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Gender dysphoria and the trans movement.


we already know you can't transition genetically or wtf ever, you can't change your chromosomes... you can't get working sex organs of the opposite sex.

what's your point?


trans people exist, nobody said they are capable of reproduction or have working sex organs from the sex not written on their birth cert


does it say "has tattoos" on their birth cert? does it say "will enjoy going into a PCP hole" on their birth cert?

you can't be born trans, hence the modifier "TRANS", i hope this helps

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
does it say "has tattoos" on their birth cert? does it say "will enjoy going into a PCP hole" on their birth cert?

you can't be born trans, hence the modifier "TRANS", i hope this helps
You can’t be born transexual? Are you sure? It’s a mental disorder that must start somewhere. You sure people aren’t born with the condition?

It must start young. There are kids claiming they are trans.


i mean you might have a point, but same as being born gay you wouldn't really know until... ya know, like the kid starts talking and playing and learning and growing?

it's too bad none of us here in speakers corner is a expert on trans stuff...

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
i mean you might have a point, but same as being born gay you wouldn't really know until... ya know, like the kid starts talking and playing and learning and growing?

it's too bad none of us is an expert...
It is the same as being gay! Thank you! That’s exactly what trans people are!

Gay people pretending to be the opposite sex.


it's actually not the same, since there can be gay and straight trans and cis, all mixed together or not, maybe even in varying degrees from what i understand.


you can be gay, AND you can be trans, or you can be gay and cis (the kind of gay people you are talking about, cis gay ppl... are not trans. definitionally.).

Jericho Mile

Well-known member
it's actually not the same, since there can be gay and straight trans and cis, all mixed together in varying degrees from what i understand.


you can be gay, AND you can be trans, or you can be gay and cis (the kind of gay people you are talking about, cis gay ppl... are not trans. definitionally.).
Effeminate Males

Masculine Females

That’s all there is. The trans thing is just their delusion. Some have this ailment. Some do not.

It’s not complicated

* what’s up with this cis thing? Is that the cool way to say “natural” ?
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Well-known member
trans people exist, nobody said they are capable of reproduction or have working sex organs from the sex not written on their birth cert

Trans/ cross dresser… call it what you want. It doesn’t mean it’s based on anything factual. If it were, this argument would not exist


Well-known member
i mean you might have a point, but same as being born gay you wouldn't really know until... ya know, like the kid starts talking and playing and learning and growing?

Wait, you didn’t know the champions of the gay / trans community did sexual experiments on babies to determine this ?


Well-known member
it's actually not the same, since there can be gay and straight trans and cis, all mixed together or not, maybe even in varying degrees from what i understand.


you can be gay, AND you can be trans, or you can be gay and cis (the kind of gay people you are talking about, cis gay ppl... are not trans. definitionally.).

Made up categories


Well-known member
they really exist, and they don't claim to be changing their biological sex.

what's fictitious about it?

What percent of the population are true hermaphrodites ? Born that way ? The vast majority of what we have here are people with mental health disorders, electing to become a different sex. Your bias will not allow you to see the lies in that but it’s ok. It’s not worth my energy to try and convince you of anything because this conversation is beyond being open minded.


back years ago, before any trans stuff was even talked about in the mainstream, well before society started accepting them with a bit more open arms... i worked with a person who is trans.

they came in and worked for a few minutes, "boss" (real psycho bitch he was, and i guess he wasn't at the interview? they probably had him color outside when they interviewed i guess), glared and sneered and huffed (it was basically a lot of incredulous derisive scoffing/ snickering, you know... what very stupid ppl do when they don't understand something and they have no control over whether it exists) and...

eventually told the person to go home, boss didn't need him anymore.

i thought that person had started off doing a fine job, and it was clear to me that the reason they were let go was the extreme hostility and hate, so i also quit, luckily i didn't need that shitty job anyway (but also fuck that guy... who would work for such a nitwit?)... but the point of this story isn't to pat my own back...

my point is :::....


this person was clearly a real person, and they were clearly trans... they weren't doing it cause it was a fad, and i think they may have been homeless...

parents of trans kids kick trans kids out (sick cowardly fucks, don't have kids if you have no balls, metaphorically speaking), disown them, they are subject to CRAZY violence that a cis person doesn't have to worry about,

why would they pick that life? have you ever been bullied? imagine times ten, can't walk down the street without worrying about being harrassed just for being your authentic self... fucking insane. why? why would anyone do that to themselves?

"oBjECtIve ReALitY"... that's is the same spirit of 'gay is a choice' and gay conversion therapy bullshit,

trans people exist, it's reality. they have existed PROBABLY since time immemorial, but there is record of trans people or people who are likely trans going back hundreds, or even up to 2 thousand years, iirc.

they factually exist. in reality. objective reality.


What percent of the population are true hermaphrodites ?
no person is a hermaphrodite, that's like worms and stuff man...

do you mean people with intersex traits? chromosomal stuff? (btw, have you had your hormones checked? are you 100% sure you aren't intersex? i'm asking not to be a dick, it's cause from what i understand ppl can feel and look fairly normal and lead normal lives and have no idea their sex chromosomes are abnormal until a test reveals that fact... just a scientific, medical curiosity, nothing personal about you or anyone else here, obviously i don't want anyone to put themself out there if they aren't feeling open about it)

that's a different subject.

transgenderism is different than intersex, although from what i understand they can sometimes overlap as well.

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