see these drugs become a little less available.

The only cannabis we get from Afghanistan in the UK is resin that is usually so contaminated that it often gives you little more than a headache. The only way to go is green these days.

If it is fusarium that has been engineered to attack cannabis, then that's fine. In about five years time landrace Afghan genetics will carry an inbuilt immunity to fusarium, which will be available to breeders in the West.

From where I'm sat it's win win. I know it sucks for the Afghan's but I can't do anything about that and from what I can gather life has always sucked for the Afghans.

El Toker

We will get the fuck out of afghan..........as soon as someone hands over osama, we ain't going away ever till that happens, capiche?
It's easy to talk tough when you're relying on other people to lay down their lives to back it up. With 4 British marines dead in as many days fighting this pointless war, a lot of people in the UK "capiche".

If they haven't found Osama whose 6'5" and needs twice weekly renal dialysis, in a country like Afghanistan, in ten years, I think it's safe to assume that he's not there any more.

They might have more luck in Saudi, were all the 9/11 hijackers came from, where Bin Laden came from and the source of most of the money behind Islamic Terrorism comes from. But they are "friends" of the US government aren't they.

I think that you're right though, the US is going to be there for a long time, and by the time the last troops come home from protecting the oil pipeline, most of them will probably have never heard of Osama Bin Laden. It was never really about him.

The Revolution

Active member
Time for a green revolution?

I agree :)

You blame monsanto? My first thought was Supply and Demand. They are shorting to supply to drive prices UP! This is just an Assumption, but they have a major control over the drug trade. Believe it. Whoever they are, you can discern that yourself. These are my feelings. This is an old story, but history repeats itself. You better believe that.


Not man made IMO. USA is there helping them grow their opium and production has gone through the roof since they been there. I doubt they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.


those ganja fields in afgan vids those soldiers post on youtube make me drooooool like a three legged dog.

supreme bean

Little known fact.In the year prior to US etc ,invasion.Opium production ceased in Afghanistan.Taliban decided it was unholy and told farmers not to grow it.Job done!
Since US invasion.poppy production has increased manyfold.
The US/UN gave us loads of bullshit about how they would eradicate opium production.lol.
Now theres a heroin pandemic in the US etc.Also a general shortage of opium for legit purposes.
whole war seems like a screw-up.